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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...




We have come to a conclusion that life is a journey or an adventure. Purpose is the driver, while destiny is the end of the journey of life. In this life, the most important thing is to understand the reason you were given Life. Myles Munroe of blessed memory said the greatest tragedy is not death but life without Purpose. A life without purpose is an aimless life, a merely existing life and life was given to us so we can live it. Today we will be looking on how to live a purpose driven life. 

Firstly, if we want to know how to live a purpose driven life, we must understand that God is the source of every Purpose. In other words, if any man wants to live a Purposeful life, he must fear and serve the originator of all Purpose. The scripture makes us to understand that the fear of God is Wisdom, what is Wisdom? Simply put, Wisdom is the application of the word of God (Job 28:28). So for us to live a Purposeful life, we must always acquire knowledge from the manual God gives to us which is the Bible. The manual will be a guideline for us to live our lives right and not abuse it or misuse it.  Another way to know how to live a purpose driven life is to serve God and the interest of His kingdom. Real purpose focuses on the advancement of God's kingdom on Earth or the betterment of humanity.

Secondly, if we want to know how to live a purpose driven life, we must envision that life and be passionate towards our discovered Purpose. I will paint it in this analogy: Purpose is the driver of life; Vision is the wheel steering of life (it determines the direction of our Purpose); while Passion is the fuel that powers the desire to get to the end of the journey.

Vision emanates from a discovered Purpose that was given by God. Man plans on how to carry out the step and man also develops a passion ( burning desire) to see it fulfilled.

One very important thing we must also understand is that Purpose is a product of value. Every time we make a decision in life, we are filtering that decision through our value grid, whether we are conscious of it or not. Our values influence everything we do. So, we all have values but often times we haven't clarified them.

Where do we get our values from?

We pick them from our friends, books, parents, the music we listen to, from the society in general. Today, one of the ways we pick up our values is through the media especially the social media.The scriptures tell us that the values of the world are very well known and have not changed. So we are going to get our values from one of two places- the world or the word (the Bible), from culture or from Christ. 1John 2:15-16[15]Do not love or cherish the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him.[16]For all that is in the world–the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one's own resources or in the stability of earthly things]–these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself].

The Bible mentions three things here

✓ Pleasure

✓ Possession

✓ Prestige

Romans 12:2[2]Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].

Thus, if you buy into the world's value system, that the ultimate value of life is pleasure, possession and prestige, you will miss God's purpose for your life!

Pleasure doesn't last Heb11:25

Possession doesn't last 1Tim 6:7

Prestige doesn't last Mk10:31.

Solomon had everything yet he drifted from God's purpose. His conclusion? Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity. If you have no purpose in life, none of these things matters.

So what needs to be done


There are three primary aspects to God's purpose for your life.

1. To be God's friend

God made you to love him. Matthew 22:37-38[37]And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect). [Deut. 6:5.][38]This is the great (most important, principal) and first commandment.This is his priority. He says if you don't do anything else in life, you need to learn to know God and love God.You are called to be a part of His family. You are His son or daughter. He wants to love, care, provide for and protect you. He wants to spend time with you. This is our highest purpose or calling and it is to be the foundation for any other "ministry".

✓ To help others

First, you are to be God's friend. He wants a personal relationship with you. Then, God wants you to begin 'doing' His will by helping others. What will be the contribution of my life? In other words, what am I going to do with my God given talents? Ephesians 2:10[10]For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].The Christian life is to be one of 'servanthood'. This is the key to true greatness. A servant sees themselves as 'under' others and seeks to promote and make other people successful (Mark 9:33-37). Jesus was a servant. He came as a servant to serve and to give to his life for us. Jesus told the disciples that they were also called to serve. 'Do as I have done unto you' (John 13:15). 

✓ To influence your world

Mark 16:15. He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.Go into all the world and proclaim the 'good news' about Jesus Christ. The 'world' includes all aspects and places where people live and interact. God put you here to bring a positive change to the world. Eliminate worthless things that don't matter. Stop doing what isn't important so you've got time, money and energy to do the things that count.


The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



Life is a journey. We all are on a journey towards the end of our lives. We will either live a life of purpose, fulfillment and direction or coast through life with no sense of direction at all. The great question therefore is; where are you going? and what are you doing about it?

Purpose has been defined as the reason for which something is done, or the reason it is done in a particular way. More importantly it has been described as an intention. So everyone's life is driven by something. It may be guilt, anger, money, pleasure, parent, worry or fear etc. Whatever it is, it is God's divine plan for us to be purpose driven; driven by his plan and will for our lives.

That's when meaning and significance comes.

God has planned for you before he even planned the world. Which means His purpose for you has been planned even before you were born. So, when your life's purpose is fulfilled, it brings honour to God and satisfaction to yourself.

Our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ was a Purpose driven person. In John 17:4; He said "I have glorified You down here on the earth by completing the work that You gave Me to do". Therefore, if you are a follower of Christ, you want to bring glory to God

How can this be done?

You do this by completing the work God gave you to do according to 2 Timothy 1:9[For it is He] Who delivered and saved us and called us with a calling in itself holy and leading to holiness [to a life of consecration, a vocation of holiness]; [He did it] not because of anything of merit that we have done, but because of and to further His own purpose and grace (unmerited favor) which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began [eternal ages ago].

Life is lived at one of these three levels:

SURVIVAL: This is the first and lowest level of all. Unfortunately most people live at this level. They coast through life. They are not really living. Rather they are merely existing. No wonder someone described a survivor as someone who endures through disaster or hardship. They never have any major goal or drive in life just living everyday as the previous.

The second is

SUCCESS: A lot of people are in the second level. A little higher level called success level. They are entirely focused on living a comfortable life. Neither rich nor poor, neither small nor great. Just average. Yet this level does not satisfy. You are able to provide for your needs but you are not fully fulfilled in what you do.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is the third and highest level. Significance is when you know why you are here on Earth i.e your importance . You know there is a meaning behind your existence and the things that happen in your life. People who enjoy significance know what on Earth they are here for! They know and they move in the direction of that knowledge. They are builders, creative minds, not easily drifted by the purpose of others. There is a motive for whatever it is they do and they strive to achieve results. These kind are said to be fulfilled.

The goal therefore is to not live at the Survival level; but move from Success to Significance.

To be Continued

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



Matthew 15:21-29

The level of one's Faith determines the proceeds we get. The Faith of a man cannot deliver more than it is applied. As men are in sizes, so is our Faith in levels. Earlier this week, we looked at the different levels of Faith. In life, you are only permitted to become what you have believed. If you have not believed, then you cannot receive or claim that which is right for you. There are so many things right for us, but we must first possess them in Faith before they come into existence. This is to tell us that for your seed sown to reap good fruits, it must be done in Faith. Hebrews 11:1 explains what Faith is unto us "Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen". This is Faith! You have not seen the answers to your request, but there is an assurance in your heart that it's settled. You are believing God for somethings, they are not forthcoming; yet you still press on in prayers of Faith. This is the lifestyle of a person who will always get returns on his expectations. Most times, we deny ourselves of our desired breakthrough, when we turn aside or do not hold on to Faith. Your ability to believe and work in the direction of what you have believed is Faith. In the book of the Old Testament 2Kings 7, we see a bad situation in the economy of a nation at that time; everything was not working, things were sore hard for the people. But in the midst of this so great affliction, God sent his word through the mouth of His prophet that there was going to be a turnaround in the city; but there arose a man who dared not to believe that great word from Heaven; He saw the breakthrough but he never partook of it. This is how the devil robs man of his inheritances. Especially for us as believers, there are treasures laid down for us in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, but our lack of Faith and hope will only rob us of them. 

Let us take a look at another such biblical example of a great Faith so desperate enough to receive the blessings. The anchor passage in Matthew tells us about the story of this Canaanite woman whose daughter had been grievously vexed with the devil. She came unto Jesus to seek for the healing of her daughter. Remember in the Old Testament, the Canaanites were no friends of the Israelites by virtue of the instructions God gave unto them. But this woman of Canaan must have heard the testimonies of the great miracles Jesus had performed, so when she heard of his whereabout, the Bible made us understand she came out of the coasts, crying- a cry of mercy. But Jesus would not even look at her; he did not answer this woman a word. But the Faith in this woman kept pushing and pushing to the extent that the disciples had to return to Jesus saying Send her away, for she crieth after us!. By revelation, "sending her away" would actually mean give her what she wants and let her go her way; hence Jesus's response, "I am not sent but to the lost sheep of Israel". But this woman would not agree. Faith does not agree with obstacles; Faith rises above hindrances. This woman kept on in Faith. From scriptures, we see she came with another tactic. Verse 25 "then she came and worshipped him, saying, Lord,help me". Still Jesus wouldn't give her what she wanted, but with her daughter still grievously ill, she persevered, now demanding in Faith, her desired miracle. Faith continues against all odds; against all forms of adversities. According to Jesus, it was not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. But this woman desperately tried in Faith declared "Truth, Lord: yet, the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table". Kai! Jesus could not resist that word of Faith. The scripture made us understand this time, he now spoke unto her; O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole that very hour. 

Our Faith is mandated to produce our desired results when we continue steadfastly, desperately, persevering as the Canaanite woman did; unrelenting. It is not looking like it's  forthcoming; it's time to increase the tempo of your Faith, to activate that great and desperate Faith. Remember, God will always answer as long as we make it a duty to call unto Him in Faith. Your desperate cry procures desperate answers to your requests. Until Faith is activated, the proceeds of our expectations cannot be seen.



Building manhood...



Mark 5:24-34, Luke 8:43-48

This story in the Bible is one so taught in our Christian gatherings, but this week we will look into understanding what it means to be desperate when it comes to our Faith. According to God's word, we understand that Faith in God is what produces our desired results (Acts 3:16, Matthew 15:27-28, Mark 10:52). The ability to believe every spoken or written word in the scripture determines how far what we can get from it. Yes, the Bible says the truth shall set  you free but it's not just the truth that sets free, but you believing this truth is what sets free. Mark 9:23 "If thou canst believe, all things are possible unto him that believeth". This passage didn't say all things are possible to him that knows the truth. Luke 1:45 also states "blessed is she that believeth for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her of the LORD".

From scripture, we also see that God gave all power to Jesus and by so doing He had power to heal the sick, raise the dead, deliver the afflicted, and so on but at every point He performed those miracles, He would always utter the word of Faith, "arise, take thy bed, thy Faith hath made thee whole..."  This tells us the importance of Faith in the life of any believer. However, we must understand that Faith is in levels; there is the level of little faith, great Faith, very great Faith and desperate Faith. The latter is what we see in the woman with the issue of blood. This is the operation of a DESPERATE faith. In Mark 5, we understand that this woman has been afflicted 12 years with a bleeding disease, she had lost money and other possessions to the disease all to no avail. For twelve good years, she had been to places after places, institutions after institutions still no sign of a miracle. But according to scriptures, we see she never got tired, she was never weary. Despite how worse she got, she continued to press in the direction of her desired healing. This is the attitude of someone who is desperate, and this nature of Faith is very vital to us as believers. FAITH does not tire easily, it is relentless. it is long suffering. Faith does not look at the impossibilities around but focuses on the capacity of God to perform. Even when it looks like there are all odds around, but Faith is able to sail through the storm. 

You may now wonder why some people who have Faith just tend to give up when they are faced with difficult situations. The answer is simple, there is a Faith that is little, there is a Faith that is great, there is another exceedingly great and there is another desperate. Depending on the level of your faith, this is what determines your results. Ordinary Faith will yield ordinary results, exceeding Faith will yield exceeding results. It is now up to every believer who wants to yield good returns to sow good seeds, i.e grow our Faith.

Faith does not look at seeming challenges. Apart from the challenge of profuse bleeding, the woman with the issue of blood was also faced with the challenge of the multitudes. According to scriptures, there was a great crowd together with Jesus. This woman's Faith did not consider how large they were in number, what she saw was her healing and she took it by Faith "if I may but just touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole". 

If we will just say, regardless of whatever conditions we find ourselves, if I may just touch Jesus, just believe him concerning this situation I am going through, just trust in His capacity and not mine, just lean on His strength and not look at your weakness, just believe the words He has said and not those voices in your head, you will be made whole.



Building manhood...