From our previous articles, we were made to understand that the eye of destiny is FAITH and the blind spot of destiny is FEAR. Today, we will look into the concept of Fear as it relates to a man's destiny. To start with FEAR has been described as False Evidences Appearing Real. Fear is the false evidence or simply put the opposite of faith. It is however noteworthy that every man has fear in him. This is what makes him a man. Your ability to know that certain acts are dangerous and fear to do them is infact not the "Fear" we are discussing. There is an entity called the Spirit of Fear which is the opposite of Faith; and this is what is dangerous to the fulfilment of a man's destiny. 2Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of love, power and a sound mind".
According to a journal which I came across some weeks ago regarding the Blind spot. It was stated that we often times show blindspots when we allow our emotions and thoughts (usually unconscious) to influence or result in behavior harmful to us or to others. Blindspot can refer to the way an individual thinks more or focuses more on his weakness rather than his strength. The truth is as man, we all have our weaknesses and also our strengths. When we focus more on our weakness, we become a victim of fear and this results in us being timid just like the story of the girl we looked at in the previous articles. The day you recognize your strength and focus on it is the day you will stop being timid and start to become bold.
Man is a tripartite being, i.e he is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in a body. The most important part of a man's life is his soul. Anyone that can control your soul can determine your future. Whatever you allow control your soul will control how the events of your life unfold. If God is the one controlling, then he can determine the happenings of your life and also your future, likewise if it's d devil, the same can also be said.
The soul of man is the seat of power. It is made up of your will, your mind(heart) and your emotions. Who you are is a function of this part of you.
Faith grows in the mind of man when we continue to feed it with the right words or truth from the Creator's manual(Bible). In the same vein, Fear also grows when we allow our emotions to control our life or when we refuse to feed our mind with the truth. The natural man as have been described was made a fearful being after the fall in the Garden of Eden. No matter how bold a man can get, there will still be an iota of fear in him. But this man can choose to either accept or reject the fear. Whenever this fear is allowed to dominate him, he becomes timid and fearful. Whenever it is not allowed, man dominates.
If the devil want to attack any human being, he first creates fear in him. One weapon he uses even against the children of God. If as a man, you allow this fear to dominate your life, then one becomes a victim of his fear.
Every man that wants to get to his predetermined end which God has ordained for him must be aware of fear. Fear kills destiny while faith sees the destiny and secures this destiny.
Finally, focus more on what you can do rather than what you cannot do and the goodnews is this - "You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you". Focus more on Christ and see you achieving your glorious destiny in grand style.Amen
Thank you
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood