There is a leadership seed in every man, God planted it first in Adam when he said "have Dominion. Wherever you go, no matter how small the community or group might seem you will always find men who have dedicated themselves to helping others and coordinating the activities of those around them.leadership is a trait we exhibit even without knowing what it fully means. It is a natural instinct in man, we have the drive to take charge, to influence and make impact.
Leaders are pacesetters in groups, communities, organization and various institution.Leadership itself can be hard to define and it means different things to different people.
From the various definitions over the years I've discovered it is mainly an intersection of influence, purpose, service, inspiration, motivation, illumination, transformation and exchange of vision and values between leaders and followers.
Myles Munroe author of 70 bestselling books said it took him forty years to come up with his own definition.
He defined leadership has the capacity to influence others through inspiration, motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose
That definition sums up the core characteristics of a genuine leader. You see, leadership is abstract if you don't know where you're going, purpose discovery is very important so you won't end up running around in circles. Know your place,find your niche and become competent and valuable in that area.
There are various types of leadership classifications, one of the largely accepted models is the one I call TRIMM. Which groups leaders into:
Transformational leaders. They transorm followers into leaders and leaders into change agents.
Relational leaders: They adopt a friendship leadership style and win the hearts of men.
Inspirational leaders: An inspirational leader inspires managerial and relational leaders to become motivational leaders.
Motivational leaders. They have developed the capacity to influence others through their words and display of courage.
Manegerial leaders. They are the ones with title. They have the least influence. People mainly follow them because they have to. They coordinate a small area in an organization.
There are so many ways of categorizing leaders and it is mostly based on the people they are leading. The bible talks about two divides in the book of 2peter 1:3 and that is Life and Godliness and in contemporary times that refers to Secular and Spiritual.
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The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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