Genesis 3:7 “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons”.
Man is a tripartite being i.e. a spirit, soul and body. Man is a spirit being, with a soul and he lives inside a body. These three components make up the entity we call Man. Today, we will be looking at the Mind of man. The mind is one powerful tool and as powerful as it is, it can be a source of man’s defeat if not wielded well, hence the necessity to understand what the mind is and not just the mind but that which is filled with purpose, the purposeful mind. The soul of man can be likened to the seat of the mind, emotions and the will. From the beginning, the Bible makes us understand in Genesis 1:27 that God created man in His own image and not only that; Genesis 2:7 makes us understand that in man was put the breath of life which translated him into a living soul. God is a spirit and as such if we are created in his likeness, we also are spirit beings. The Bible makes us to understand that “as He is in the heavens, so are we here on earth”. Man operated in the likeness of God at creation because there was the Spirit of God residing on his inside. The Soul is synonymous with the Mind; hence both will be used interchangeably.
You must be a spirit being for you to access the things of the Spirit. As the scriptures have said “God is spirit and He that must worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth”. But, the mind is that seat of connection; It’s that adjoining bridge-that which connects your Spirit to your body. Romans 12:2 paraphrased says “but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God”. Let us note carefully as this passage contains all three workings of man and tells us that none is without significance. Until your mind is receptive to your spirit, you cannot manifest. Transformation here has to do with the physical manifestation; through the mind which is the soul and; to prove the Spirit-God is Spirit. This is why Paul preached about the constant renewing of the mind. The seat of the mind is the seat of control, hence it’s important that whatever a man manifest stems from what controls his Mind. The bible says “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”.
The Mind is the most important entity to God and also to the devil. But after the fall of Man. The spirit of God that took control of the man left him, his mind was still opened and the eyes also was still opened. Gen 3vs7 says "and the eyes of them both were opened". Let me explain this verse, the eye and the mind of man was open before the fall, but it was totally controlled by God’s spirit. So after the fall, God’s spirit left, the mind was still opened and the eyes was still opened. At the concluding part of the chapter, we saw that their mind was alive by making Aprons with fig tree. Man’s mind was never meant to be corrupted or polluted by the things of this world. We see in the scriptures in Genesis 1:31 “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good”. We see with our minds, we don’t see with our physical eyes; we see through them, so therefore the eyes took control of the mind, that is, what we see through the physical eyes controls the mind and the mind interpret it and controls the man. Proverb 23 vs 7 says as the man think so is he. The law of meditation show us that everything we see is in our mind.
The mind is God’s greatest gift to mankind. We reflect God in terms of the mind; the creative power of God also resides in man’s mind. But the question now should be WHAT CONTROLS OUR MIND.
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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