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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



I have noticed that the problem with most students is not necessarily that they don't study,but there is a tweak in mindset that they need to have to always come out successful in every examination. I hope this article provides you with that tweak in mindset as you read through.

"When you settle for less,you get less than you settle for" -Pastor Sola Olabiyi

My spiritual father once gave me an illustration that when you settle for average in an exam,you just set the highest mark to be that average. Let me explain better. In an exam where the highest attainable mark is 100,when you decide just to get 50 and you'll be fine,you just made 50 your new 100,so with the same energy you could have used to get the 100,you dissipate the energy trying to reach 50, and most often than not,you never reach 50,you actually get 25 or 30,the average of what you set out to get. So when you settle for less,you get less than you settle for. 

I read a book a while ago,titled "An enemy called average" by John Mason, it's a compendium of truths that will combat any mediocre mindset. Before you prepare for the next exam,what about deciding to go for the best in that exam? Take some minutes and have a goal for the exam,don't go into any exam with a neutral mind,a "whatever happens happens" mind. Decide on what you want to happen.

There's a popular quote that says "aim for the stars,so that when you fall,you can land on the moon". I ask myself, why do I even have to fall? You don't need to fall. You can aim for the stars and hit the star,but at least aim for the star. One reason people don't choose to go for the best is because of a distorted picture of themselves that they have believed over the years. This picture could have been formed by former teachers,friends,society,past failures or anything. This distorted picture of themselves and their capacity keeps them limited and unable to reach out for the best. There's a silent voice in their head telling them that they can't have straight As in that exam. Something tells them they are not capable enough. Something tells them that there are smarter students in the class and there's no way they can stand a chance of being the best. 

This article is only an introduction to the Winning Mindset,subsequent release would talk about how to deal with preconceived notions of failure and how to build a valid and true perception of oneself as a success. You want to follow this series on Winning Mindset, it'll change your life.

Let me leave you with this quote by William Hazlitt "As is our confidence,so is our capacity"

We used to think our capacity should determine our confidence,but our confidence can actually have tremendous effect on our capacity. We probably have come across videos on the internet of a chicken trying to attack a dog or a smaller animal trying to protect itself from a larger one and interestingly, the larger one backs down for the smaller. How you see yourself matters a lot. Choose to see well!

Thank you for your time.



Personal development means working on yourself. It can be one of the great challenges but important thing for your life. It is submitting yourself to change. Personal development is developing yourself to make you a better version of you.

Personal development is of great importance to every human being who desires to grow and harness their God-given potential. It enables you to have a personal vision of the future,i.e, where it is you want to be in the next few years or months. It provides a sense of direction, improves your focus and effectiveness. It gives you confidence when you are able to communicate to other people on how you want to be treated.

There are quite a number of benefits you can get from developing your personality.

-You become happier.

-You are able to make decisions and solve problems better.

-You are able to adapt to change.

-You have a high self-esteem.

-You make the society a better place to live in.

-You become more assertive.

Be intentional about your self development. Have an internal review, listing out the things you want to map out of your life or which could hinder your growth. By default, if we are not growing we are dying. It's hard to change your life unless you do something different. Nothing changes except something changes. Make deliberate efforts to grow, to have a realistic shot at changing your life. Some examples of personal development include, changing your mindset, adopting a more positive attitude. Know that you were made to grow.

For everyone who desires to grow, personal development is a MUST.

Thank you and have a blessed weekend ahead.

TIM - Building men and women of quality Excellence



1 John 2:17

[17]And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever.

It is an open secret that God has a plan and purpose for everyone. And his word already tells us that, that plan is a good plan. This plan is complete in detail and will lead us to a place of fulfilment.

Jeremiah 29:11[

11]For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

Most people don't know is that God wants to speak to us about that good plan he has for our lives and I am convinced that we are in danger of missing out of those Ultimate plans if we do not know how to listen to God's leading voice and follow him. More people would walk in God's perfect will for their lives and live purposefull lives if only they knew how to listen to the author of that purpose and follow his instructions or guidelines.

It is God's will for us to have a knowledge of His purpose for our lives through His divine guidance. Our ability to hear from God will determine if we will eventually enjoy His plans for our lives.

John 16:12-13

[12]I have still many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them or to take them upon you or to grasp them now.

[13]But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].

Jesus had been with his disciples for three years and we would think they knew all there was to know, but Jesus said they needed a teacher to constantly be with them who had something new to say to them about every new situation they faced, every decisions they had to make and every steps they had to take. So God knowing we would need help understanding his plans and purpose for us sent his Holy Spirit to live in the hearts of every Christian.

The Bible also makes us understand that our purpose and assignments in life has been predetermined even before we were born.

 Psalm 139:16

[16]Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.

Acts 17:26

[26]And He made from one [common origin, one source, one blood] all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth, having definitely determined [their] allotted periods of time and the fixed boundaries of their habitation (their settlements, lands, and abodes),

So it is therefore logical to say that if God knows everything about us (our days, where we would be born, when we would be born, to whom we would be born, were we would live, what we would do,what we would be, what our assignments are), in short our whole live's plan,then it is extremely important to learn how to hear from him.

Matt 7:13-14 talks about the narrow path that leads to life which could represent the career path that leads to a fufilled and impactful life for instance and the broad way that leads to death which could represent a path that leads to a life without impact, purposeless and fruitless. If we can learn how to hear God's voice then we can know when we are moving in the wrong direction and quickly make adjustments before we reap bad results from bad decisions.

Jeremiah 6:16

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

The fear of the future is one of the greatest fears man faces today. There are many instances in the scriptures when God gave people information about the future that were vital to their destinies. A good example of this would be Noah who was told by God to build an arch for the incoming flood. Joseph got information about the world wide farming to come which catapulted him to a place of influence and affluence, Moses about the proposed deliverance of Israel and things to expect, Daniel about things to come and so on and so forth. There are vital informations we need to know about our lives that can only be revealed to us by our creator after all no one can know the product like the manufacturer. Informations like;

✓ Our Identity

✓ Our Origin/Source

✓ Our purpose

✓ Our Capabilities, hidden abilities. The things we never know we are capable of doing. Our Potential

✓ Our destiny

 God will not reveal everything about our future to us all at once, therefore there is a need for us to form and maintain a consistent lifelong intimate relationship with God, then we can rest assured that He will reveal what we need to know, when we need to know so that we can fulfill our ministry here on Earth. In short if you want to know God's will for your life and walk in it, then you need to have a consistent, intimate relationship with your maker.

Psalm 48:14

[14]For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide [even] until death.

Before we go into the steps we need to take to perfect the art of listening to and hearing from our manufacturer, we must know that once we begin to listen and hear from God, we must cultivate the habit of promptly obeying whatever he tells us because our obedience sharpens our fellowship with Him.

 what are the steps we need to take to accurately discern God's purpose for our lives?

• Keep a listening atmosphere

For us to enjoy the fullness of God's plan for our lives, we must create an atmosphere that is conducive to hearing from God, seeking Him and obeying Him. Seeking God with all our hearts is a full time job.

• Keep a listening attitude

• Keep an attitude that honours God.

Be conscious of God's faithfulness. Decide that if you clearly hear him say something to you and you know it is Him, you are going to honour Him and what He says above anything else.

• Keep an attitude of faith

Somethings about your future He reveals to you might seem unattainable, unimaginable and incredulous, but you still have to believe!

Luke 1:45  And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

• Keep an attitude of patience

Learn to wait. Be determined to follow through and do what God has said. You might not get immediate results, but wait. Wait for God's timing.

Proverbs 8:34

[34]Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

• Keep an attitude of obedience

 In conclusion

If you do all this things before you know, you would have stepped into God's perfect plan for your life!

Shalom 💕🕊️



The concept of exchanging information and talks in relationships have been underrated. It doesn't only help to meet one's need but it aims at aiding connection between partners. Little wonder we have so many unhealthy relationships. Yes, all relationships have ups and downs, but a healthy style of communication can make it easier to deal with conflict. 

   No matter how well you know or love each other, understand that you can't read your partner's mind. Thus is the reason for communicating. To communicate successfully, it requires practice and hard work as it can't be perfect all the time. 

Here are some tips on how to communicate:

1). Set aside time to talk without interruption.

2). Think about what you want to say and be clear about it.

3). Listen to your partner too by putting aside your own thoughts for the time being.

4). Negotiate and remember that you don't have to be right all the time.

5). Be intentional about letting your body posture, tone of voice and facial expressions convey messages that fits your words.

It's amazing how conflicts can be managed with communication. Remember that it just about only you but about both of you. It's a two way thing. Talk and listen. To talk, you must be able to listen. You're not only listening to sweet words. Amidst conflict, can you listen? Can you talk amicably? If no, then these tips are for you.

Discuss what actually happened rather than guessing and judging

Concentrate on the major problem and don't get distracted by other minor problems

Avoid using the silent treatment. It's childish

Maintain eye contact always while talking or listening

Use 'i feel' statements, not 'You are' statements. It shows that you're stating your opinion and not trying to judge

On a note of conclusion, if you can't seem to improve the level of healthy communication in your relationship, consider talking with a relationship counselor. They are particularly trained to recognize lapses in a relationship and provide strategies, tips and a safe place to explore issues.

Thank you.



HALLELUJAH! We are yet in another part of our weekly series. I believe God has indeed been showing us great things from His word. We bless His name.

Still on the series "Treasures in our Earthen vessels"...we started this week trying to look at what dishonours our treasures. One thing we must have  understood is that our treasures are put for the sole purpose of serving God, shining forth His Glory. He beautifies and adds colour to our lives that we may bring glory unto Him. Every Potter will love his work to stand out in any place, in the same vein, our Father wants this for us. We will now bring dishonour when we do not live according to His fashioned out plan.

One of the ways by which we set ourselves out of the honour that follows the treasure is Pride. We understand from the scriptures that God resists the proud and gives grace unto the humble. He gives grace unto the humble because they need it to continue being humble. The Treasures put in us will make us proud hence we must have the checks of humility to subdue it. It is human to want to take pride in certain things but from scriptures, this will only bring destruction our way. We see what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Saul in the scriptures. What is common to these men is that they were all Kings. With royalty comes honour but in this royalty, they were dishonoured. Pride will only cause a man's feet to stumble. Look at the foolish Nabal...he too was rich, the rich fool in the scriptures, he too was wealthy. Your treasures make you rich and make you wealthy but with them, we must learn meekness. The bible recorded in the book of Numbers 12 that Moses was the greatest man on Earth; only He had seen God and not be smitten but the scripture also says He was very meek(vs 3). Pride will not get you anywhere close to fulfilling God's ordained plan but will take you far from it. The devil is a case study. He lost his portion for allowing pride to set in. Remember God is the source and sustainer of our treasures. If this then be so, all the Glory must then be ascribed to Him and none other. 2Corinthians 4:7 "that the Excellency of power may be of God and not we ourselves". Giving Glory to God is a fertile ground for the Treasures in us. This brings us to the second reason why our Treasures may bring dishonour.

2. If we do not give thanks unto God. Our lack of being grateful for those things we have will only put a stop to their manifestation in our lives. The Bible makes us understand that giving thanks always is the perfect will of God 1Thessalonians 5:18. He who knows not how to give thanks for the fingers of God should not think he will see the hands of God. Thanksgiving shows our appreciation for that which we have received and it is a procurer also of that which is to come. Thanksgiving not only procures that which is to come but also multiplies that which we have at hand. Hence, if the Treasures are seeds at hand, then Thanksgiving multiplies them. If one Treasure is to bring great glory, how much more a multitude of treasures. When we are ungrateful, we only bring curse upon our good land. King Herod refused to give glory unto God, he was meat for the worms(Acts 12:18-25). God stops with His great plans for our lives when we stop giving thanks unto Him. Acts 2:47paraphrased, the Lord kept adding unto the church because they relented not in giving Him praise. If Thanksgivings procures more of God's goodness, what then will lack of Thanksgiving do?. If being grateful will open the heavens, what then will Ungratefulness do?. Mark 6:41 "And he (Jesus) looked up to heaven and blessed..."This is the story of how Christ fed the give thousand (Mark 6:30-44)

3. Murmuring and Complaining: One thing that displeases God is this murmuring and complaining. His ears cannot hear them. The same way murmurs can be displeasing to our ears as human is the same way they are displeasing to God's ears. "You have blessed him more than you have blessed me", "You have given him a better treasure than I have". God hates those who murmur and complain. We see this in Numbers 11:1 "And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp".

The Israelites had been faced with problems in the wilderness but instead of telling it to God, they chose to murmur and complain. Going through that scripture, we will see what their words entailed. So, this moved God sore and He struck them. Murmuring and Complaining will make God angry towards us; and if our sustainer is not pleased, how then can we be sustained. Murmuring and Complaining cuts us from our heavenly supplies. The FATHER works only with men who are joyful, happily doing what they are doing; bearing no grudge or headiness in their hearts. These are the people God wants to work with; He wants to give Open Revelations to. He won't just entrust any man with anything, He entrusts the "joyful", the "thankful" and the "meek_. 

Joel 1:12 "The vine has dried up, And the fig tree has withered; The pomegranate tree, The palm tree also, And the apple tree— All the trees of the field are withered; Surely joy has withered away from the sons of men".

Lack of joy means lack of good things; means lack of Visions and Revelations. Nothing works where Joy is lacking.




2 Corinthians 4:7(kjv)"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us".

2Timothy 2:20 "But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonor".

Happy New month God's people. It shall be a fruitful month for us all.

Last month, we looked into a topic "TREASURES IN EARTHEN VESSELS". And from the two articles released, we were made to understand that there is Treasure in all our Earthen vessels; that as children of God, deposited in us are potentials that are of benefit first to God and then to ourselves. The latter part of the scripture 2Corinthians 4:7 says that the Excellency may be of God. We were also made to understand that no man is ever created an accident; lack of this understanding is what makes a man think he has no usefulness. But by the reason of the treasures in our jars of clay, we have been called to live a useful life.

(if you haven't read the previous articles; please take time to read them, as they will form the foundation for this new part). Remember, no house is built from the roof; it has to first be dug right out of the ground. 

Today, we will be looking at What things spoil or bring shame to our treasures?

The Bible makes us to understand in 2 Timothy 2:20 paraphrased, "some unto honour and some unto dishonour".

We must understand that God created these two categories but why then must some inherit honour and others dishonour. We will understand these things.

First, the devil is man's greatest adversary. 1Pet 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour".We must understand that the devil is aware of the great things God has put into us. He is aware of our inheritance as God is aware. We see this in Job 1:10, when he told God paraphrased, "is it not because you have made an hedge of protection round about him". Also in Matthew 4 when he tempted our Lord Jesus Christ using the word of God. The devil knows your inheritance, so He fights it's fulfilment in our lives. One great problem a child of God may have is if the devil knows his place (the child's) more than He himself is aware. Ignorance to allow the devil control or foolishness to not resist the devil's control (James 4:7). 

We understood from the garden of Eden (Genesis 3) when the serpent tempted Eve and brought both Adam and Eve to dishonour in the sight of God. Remember, God had great things in store for them, and which he showed them already but the devil, our adversary will not let us enjoy these things, so we must resist him. Verse 9 says "whom resist steadfastly in the faith".

Why will the enemy not want good for man? One reason is because he is the enemy of man. Your enemy is your opponent whim you must always contend with. Secondly, he also lost his inheritance. The devil was one of the best Angels; He was an archangel, revered and honoured but He let pride set in and then got dishonoured in return. And thus, He is never happy seeing God's children enjoy all He (God) has for them. The more reason, He wants to take them with him to hell and deny them of the glorious beauty in Heaven. But Apostolic Paul says in one of his writings, we are not ignorant of his wiles (2Corinthians 2:11). We are self aware... this is to tell us that ignorance and foolishness will bring dishonour to our treasures. It's a foolish clay; a clay without understanding, that will say to it's master, "I have no use for you" or "why did you make me this way"(Isaiah 45:9, Romans 9:21)

From God's word, we see the following ways the devil robs man. Apart from his ignorance and foolishness; the antidote to this is just "be wise", just "have understanding", "seek knowledge".

2. Sin: Sin is one major operation of the devil by which He corrupts our good and fertile land rendering it bad and cursed. The devil knows God hates sin and that He will only hide his face from sin, so He makes God's people sin against him either by disobeying him or living a life that is far from God's word in order that they be denied access to their glorious destiny. Isaiah 59:1-2 "verse 2 says "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have his his face from you, that he will not hear". We clearly see this here. 

From our earlier articles, we understood that God is the source of our treasures, our sustainer and also our multiplier. The honour and glory is of God (2 Corinthians 4:7) but when we are distanced or separated from Him, what we begin to operate in is shame and dishonour. Proverbs 14:24 "Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people". 

2Timothy 2:21 "if a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every God work". Then he went on to tell us what "these" we have to be purged from.The only way to live a sin less life is to live a righteous life. The only way out of sin is through Sanctification, Total cleansing..."Father, I have renounced my sins, purge me and make me clean".

2Corinthians 4:16 "for which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day". If sin is an everyday adventure, then living holy must be our everyday culture. Only Righteousness can quench Sinfulness.


TMTL... Building men and women of great Excellence