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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



The concept of exchanging information and talks in relationships have been underrated. It doesn't only help to meet one's need but it aims at aiding connection between partners. Little wonder we have so many unhealthy relationships. Yes, all relationships have ups and downs, but a healthy style of communication can make it easier to deal with conflict. 

   No matter how well you know or love each other, understand that you can't read your partner's mind. Thus is the reason for communicating. To communicate successfully, it requires practice and hard work as it can't be perfect all the time. 

Here are some tips on how to communicate:

1). Set aside time to talk without interruption.

2). Think about what you want to say and be clear about it.

3). Listen to your partner too by putting aside your own thoughts for the time being.

4). Negotiate and remember that you don't have to be right all the time.

5). Be intentional about letting your body posture, tone of voice and facial expressions convey messages that fits your words.

It's amazing how conflicts can be managed with communication. Remember that it just about only you but about both of you. It's a two way thing. Talk and listen. To talk, you must be able to listen. You're not only listening to sweet words. Amidst conflict, can you listen? Can you talk amicably? If no, then these tips are for you.

Discuss what actually happened rather than guessing and judging

Concentrate on the major problem and don't get distracted by other minor problems

Avoid using the silent treatment. It's childish

Maintain eye contact always while talking or listening

Use 'i feel' statements, not 'You are' statements. It shows that you're stating your opinion and not trying to judge

On a note of conclusion, if you can't seem to improve the level of healthy communication in your relationship, consider talking with a relationship counselor. They are particularly trained to recognize lapses in a relationship and provide strategies, tips and a safe place to explore issues.

Thank you.


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