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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



In Judges 6:12, we see that an angel of God appeared unto Gideon telling him who He was. One may wonder, why did the angel have to tell Gideon who He was. This is because there is a reason to understand who you are. Having the question of "who you are" answered is important to knowing "why you are here" on Earth.You must understand that until you discover who you are, you may not find out why or what you are here for. (Your question of Purpose). Angels may not appear to you to tell you who you are as it was the case of Gideon. But God through the Holy Spirit,  makes us to know who we are when we submit to prayer and study of His word. We are in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit; and He is ever ready to let us in on any thing we ask of the Father. 

After the angel told Gideon who he was, Gideon was still questioning the angel. This is just like many of us today; some have found out who they are but still do not believe and so question God. When God gives us a vision or a plan, we find it hard to believe; this may be because it sounds or looks bigger than us. We  must understand that God's plan will always be bigger than you, and that is why you need to tap into His grace to fulfil it. This was the case with Gideon.  After Gideon questioned the angel, He didn't answer his question but gave him an instruction to go and fulfill his Purpose. And we see again at every point, Gideon still had excuses on why he couldn't fulfill the plan of God; and we see the word of God through the angel coming to him again and again. It is not wrong to ask questions when we need more understanding and clarity; but we must be ready to receive whatever responses we get and this might come in form of answers, instructions, responsibility, etc. We must just be willing enough and ready to do all that is required of us.

Hence, we see the word of God, a very important tool to actualizing His purpose for us here on Earth. Gideon had too many questions and He got them answered. You may have questions which you need to have answered. You can get these answers either directly as God did unto Gideon; also through visions and dreams; through praying and fasting; through diligent study of the word of God.

Like Gideon, God gave him instructions, but he was waiting for a sign. God showed him these signs to confirm the word he had received, but not everyone may get the opportunity of a confirmation after the instruction. If you are still waiting for a sign to move towards what God has called you into and it's not coming, you may wait till eternity because the Bible make us to understand that only an evil and adulterous generation demands for a sign other than that which is given (Matthew 16:4). The greatest sign which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth has been given. To He is the word of the Father to us (John 1:1) When you receive God's plan for your life, settle down with it, study your Bible and books relating to the vision and keep on praying for direction. 

You will come out in flying colours in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

Pls if you have any questions, kindly reach us on our Facebook page @The Men That Lead. God bless you. We believe you have been blessed so far. 


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