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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Theodore Roosevelt -

                "Comparison is the thief of Joy"

It is Personal development week, and here are some truths which are fundamental to developing one's personalty.

Social comparison is one of the most ubiquitous features of human social life. This fundamental tendency of man to look to others for information about how to think, feel, and behave has provided us with the ability to thrive in a highly complex and interconnected modern social world but all things must be done in moderation.

📝Humans tend to compare themselves to another, because they perceive they are not doing as much as the other person is doing.

📝Unhealthy comparison is toxic and damaging. It reduces one's self worth, and distracts you from the set goals you have written down to achieve. 

📝When you compare yourself with another person, you are simply saying you do not have any strength, ability or talent.

📝 Remember, you do not have the same opportunity, education, or experiences(the list of things you do not share with others is endless) as the other person.

📝When you compare yourself with someone else whom you think or believe is ahead of you, it leaves you feeling dejected, sorrowful and depressed.

📝Comparing yourself with someone else is destructive and leads to negative talks. 

However, comparing you with yourself is the better, because you are comparing your yesterday with your today which is necessary because it will motivate you to grow and develop in the areas where you need to. This is one form of Healthy comparison.

How can you do this?

📝You could ask yourself some questions to reflect on where you are today; after answering them, you can compare your current state to the future you, which will help you set relevant personal goals. Doing this is healthy unlike comparing your journey to someone else's journey which isn't fair.

📝Another form of Healthy comparison is to look at the lives of significant others who are successful in that which you are embarking upon. You are looking up to them, not to feel embarrassed, dejected or sorrowful but to gain wisdom from them. Remember, we can only see far if we climb on the shoulders of those who have gone far.

📝Having good role models to compare yourself with is an Healthy form of comparison. Once you discover these persons, study their lives and grasp what it is that appeals to you from their lives.

📝Lastly, remember that you also are a role model for others as well. When you develop yourself, they too can also benefit from this. Though personal development talks about your personal self. What you do with yourself goes far towards affecting other people.

Thank you.

The Impact Team

To be continued.


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