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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



It's another exciting new week with a new series. We trust God to lead us in the path of knowledge and life as we go forward in this journey. 

We have learnt so much about Leadership in the earlier articles; but today, we will look at  another form of Leadership. This is Kingdom Leadership

Kingdom Leadership can be said to be a form of Leadership that is Kingdom oriented. Biblically, it is the form of Leadership Christ came to exhibit here on earth and same He has passed on to us as his beloved. Revelations 5:10 "and has ordained us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the Earth". 

A kingdom in our world today is an actual country ruled by a king who influences and impact the domain of his kingdom personally with his values, morality, lifestyle and his entire principles and laws until the people begin to reflect this lifestyle. The same way it is with us, as kings we literarily should be able to institute spiritual principles, morals, and beliefs in others around us, which brings us to our most prized definition of Leadership. Leadership is the ability to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence. The common purpose here is the Kingdom, the character are Godly principles and values; and to possess confidence as kings also on this earth. Every King leaves the position in the hand of another successor. This is the way it is in the kingdom, kings breed kings.  Acts 20:32_"And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."_

In the concept of a Kingdom, there is always a king and there are subjects. In our realm as Christians, there is just one true King; this is God and He sits in the Heavens with Christ at His right side, reigning together. But, even as it is on this earth, He has permitted us to also show this royalty trait that we possess in Him. The same nature in Christ is resident in us and should form how we deal with others around i.e. the subjects. Every man and woman you see in your daily journey of life are these subjects who must be handed over certain principles that will guard their life and keep them.

Remember, without a king or a queen there is no kingdom, and the subjects are utterly treading the path of destruction. Ecclesiastes 10:16_"Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!"_ As a leader, it is your responsibility to serve the people. Leadership is all about influences. If you can influence anything or anybody, you are a leader. 

Also, Kingdom leadership is a leadership that personifies the kingdom of God as demonstrated in the life and work of Jesus Christ. it is also a leadership lifestyle that represents and manifests kingdom principles, policies and dictates contained in the word of God. In other words, it is a process of influencing and impacting a domain with the culture of the kingdom of God. In every kingdom there are values, principles, policies, morality and lifestyle. 

The kingdom we are so concerned here with is the Kingdom of God i.e. the kingdom of Heaven (one whose glory never fades and that is endless). We must understand also the concept of Colonization and Kingdom Leadership. The process of impacting, taking over territories is what is termed Colonization. For an instance, the Great Britain colonized many part of the world. After this colonization, certain things they taught these countries are still in operation there -the cultures and lifestyle. The same applies to the Kingdom of God. God created the earth so that humans can colonize it, i.e. bring His principles and values down to Earth but Adam failed this colonization process, but Jesus came to reestablish the kingdom colonization process that is why most of His messages were about the Kingdom, the same way we have been given this mandate also.JOHN 3:3 is the gateway to this Kingdom - to be born again. We must understand that the Kingdom of God is not only a place we go as saints when we die, it is also the dominion mandate of saints here on earth and Jesus being the King. God's highest priority is restoring the kingdom of heaven on Earth, when we understand kingdom first,we will understand how to live effectively on Earth.



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