Earlier this week, we learnt that there is a Kingdom where Christ is the King and we as little kings should exercise the privileges and rights He has handed over unto us. Today, we will further look into this inheritance.
In this Kingdom, there is only one King and He is Jesus Christ, and the Bible makes us understand that He has given man the right to leadership. John 14:12 _"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father"_. While He was here on earth, He was a true Kingdom leader, focused on the things of the Kingdom, and when He said greater works than these shall ye do; this work is the work of leadership - Kingdom Leadership, where we as his witnesses and ambassadors lead others unto the Father as his business was. 2Corinthians 3:6 "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament".He handed over all rights to us. The bible makes us understand all powers were given unto him and same has been given unto us as saints.
Let's look at this, the same way every King or Leader has his cabinet (these are the people that He takes into his arms literarily) and gives them same authority as He has to influence certain things in that particular jurisdiction; is the same way we as members of the cabinet of Heaven have been given this assignment to carry out for the cause of the Kingdom. We have been given such powers to influence the world and people around us - Attribute of a Leader.
From the scriptures, 2Corinthians 5:20 "Now then we are ambassadors for Christ..."; we see Man being regarded to as an ambassador sent to the Earth to influence the world. As an ambassador of Heaven on Earth, we have been given the mandate of "every good work". This means whatever we do that is not a good work is not a reason we are here on earth. Everything Christ lived for, as His ambassadors, we are to live the same way. As it is in the natural world, every ambassador to a country is governed by the laws and regulations of his country; He also has access to whatever benefits He gets from His country whether ideas or beliefs which he can inculcate into the new world he now belongs. This is also how we are. There are ordained rules and regulations for us as Christ's ambassadors here on earth which we have to dutifully follow as long as we remain in this Kingdom.
We must however understand that every kingdom has it's own constitution i.e a guiding law or primary principle that regulate or guide the kingdom. The Constitution shows us the do and don't of the kingdom. If anyone violates the principle, there is a always a consequence for his action. This also applies in the Kingdom of God where we have the Word of God as our constitution i.e. THE BIBLE. In the Constitution (John 3:3), we saw in our last article how to enter the kingdom; the only gateway is confessing Jesus as King. When we enter the kingdom, it is mandatory for any citizen to know the Constitution so as to live righteously and abide therein. Until you know the Constitution, (The Bible) you can't know how to live accordingly or as expected.
In this Constitution, (Mark 10:42-45paraphrased) The King, Jesus, called them together and said, "you know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many" (NLT). Here is one principle out of many that is to guide our every day living. A Kingdom leader is a servant leader. The attention of a servant leader shifts from what's good to him to what builds others up. Every leader in this kingdom must be a servant, and servant here does not means being slave to the world, it is simply serving your Gift to the world at large and in every position you find yourself.
Every kingdom leader must understand that he is an ambassador of Christ to the world, He has been sent by the King himself to influence his world. Until he starts influencing, this Leadership spirit is not yet alive. You can only activate your spirit by reading the Constitution(The Bible), doing what it says and engaging the Holy Spirit through prayers.
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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