Habakuk 3: 2-3
_"And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it"._
"For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry".
In our previous article, we saw a clear distinction between the concepts of Vision and Ambition. But today, we will look into understanding how Ambition can turn to Vision and vice versa.
From our anchor text, the word "tarry" is a big word. It means in itself; even though that which is desired is not happening right now, wait for it, it will surely come. Plainly - it will not be delayed. There is an appointed time and it will come to pass in that appointed time. The word tarry means "to wait". Putting the words together; for every vision, the place of waiting is as important as the vision. The instant we cannot wait for the direction of God for the next phase of the vision, this vision is already turning into ambition.
For an instance, let's take a look at the story of Abraham. God told him that Sarah is going to bear him a son and that they will become Father and mother of nation. But they could not wait till the time appointed. Sarah said unto Abraham "go in and lie with our maid and let him bear s son for you". This, Abraham accepted and they gave birth to Ishmael. Note-worthy, it was not an order from God but human(Sarah) and this was where Abraham's vision turned into ambition. Thank God for the Covenant He had made with Abraham that sarah will give birth to an heir. Any visionary that starts to follow his own leading and not God's, he should know that his vision has turned into ambition. Vision gave birth to Isaac while ambition gave birth to Ishmael. As a child of God, it is advisable that you pursue God's vision.
When the Lord gives you a vision, a revelation, or a promise… wait for it, wait for Him to bring it to pass in the appointed time; no matter how long it tarries, it shall come to pass in the right time, and it will not be late or be held back… it will be right on time!
When the Lord gives you a revelation of TRUTH, it is a "NOW" revelation, but when He gives you revelation concerning His plans and His promises for you, it is to give you "HOPE" and "FAITH" for His "FUTURE" plans for your life. He plants the seeds to give us hope and faith, not for us to become ambitious!
He will bring His promise to pass… we just need to learn to be content, trust in Him and WAIT in FAITH!
The day someone with a selfless ambition turns to God and commits his works into His hands and waits for direction before he takes any step, then his ambition starts to turn into vision.
What makes a vision a vision is simply "Divine direction" i.e. to totally submit to God for direction. On the other hand, what makes an ambition an ambition is when you are simply following yourself i.e submitting totally to your common sense and this will result into a common result.
Ambition will always produce "Ishmaels". Whenever we get impatient and decide to bring what God has promised to pass in our own strength, we produce "Ishmaels" in our lives. These "Ishmaels" in turn cause more trouble than we can think of..
The story of a young medic below will help us to understand more on how ambition can turn to a vision.
My name is Emmanuel Ademuyiwa, a part 2 student at the College of Medicine, Lagos State University.
Q- Why I decided to study what I'm studying?
When I was still in secondary school, I simply wanted to go into medicine because of the money and prestige involved therein. I wasn't concerned about passion. Money was so important to me, hence, medicine was the goal😂.
But then, I sat myself down on a certain day, thought it deeply that if I gained admission to the college, and the stress comes in a rush, I might not survive and stand strong because firstly, I didn't involve God in my decision. Secondly, my decision was from a selfish and self-centered standpoint.
Hence, I started praying because I had been hearing a lot about Medical school that was really scary. I then got my an answer from God, telling me the course I was gonna study.
_In faith I went ahead took another jamb form, did a lot of research online about the course even up till residency training level to become a consultant after Medical school. I wrote my jamb exam and I did pretty well(had a score of 316), gained admission in merit and transited to the medical school with a CGPA of 5.0._
_Now at the medical school, the stress is always there. But, then the Bible says "I'd never leave nor forsake thee" .That statement alone is a comfort to me during those periods and that keeps me going._
As a parting word; in order to understand our ambition and Vision; it is very important we know Jesus who's always there to lead us and teach us. Trust me; He has good plans for us all.
Sometimes, we feel our decisions are the best, yet they're not God's will. Hence, in every situation, it's important to seek God; such that when challenges comes, we'd be assured that Jesus is in our boat, hence we cannot sink in the sea of academic depression_
I believe we have learnt one or two lessons from the above.
In our next article we will be dealing with importance and benefits of vision over ambition
Thank you...