Not everyone born on Earth will ever be successful. People in all levels of life have been found to fail. Statistics over the years has so far proven this. You will discover that so many people failed when they were in the lower classes of primary school. In the higher classes, there are also those who fail. Failure is at different levels. Some fail in the weekly test, some fail at the end of the term. Some fail in the weekly test and succeed at the end of term, only to fail the next. Some fail at the weekly asessment; don't stop there but move on to fail at the end of the semester and at the end of the session. Some who have been succeeding at the lower classes also fail at the higher classes. Some succeed in internal examinations but fail at the external examinations.
When you follow students up to the higher level, you find out that at the college, polytechnic or universities they fail. Some succeed at the university but when they get to postgraduate school they fail.As we look at this trend of failure, you must then begin to wonder does failure stop at school? The truth of the matter is failure is much more outside school than it is in school. The pattern of failure in various levels of education is an indication that this is what happens to men generally.At lower levels, children fail, but it doesn't just stop there when they get to the age of teenagers, they fail. There are still so many people in their 30s to 40s who are still failing in the important subjects of life. Marriages, businesses, career, purpose and life generally. Unfortunately some people who have succeeded early in life still fail late in life.Because failure has not been properly monitored, it has become pronounced in the lives of more and more people. We therefore ought to ask ourselves the question as to why people fail.
We understand that a problem cannot be solved unless the reason for the problem is known. Therefore to stop this evil trend of failure in the lives of people we have to know the reason behind failure. It's not impossible to succeed all through.We will be identifying Biblical characters who failed in certain areas of their lives or in their life generally and analyse the reason behind these failures.
1. Saul (Unfaithfulness to instruction).1samuel 15
Saul was the first king of Israel and he was chosen by God himself to rule the land and kingdom of Israel following the cry of the Israelites for someone to rule over them. The Bible made us to understand that he (Saul) was a tall man, well-built; a man who had everything he needed at his disposal to rule a nation and to defend his country. But unfortunately he failed to actualize his primary purpose because he was unfaithfull to instruction. Although saul had everything he needed to win the war, he had the instrument, he had the physical stature, he had the soldiers, he had the resources yet he failed to win just because it was not faithful to instruction. Many people just like saul have all it takes to be successful they've discovered what their purpose in life is. They have the necessary tools they need to fulfill their purpose, the right opportunities needed for their purpose fulfillment has come their way, they have the right people around them. They're in the right environment yet they fail to fulfill their life's purpose because they were unfaithful to instructions.
Moses told Joshua in Joshua 1: 8 that this book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth but that shall meditate upon it day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shall make thy way prosperous and then that shalt have good success. This means that our being successful in life is directly linked to our ability to faithfully observe and do everything we have been commanded to do in God's word.
2. Samson (Carelessness in morals)Judges 14:1; 15:1
Samson was a man who had a singular purpose in life and that was to rule over the children of Israel and deliver them from the servitude of their enemy. Right from when he was young, he had discovered his purpose and he was already working towards fulfilling it. Yes he had some victories leading the Israelites against their enemies but in the latter part of his life, he failed In his Divine calling. This was not because he lacked the necessary tools he needed to succeed, not because his enemies or challenges as we may face today were bigger than him. He failed because he was careless in morals. Lack of morality has been one of the major root cause of failure in the lives of many people.
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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