The concept of Godliness, Righteousness and Holiness have been used interchangeably to mean the same thing. Righteousness and Holiness are both attributes of God (Psalm 92:15paraphrased "our God is upright and there is no unrighteousness in him". 1Peter 2:16 "Be ye holy, for I am holy.)
Godliness on the other hand is living a godly life. In every essence, one lives to please God. Living a life that pleases God. In all definition above, we see at the center of it all, God is the reference point. Whether it's an attribute or a way of life, God is the reference point.
One subject matter that has been preached so often, yet it's understanding is not fully known by men is this concept of Righteousness and Godly living. Understanding of an issue is what makes us outstanding in it. There is a clear distinction between being morally upright and having a life of Godliness. These are two very different things. That a man is morally upright does not mean he is walking in righteousness. But you cannot live a godly life and not be morally upright.
What then are morals?
Morals can be said to mean behavior or lifestyle that conforms to an acceptable standard in the society. It is just a socially acceptable phenomenon. A principle of right and wrong. When a man is morally upright; there is infact a law that defines this upright nature. Such a person might not even know God talk less of being a believer; but because there have been certain laid down rules and regulations which such a person adheres well to; he is referred to as good.
But Righteousness goes far beyond "good". It's not an acknowledgement by men. Morally upright men are seen as good. But our Righteousness is judged by God. There is a yardstick; a measure upon which this is made. Proverbs 16:2 "All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits". The Bible makes us in Psalm 7:9 to understand that the righteous God trieth the heart and reins. In 2Timothy 2:19"The Lord knoweth them that are his. Let every one that nameth the name of Christ flee iniquity".
Our righteousness is not self acclaimed. It is different from moral uprightness. While there are natural standards for a person who is morally upright. The standard for our righteousness stems from God and His word. It is supernatural (beyond natural laws). This is why, in the event of certain things happening and the laws are interfered with; a morally upright man could lose his stand. Because to begin with, the laws of the society had this defined. For a person morally upright, he is kept in check by the governing laws and the length of this is as those who have made it. We see in our world today so many who are morally upright but are not righteous.
First, we must understand that Righteousness is of God. To live righteously is to live right with God and His word. The Pharisees in the scriptures were lovers of the law and many times their law would clash with Jesus's teachings and why would this be so? It doesn't mean their law was wrong or Jesus was wrong. The law of the word and law of righteousness are founded on different grounds. While one is ephemeral, the other is eternal. The foundation of God's word standeth sure as we see in 2Timothy 2:19. 1Corinthians 3:11 paraphrased "No other foundation is laid than that which is already laid; Jesus Christ who is the word of God". So many scriptures to explain this to us.
Secondly, we must understand that there is a war against Godliness. There is a striving against us living righteously. Not even in the world as we have it today. Many have missed it and so many are still missing it. People are falling daily into the temptation of sin and ungodliness. And this has now become like a norm. No one sees them as wickedness anymore. No one sees lying as a sin or stealing as a sin. There is now a way to lie without sinning and to steal without sinning. We have been blindfolded and have lost our understanding (Isaiah 5:13 "Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge").
It is one thing to be faced with a battle; it's another to be faced with a battle and not know. The latter is the worst of it all. A person who knows he is fighting a battle; even though he possesses no spear or arrow. When the insult comes, he is aware enough to dodge them; but for a person who is in fact unaware that there is a war against his life; he is kept in dark of things and he is gone. This is what is happening today. The darkness of sin taking over the world but still God is saying there is light in righteousness. Still, he says Be ye holy, for I am holy. Still he says "Walk before me and be thou blameless". We need no preaching anymore to understand that sin is of the devil and righteousness is from God. Thus, when we commit sin, we are only telling the devil "Father, I have made you proud". The Bible makes us to understand the Father of all sinners is the devil. It was in fact through him, sin came unto mankind. But God is saying; I wish that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of my truth -1Timothy 2:4". What truth is this? The truth of Holiness, the truth of Righteousness; the truth of Godly living.
Thirdly, we must understand that it is possible to live a life to please God always. Note that word "always". It's not that I please Him when he does so great things for me or I please Him in the mornings and I don't in the evenings. It is possible to live a life of Godliness at ALL TIMES. Whenever God gives an instruction, there is always a provision to make it happen. He will never say a word and not make available what is needed or would have made available what is needed. 1Thessalonians 5:24 "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it". Every instruction is backed up with Grace for accomplishment. God has asked us to live a holy life; live to please Him, then He must have made provisions for us to do this. One of this is the provision of Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1Peter 5:3 "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous".God does not speak to put pressure on a man; His word is as a matter of fact accompanied with pleasures. The word of Righteousness with the pleasures of Righteousness.
Thanks for reading through.
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