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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Earlier this week we began looking into the relationship between love and leadership. Understanding is the master of Outstanding. Understanding the importance of love to leadership will help us lead with love. 

Continuing 1Corinthians 13; verse 5 says "Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor...". 

A leader should not be  involved in disrespect. The Bible counts this as a thing of shame. One of the characteristics of a good servant leader is Respect. Lack of respect to appropriate authorities devalues our position as leaders. There is even respect for those who are under us. One thing we must understand is we are not leaders to just exercise control but we are called to be Leaders with respect. A good leader is to hold everyone he comes accross with in high regard. 

Everything God created, he created with some form of dignity and every man expects to be respected in some way. God created man a special being and regardless of position should be given due honor. Note the word "due". On the other hand, a selfish leader is one that seeks his own honor. We must have an understanding that in the honour of others also are we honoured. Elisha honoured Elijah and He was also honoured. Gehazi did not honour the position of Elisha and thus He was dishonoured (he became a leper). We must know there are persons we will come across that are our elders and there will also be those that are junior to us. Here is there the place of "Due respect" comes in.  

Leadership is not just a position. For example, a politician in office often always  thinks of the next election and what it takes for him to win the next election for his emergence as a political authority, but a true leader does not seek his own honor. A leader is not easily irritated or quick to take offense; this is a cause for reflection as leaders. Everyone has their flaws, and should not be judged or criticised on it. A leader calmly corrects and encourages his people to improve on their flaws. A leader celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong; simply means a leader should not be happy in the mistakes of others as just mentioned. A leader should always believe in the best for others and help them to see their potential and fulfill it in the long run. A leader never takes failure as a defeat, for he never gives up. To give up is to lose, and as leaders, we are called to a winning lifestyle, therefore that should be our mentality moving forward.

Thank you and have a blessed weekend ahead.



Continuing from our last article, we have been made to understand that Leadership is meant to be carried out in love. The kind of leadership that was shown to us by Christ was one founded on Love. As leaders, we are to serve those we are leading; we cannot serve without first having a heart full of love.

In the same 1 Corinthians we looked at before; verse 4 continues, "...Love is gentle and consistently kind to all". If we are to be honest with ourselves, nobody likes being spoken to rudely or being criticised. It makes us feel less of ourselves which is not the essence of leadership. 

If as a leader for example, I  am being criticised on a daily basis, it surely will dent my confidence in my capabilities as a leader. Therefore we should express  kindness always. And this kindness is a characteristic feature of the Love we are to have. This should also be consciously and consistently done. It should not be a "when I feel like" thing but should be a constant occurrence. The operative word there for me in that verse is "...consistently kind..." If our kindness is not consistent, then it is not effective. As leaders, we should know that though true that we are leaders, this does not necessarily mean that we are better, therefore we should be gentle. Being gentle does not mean being quiet or stupid. A gentle leader knows how to react, when not to react, how not to react and when to react. We should cultivate this as leaders. Any "followers" you supposedly have are potential leaders, therefore we should be gentle in our affairs i.e. how we deal with them.

The same chapter continues by stating (paraphrased) "...Love refuses to be jealous when blessings come to someone else..."Ohh! this is very dangerous as a leader to do. To be jealous means to have resentment  towards someone for perceived advantage or superiority they hold. If we read this definition very well, as I'm sure we have; we realize that this resentment that we have is only because we perceive it as an advantage I.e. we only perceive the other person has an advantage which sometimes may not be true .Well, how about we perceive this,leadership is not a shop of achievements and position but a space for all to step in. Which leads to the next statement in that same Bible passage " does not brag about one's achievements nor inflate its own importance". I am sure most of us have watched teachings or videos where the speaker or teacher basically just states all he has achieved and how he is the author and the finisher of his 

An important question to ask is "How do you feel when you hear things like this?"Well, I myself feel sometimes that if I don't achieve all this person as achieved  then I am less of a leader and not as successful; this breeds the so called "inferiority complex". If you will agree with me, I feel that this is exactly what happens when we brag to people about our achievements.

A quick reminder again, we are talking about a different model, which is totally different from the world's view. As leaders in this world, our every action should be to the advantage of the other and not to their disadvantage.


Thank you



Our ultimate and greatest leader we look up to is GOD. God is love, we'll be looking in-depth on the meaning of love and how this love helps to express our leadership potentials.

Love certainly does not have a specific definition but it can be described. As we have previously established that leadership is not a position attained but a state of mind sustained. Matthew 20: 26-28 "But this is not your calling. You will lead by a completely different model. The greatest one among you will live as the one who is called to serve others, because the greatest honor and authority is reserved for the one with the heart of a servant. For even the son of man did not come expecting to be served by everyone, but to serve everyone, and to give his life for the salvation of many". This verse gives a description on the love we'll be expatiate extensively on. LOVE gives himself in exchange for the betterment of those around him. Just like we should observe in our text, it is a completely different model from the world view of a leader. The model in this world is a tyrannical one as seen in the preceding verse(vv25);" Jesus knowing their thoughts, called them aside and said kings and those with great authority in this world rule oppressively over their subjects, like tyrants...".

Moving further as we try and explain in depth this, let's turn our focus on 1 Corinthians 13 and learn how intertwined love is with leadership.v4 says "Love is large and incredibly patient..." What does it mean to be incredibly patient?. According to the dictionary, Patience means content to wait if necessary, not losing one's temper whole waiting.

Well, you will all agree with me how hard it is to be patient with people, especially to some "special persons", having to wait and think through if when they get on your nerves. You want to give them a piece of what you think and as well express what you feel at the actually feels good until when it is being reciprocated towards us. As leaders we should not give out what we cannot accept. The first principle in Dale Carnegie's best seller book, "How to win friends and influence people" states "Do not criticize, condemn or complain" (just a side note, I'd recommend, we all read the book).

Thank you



What are the areas we need to stay committed?

Earlier, we talked on our spiritual life, studious life and a disciplined life. Today, we will be looking at more areas.

4. Your Relationship life:A very vital aspect of a man are his relationships. The people you keep in your inner circle; your friends, families, business partners, colleagues at work, school; those who you are in continuous communication with it - all these people form a very vital part of our lives. And if we must fulfil Purpose, they have an important role to play alongside us. It is often said, if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, you need some set of people with you. And these people will determine the course of your life whether it is consciously or unconsciously done. If you must fulfil your God ordained plan, there are some relationships you just cannot do without; you just have to invest in them - your time, energy, resources. Some of these relationships are:

1. the family you belong to; they determine your life. If you will fulfil your purpose, then they must be ready to support you. However, not in all cases, do these support come. But if you see a person who is supported all the way through, the proof is always there. 

2. the friends you keep: there is an adage that says "show me your friend and I will tell you who you are". Biblically speaking in Proverbs 13:20 "the companion of the wise shall be wise; but that of the foolish shall be destroyed". Another says "the ways of the foolish wearieth each one of them because they know not how to get into the city" (Ecclesiastes 10:15). You will all agree that vital roles are played by friends in every man's life. The company you keep if you want to achieve your ordained Purpose in life must be company of those who believe in your calling; they believe in your vision; they accept that vision and also help you to run to achieve the vision. These men and women must not be lacking in the life of someone who is to fulfil Purpose. An example is the relationship between King David and his friend, Jonathan. Jonathan was an important aspect of David's Ascension into power and all. It was more easy for David having someone on the inside to rely upon. We must understand the same way, right friendships must be invested in; the wrong ones should be run away from. 

Once we have identified them as being inimical to the dream, please Run from them. It is no use hanging around them or saying perhaps later, they will fall in line. They will not fall in line, in fact they will draw you out of the line. An example is Ammon (king David's son) and his friend, Jonadab in the Bible. The end result of this friendship was death.

3. Relationship with Covenant men and women: Hallelujah, we call them covenant men and women because your calling or Purpose is a covenant. Once you have agreed to walk in it, it's a form of agreement between you and God who is your creator. And for such agreements to be effective, it has to be binding on both parties. By now, we should know that God has no problems keeping His end of any Covenant, it is men that must try to remain in sync with God. To do this, God places men and women who are covenant friends in our lives; they could come as pastors, prophets, teachers of the word, etc. They are put in our lives for different seasons of our lives and help us through those seasons of our lives. It is just as if they also received the mandate of the vision together with us. Once you have recognized these men, we must make it a duty to keep them, honour them and cherish them. Another care study from the scripture is King David and Nathan the prophet. Though not mentioned, there had to have been some sort of good relationship between the king and the prophet. This would explain why the prophet could feel able to approach him on a matter that could claim the life of his son and upon hearing, the king did not send guards to lock or beat up the prophet saying he is a prophet of doom. Apart from the fact that he believed it was God talking, he also believed in the prophet who God was speaking through. These persons are very important in our lives. Do not disregard them, dishonour them or worse, make yourself over familiar with them. The end result of the latter may be costly.Other vital relationships are mentors, colleagues at your place of work, etc. For the latter, if as a person you are always trying to get out of trouble as God had already shown you your life path but then you make business friendship with one who is a trouble maker; soon the trouble will get to you and may end your own vision.

Overall, one must understand that whom you relate with determines your rate in life. The rate you will move in life is determined strongly by the people you relate with. The strength of your pursuit of Purpose largely depends on the strengths of your relationships. From the Bible "one shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousands to flight". The scripture makes us also understand so clearly that there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. This tells us that friendship is a paramount tool to Purpose success, even Purpose Discovery.

Who is a friend? A friend is simply someone that is committed in helping you get to your destiny. Be intentional when choosing these persons. No man chooses his family but Friendship is by choice. 

5. Your work life: Your work life is a paramount part of your life that you must be committed to. There is a difference between your job and your work. Your job is what you are paid for while your work is what you are made for and also paid for. This is to tell us that your job is man made (artificial) while your work is innate. It comes from potentials deposited on your inside. Therefore, understanding what these potentials are in us are significant to our purposeful and impactful work life. How do we know what we are made for? The best way you can answer this question is to look within yourself and ask, what is it that I love doing; whenever I do it, I find fulfilment in it? I derive joy and gladness from it. What are your areas of gifting? Discovering these areas are crucial to  becoming God's plan for that life. Our Leadership journey starts when we recognize our work and we are committed to doing it. Your work determines your Worth. Ecclesiastes 11:6 "in the morning, sow thy seeds, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether thou shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good". This is one powerful scripture my mentor of late memory Dr Myles Munroe explained and I will like to share with you. When you understand this scripture, it will help you from being broke. The meaning states that do your work in the morning and go to your job at evening, you do not know which one will one prosper you. As you are doing your work, find a job also and take it serious.

6. Your Financial Life: We must understand that our work life leads to our financial Life. Your financial Life is not an aspect of your life that you should treat with levity. It is an important part of your life, but many do not focus on this part because they attribute their work life to their financial Life. Your work life isn't your financial life, it only leads to your financial life. Let me share a story;There was a vulcanizer around my street that built a very nice house, may people were surprised when they got to know because they judged his financial Life according to his work life. When I got to know the secret of this man, it was stated that he is a person who is into a lot of savings and investment, hence his financial status. You need to acquire knowledge on savings or ask the rich how they save their money. Not everything is a must to buy, a must to have,  a must to wear. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone. It is not how much money you make but how much money you keep and invest with.

7. Your Health life: Your Health life is your Life. Without Health, there is no life. Without health, there is no wealth, because even that which you have is spent to have health. A man once said "if you lose money, you lost nothing but if you lose health, you have lost all". Your health matters a lot. It determines every other thing in your life; how you pursue after life goals and plans. Health gives hope to a wealthy life. Take care of your health today so as to enjoy your wealth today and tomorrow. Smoking and drinking excessive alcohol are common ways you want to harm your health. Smoking kills but only a fool will see what will kill him and still continue to do it. Beware of hard drugs!


God bless you



Earlier in the week, we began to look into understanding "Commitment to Purpose". And we have been made to understand that To livw without Purpose is to live worthlessly. When God created man, He had reason for this. Today, we will look more into the topic. We shall be focusing on the benefits we derived when we stay committed to our Purpose and also the areas of Commitment when it comes to our Purpose. To live a successful life, one of the driver's of success is Commitment. Your ability to stay with the goal; your ability to keep your eyes on the prize; your ability to commit all towards full realization of that issue of concern. 

 In the world today, distraction is almost everywhere and that is why it is very hard to be a master of something or anything. For instance you want to learn a skill, during the course of you learning that skill, someone introduces you to another skill telling you that there is money in it and that dropping your current training to learn this new one will fetch you millions or billions in a short time. Then sheepishly as a person who has no Purpose or reason why He is on a path, you drop what you are doing to focus on this thing; and again another comes, and you leave this also undo e, running from pillar to post. Why? Because you lack Commitment to Purpose. Such an individual has not found where his true calling lies. It is not likely that someone with a good reason or who knows the reason why He has engaged a thing be drifted as this hypothetical individual. As a balloon is driven by the wind, so is a life without Purpose. Such a person can engage all these trades and yet is master of none,.

The only way to live successfully in this world is to get a vision for your life and stay committed to it. Paul said something in 1Corinthians 6:12 "all things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient...". Paraphrased, I have the right to do anything, but not everything is beneficial. I will not be ruled by just anything. Life is too complex for you not to have a vision for your life. 

What then is Vision?

Vision is therefore seeing the end of your predetermined purpose. Vision is the unfolding of that plan and purpose of God for your life. When God reveals this to us, this is vision.

Below are highlighted ways we need to be committed to have a successful Vision life: 

Firstly, we must understand our vision life is a sum total of what it takes from God showing us His plans for our life to us fully actualizing what these plans are.

1. Commitment to Your Spiritual life: We must understand that we live in a wicked world today i.e life is a battlefield not a funfair or a play ground. The only way you can overcome the powers of the wicked is to have a power of your own i.e. build up your spiritual life. The Bible encourages us to commit our ways unto the Lord. Why?? So that he can direct our path according to his will. When you are outside of God's will, you are vulnerable to the power of wickedness. You must understand that you are a spirit, you have a soul living in a body. So therefore you are 100% a spirit being. The God that created you is a Spirit and He said in the book of Genesis "Let us create man in our own image", so your image is spiritual. I know you think your image is physical because of the mirror in your room. Just assume that there's no mirror do you know that you may have difficulty seeing your self. You build your body through constant eating and exercises; you build your soul through reading and meditation; you also build your spiritual life through constant prayer and eating the word of God. 

2. Commitment to Your studious Life: Man builds his soul through reading and meditation. Your life vision should determine the book you should read. You have to be intentional about the books you read because there are many junks and stuffs to read. You need to discover your area of specialization in order for you to be special in life. Until you discover your area of specialization and be committed to it, this determines the growth of your studious life.. Take a book in your area of specialty and read today. Vision should choose your library.

3. Commitment to Your discipline Life: There's nothing that disciplines your life like vision. You want to be distinct in life then you need to be disciplined. Discipline is defined as self imposed standard for the sake of a higher goal. There is a desire for success in the heart of every human being on Earth. A successful life requires a disciplined life; what makes you distinct is Dicipline. Therefore, get a vision, be disciplined and stay committed then you will have a successful Purposefull life. Indiscipline fetches nothing but Poverty.


Thank you



The subject of PURPOSE is a confused one in our world today but so far still the most important subject that needs to be studied. So many who are walking on the planet Earth without a meaning to their life; they live with no reasons for living. This category of men are called purposeless; and since no future is created without a purpose, therefore to be without purpose is to have no future. Many a times, people have argued that life is by chance and luck; that there is no predetermined end anywhere. But this is very far from the truth. I have come to tell you that the subject of Purpose is as important as your Life. Why? This Purpose is what gives life meaning. It makes our living meaningful. That is to say, without a purpose, we live the most useless of life. If a Potter has no reason why he makes the clay, tell me, of what use then is the product even to men?. God had a reason He created man hence the purpose of creation. For we were purposed first in his heart. Genesis 1:26 "And God said "let us make man...". After he had made the declaration let us make man, then he itemized the reason for him creating man. God himself had the understanding that if purpose is not added to a thing, there is tendency for that thing; one to be undervalued and two, not to attain its full potentials. It is often said "when the purpose of a thing is not known, the abuse is inevitable".

In this new year, it is important or expedient for us to learn and understand the subject of Purpose in other to have a colourful and meaning year; in order to have a smooth ride through the year. Because, Purpose does this! Ever wonder how it will look like driving without a compass in a strange place. It can only be a venture in futility. It will take the mercy of the Lord and Grace to find such a future. Purpose is that compass we need for the year 2022 to direct our every step.

Maybe we do not have an understanding of what the future is? The future is not 20 years to come or 50 years to come. The future is tomorrow; the hour that is not yet come, the minute that is not yet come, the seconds that is not yet come. This is the Future. And no matter how of little importance any of these may be to you, knowing and understanding Purpose is very vital.

What is Purpose? Purpose is the intention behind the creation of an object or thing. Purpose is the reason for the manufacturer's creation of a product. As I like to say, the original intent of God for the life of man. This is to tell you that there can be fake purposes such as the ones we create for ourselves which do not align with the Father's original plan.

Before a manufacturer creates any product, he will first sit down and think about the reason for the creation. Thinking gives birth to reason. To get the reason of a thing, ou have to think unless you will abuse it. People do not pay attention to this subject because they  do not reason or do not reason well. They do not think well. If you cannot reason, then you cannot become.

We live in a very busy and confused world today in which most people are only existing and not living. Many are living and only few are living effectively. Purpose gives birth to life and commitment to life give birth to this effectiveness.  

Jesus said something in Luke 11:34. He said "when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light". Singleness of eyes is synonymous to us being committed to Life and Life's purpose.


Thank you.



Earlier in the week, we started a topic series "TREASURES IN OUR EARTHEN VESSELS". I believe we all should know by now that we are God's treasures. That, deposited in our bodies are hidden treasures that the world can't wait to see manifest. The Bible says in Romans 8:19kjv "for the earnest expectations of the creature waiteth for the manifestations of the sons of God". We have in us precious jewels; but as we have been made to understand, until they are tapped into, we cannot maximize to capacity these treasures. The fruits from a mango seed cannot be seen unless it is first sown into the ground, germinates into a plant and then bears the fruits. The same way, our treasures must be put into use - efficient and effective use.

We already began looking into the attributes of our calling. We have been made to understand that our treasures, our gifts can translate into our calling. Today we will dwell further on it.

Firstly, we must know that our calling is of God. The treasures in our vessels are poured in by God himself. The Bible makes us understand that he is the Creator of all things good (Genesis 1:18,25,31) . So if treasures are good, He created them and wilfully He gave them to us to exploit.  In the parable of the talents(Matthew 25:14-30), the servants did not go to the master to ask of Him, the master gave as he deemed fit. We will see this more as we go along. We must also understand that the same way the treasures are put in by God, the calling also is of God and not of man. 1Peter 2:9 says "to show forth the praise of Him who has called us". 1Thessalonians 5:24 "Faithful is He who has called, who also will do it". 2Corinthians 4:7 "this great power is from God and not from ourselves".

We see from these above scriptures that every great calling comes from God who is the Caller himself; and since the Caller alone knows why He calls, it is He who is best to guide us through the calling. Hence, we must understand that our calling is of God and not ourselves, this will help us rightly appropriate the calling. So many today have failed in the place of right appropriation of their calling. We see men of God who were so mightily used and all of a sudden they are fallen away, because as long as you are outside the reach of the Caller, so is your calling.

Secondly, it is important to note that He who is called is led of the caller and not the other way. Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest out of the womb, I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations". We must understand that the one who is led must always follow He who leads. Hence, it is expedient at all times to seek God's face because He alone knows the end from the beginning and it is He who is best to teach us. Isaiah 48:17 "Thus saith the LORD thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am the LORD they God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.

Another is, Know that you are called the way you are. God knows everything there is to know about the life of any man...He knows the Treasures in us. It is possible that we underestimate what He has placed in us but only He knows the true worth. Therefore, it is necessary that we obey Him as He guides and instructs. It is not how big the treasure or how well it is developed. God wants to use it the way He has put it into you. He will bring the development as you make use of it. No man is ever great in one day; it takes devotion, time, and a lot of hard work. Hence, the Father places these treasures as He finds appropriate for your person and more importantly for that season in which you are. All we must do is to trust that He has the perfect intent and will for us. Jeremiah 29:11 "for I know the thoughts that I think towards you, they are thoughts of peace and not of evil". Let us take a look at the lives of the disciples. The Bible tells us He called them differently; this is to say that they did not all have the same qualifications. They were not all in the same place at the same time that we might think Jesus would have seen similar traits in them. He called them differently, and walked with them; in the same vein, different treasures are kept in us as we see in and for different purposes. What you have deposited in you is sufficient for the very task at hand.

Also, it is important to understand that there is a Principle of Timing and Prompt Response. In the law of the Kingdom of God, there's orderliness and also timeliness. Every instruction from God is for a certain time, a certain season. Habakukk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for an appointed time". We must understand that whatever treasures are put into us must be cultivated and also in time. There is a season for its manifestation and we must operate according to this.

Now that we have understood that our calling comes from God, we must also learn the place of Proper Alignment. Hear Brother Jacob's testimony (Genesis 28:16), "Surely, the LORD is in this place and I knew it not". It is important that we are sensitive enough to identify our calling and also align ourselves for its manifestation.

One step to making the most of this alignment is NewBirth. Not every man is granted access to the voice of God. And one fundamental rquirement to the fulfilment of one's calling is God's voice. It is a very vital too. The Bible says in John 10:27 "my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me". Note, He says His sheep meaning His people. And who are the people of God, the saints of God, the sons and daughters of Zion. These are those who have access to his voice. The number one way to get on with this is through Redemption. Redemption brings a man out of the very darkness into light. 1Peter 2:9, 2Corinthians 4:7

Secondly, our access to the voice of God that is important for the manifestations is made possible on the altar of Prayer. Prayer is a means of communication between God and man. It is a spiritual tool whereby we access God's plan and purpose for our lives. To know and to walk in God's ordained will for our lives, then we must be given to a life of Prayer and Fasting. These two tools are means to seeking God's word about any issue of concern. Isaiah 58:6 -8. Verse 8 says "then shall thy light break forth as the morning".

Another is through God's word i.e. the Bible. One way we can continue to remain in alignment with God's plan and purpose for our lives is through remaining in alignment with His word. The Bible makes us to understand that God created the Heavens and the Earth with the words of His mouth, thus, His word is able to create the destiny of any believing child of God. Note the word "believing". Not just the word is enough, the word, then with Faith. This word that we receive must mix with Faith in us else it will not profit us. Faith is a very vital weapon when it comes to the Word of God. Accessing the voice if God through His word is paramount to us understanding and walking in this light which is our calling and which is His plan for our lives.

Another way by which we can live fulfilling the calling is through the help of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. The Bible makes us understand in John 16:13 that He is our teacher and He is here to also guide us. We cannot do anything of our physical self. We are powerless but through the power of the Holy Spirit in us, we are able to know the mind of God for every season and at every step of the calling.

To appropriate your calling, other things we must understand include:

1. Know that the world desires what you have. We saw in the part 1 article; no man is created into the world an accident. There is a reason you came as man and not a bird; this shows you have something to serve as influence which the world today needs. All you need do is find it.

2. The treasures in you are to serve God: One way the devil robs man is through Identity; whether our identity or the things we identify with. Having understood that God is the giver of your gifts, it will be wrong to now use it as a tool to serve the devil or to lure people away from God and His word.

3. Your life must count: As children of God, our parting gift to the earth should be that we deposited all that God has put in us; that we were able to meet the very needs of the very lives the Father has entrusted into our hands.  Remember a day comes when every man will give an account to His Creator(Romans 14:12). You are not a wasted effort, God chose to create you for a significant purpose and you must fulfil it.

4. God is the multiplier. We have been made to understand that He wants us the way we are. Yes, this is true. But He does not want to leave us the way we are. What we think we have that is little may seem little, but all it needs is in Christ. All it needs is in the Father. Commit the little into His hands and He will make it plenty.

Remember, Everything changes when you put all into HIS  hands.



Building men and women of Excellence...



2Corinthians 4:7(kjv)

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us"

2Corinthians 4:7(NLT)

"We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves".

2Corinthians 4:7(NIV)

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us".

Hallelujah! Let us say


Glory to God!

From the scriptures, God is saying unto us we have treasures in earthen vessels. And it is very important that this is coming at the very beginning of the year in order to set the pace for the year. It is often said that an athlete who wants to finish a race well most of the time had started well. The journey of the new year does not begin when we are half way but at the very beginning. 

It is a wonderful thing we are receiving this from God's word. "I am a treasure" "We are treasures".

What is understood as Treasure?

Treasures can be said to mean prized possessions, a choiced good(good of choice), something one cherishes. Treasures can mean things we hold dear. According to the English dictionary, Treasures are a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects. 

What then is God's definition of treasure?

You and I...let's look from God's word in 1Peter 2:9

"For ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people, a holy nation; ye are called forth to show the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light". Hallelujah!

You are a chosen generation meaning you are not a mistake but a choiced creation. This is treasure. According to the last portions of the verse, you have been called into the kingdom of light. New Living Translation says we now have this light shining in our hearts. We are all treasures.

The Bible also makes us to understand that we are vessels of God. 2Timothy 2:4 "But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour". So as treasures in earthen vessels, we have treasure in us. From the very verse above, we see that different vessels exist, and each category of vessel will determine the content it carries. A vessel of gold will carry something different from wood and certainly different from silver. 

It says some to dishonor and some to honor. They are all vessels but do not carry out same function. This is what we see in the christiandom today; the Bible makes us to understand that every man as long as you breath the life of God, there is a calling upon your life. For every man you see on the streets either doing what is right or wrong, there is a calling upon every man but the outcome of that calling is what makes the difference. How we maximize those treasures in our earthen vessels. This is what makes some vessels of honour and others of dishonour. 

From scriptures, we understand why we have these treasures in earthen vessels. God never created any man empty. As a matter of fact, all He creates was good...meaning they were all cherished, all treasured. Why then did He put such in us? In the latter part of 2Corinthians 4:7 "that the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us".

I love how NLT puts the latter part, "This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves". So, it is clear. Anything that is clear means it can be seen. So all can see that the treasure you possess is of God and also from God.

As the Treasure of God, what this implies is that our lives cannot just be lived anyhow. Apostle Paul went on to explain to us what these treasures will mean for us, not just possessing them but when we use them. Verse 8-11 talks this much clearly:

"We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.Yes, we live under constant danger of death because we serve Jesus, so that the life of Jesus will be evident in our dying bodies". 

All the above look like we are subject to bad happenings, but Verse 17 of 2Corinthians 4 kjv says "for our light affliction which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;"

Romans 8:28-30(kjv) says "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified". 

So, it is all in a bid that we may be glorified. Apostle Paul in all his ministry faced trials and persecutions. Verse 17 of 2Corinthians 4; says all we will face as Treasures of God are light and are only for Glory.

But remember we said that these treasures must be used. How a treasure is being used is what determines whether the vessel that possesses it can be called a vessel of Honour or dishonour. Everywhere in the scriptures that God tells us or reminds us that we are His people, there is always an instruction concluding it; there is always something we are doing as a people of God.

1Peter 2:9, 2Corinthians 4:7, Ephesians 2:10 (For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them), 1Corinthians 3:9-19, 2 Corinthian 4:1-2. Hence, whenever He says we are His, there is an assignment we are to fulfil.

We must understand that those Treasures in our earthen vessels must be put into good use. Remember the story of the talents(Matthew 25:14-30). Understanding this treasures in us is what brings us to the identification of our calling. The treasure are to manifest our calling.

Now that we have established the calling of God for every man. We must understand that He does not call empty vessels; there is a treasure which He has put in you that is supposed to help you in that calling. When people hear calling, we just assume its ministry. Our calling don't have to be us standing in front of a crowd, preaching or ministering to them. Your calling might be to save lives, to help the needy, to see a problem and solve it. Whatever it is, that  is your calling. But many miss it because they either expect it to be so big or think what they have is just so small so they do not maximize it.  In this new year, we must understand that there is a calling upon our lives and it will take us coming to the place of deep understanding to fully maximize it and the Treasures deposited in us. 

One other reason people stay ignorant of their calling is because we expect a vision. Some will have visions. The Bible made a classification in Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:"

For some, it will come in a form of dream, some through prophecies, some visions and for others it may not come this way. Nehemiah is an example (Nehemiah 1). He just found that something was wrong back at his home country and He needed to do something about it. Many a times, it will not come to us as a dream or vision, it may be something you've always known you are gifted in or you have passion for; there lies your calling.

Another thing, it is important to know that it's not every thing one has passion for or is gifted in that is your calling. Yes, it may be your treasure but may have not been put there for that reason. One way to know is that it aligns with God's will for your life.



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Matthew 9:16 "No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment and the rent is made worse"

17 "Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles and both are preserved"

Isaiah3:18 -19  “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!

Starting this New year with another series. God is showing unto us statutes and precepts by which we live the new year.

From scriptures, we understand the mystery of "New" - "New things", "New starts", "New life", "New beginnings"... 

In Psalms 126 vs 1 "when God turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream". _"Turned again"_ "To turn" means to change, to make something that was before into another, to make something usual i.e. "old" and make it unusual i.e "new". Prior to the turning again, something usual had been occuring in Zion then came the new. We also saw from scriptures that if any man be born in Christ, He is a "new" creature, "old" things are passed away and all things are now "new". Also in Genesis 1 when God created the heavens and the earth. Verse 1-2 tells us about a certain world filled with darkness and void before this great transformation- that great "New" which erased that which was "old".

We shall thus be looking at what "New chapters" mean for us this year 2022.

Looking at the above scriptural verses, we see something in form of an instruction. Here we see Jesus Christ speak one of his parables. He began by saying "No man". This is to tell us He was not only speaking to his disciples or to the people around him at that time but also unto you and I. Paraphasing the verse "No man having possessed a garment, {not just a garment but an old one} joins it up to a new one else the new is corrupted by the old. He went further and said no man having bought a new wine {takes it home and} adds it to the very one he had gotten before, else the new be made sour by that which is old.

In this parable, we are taught here that there is a tendency for "our new" to be eaten up by "our old". The old year 2021 is gone by and the new year 2022 is come; there is a likely possibility that in this new year, we let the actions of the years gone by control the happenings of the new year. And we are being admonished not to. It is human to want to because of certain events that have occured in one's life take actions that are deterrent to starting a new life. The Israelites would have returned into captivity were if not for the mercies of God when they were faced with challenges in the wilderness (Number 20:4-5). 

The new year is upon us and we have started planning how it will go; some haven't even started at all, the issues of the year gone past still on their minds. It is very safe to say that this new year that has come will come with new challenges. If you were weighed by 25% in the previous year, the new year will weigh another 25 or more than that. Hence, if you are still holding on to the weight of the year before; coupling with that of the new year, one will not be able to make the most of the year. 

Let us imagine a Bullock carrying just one cart over a long distance; at some point it will get tired, but let's say we add another filled with the same content into it, the animal is weighed down and may not be able to perform its ordered task. Perhaps, we now add to this added cart another Bullock, the work is much easier to perform. This is the same way it is with us when we reflect on the old things and instead of finding a way out try to return unto it. The new cart is the new year or "you" this new year; and the new Bullock is the "new" preparation for the new year.

We must come to an understanding also that for every new thing that comes your way, there is a new preparation. The old style of doing old things will not work for doing the new things. There has to be a new preparation for a new season. As one has entered into the new year,  your disposition also has to turn new. You have been trying to reach a goal in the years before but you have not been able to. Have you sat down to think what if there was another way to approach this thing?Many times when we are trying to hit a thing and we are not even getting close to the target, it may be a pointer to changing something or preferably fine tuning something whether it's our technique, our disposition towards the subject matter or the subject matter itself. Remember, the old wine is for the old bottle, and the new wine is for the new bottle. 

You can not do the new things the old way and expect a new result. A new thing plus A new way is what yields the new results.

Another thing we should know is that it is up to man to make the difference in the events of his life. How your life events play out depends a large percentage on how your part is being played. This is why Jesus was referring to "the man's self" {no man putteth by himself}. Whether you will live the new year like the previous year is largely dependent on You. 

Why is this so? 

Life happens to every man but every man has the capacity to choose the way he responds to Life. There is a concept of the "old" and the "new" You. We should know that the "New You" in the new Year has never met with the "Old You" in the previous year. The link between these two concepts "the old and the new" is YOU.

When "You" bring the old closer to your new, both have the capacity to make impact on each other but the stronger power belongs to the "Old You." Why? There is already a formed relationship between the "Old you" and "You", one which the "New You" does not have {whether it is with You or the old You}. Hence, what you have experienced has much more role to play in what you will experience if you allow it.



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A new year signifies new beginnings, new goals, new expectations, new experiences, new accomplishments, new achievements.

And more importantly it signifies the close of a chapter to open up a much better and new chapter.

From everyone@THE MEN THAT LEAD, we want to warmly welcome our friends and families to a new year. This year shall indeed be new in all things. It shall be full of glad tidings, joyous happenings, smiles and happiness. This 2022 shall surpass previous years in beauty, colour, style, prosperity, blessings, wealth, and all round..

Happy Happy New Year"2022"

Happy New Month "January"