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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Earlier in the week, we started a topic series "TREASURES IN OUR EARTHEN VESSELS". I believe we all should know by now that we are God's treasures. That, deposited in our bodies are hidden treasures that the world can't wait to see manifest. The Bible says in Romans 8:19kjv "for the earnest expectations of the creature waiteth for the manifestations of the sons of God". We have in us precious jewels; but as we have been made to understand, until they are tapped into, we cannot maximize to capacity these treasures. The fruits from a mango seed cannot be seen unless it is first sown into the ground, germinates into a plant and then bears the fruits. The same way, our treasures must be put into use - efficient and effective use.

We already began looking into the attributes of our calling. We have been made to understand that our treasures, our gifts can translate into our calling. Today we will dwell further on it.

Firstly, we must know that our calling is of God. The treasures in our vessels are poured in by God himself. The Bible makes us understand that he is the Creator of all things good (Genesis 1:18,25,31) . So if treasures are good, He created them and wilfully He gave them to us to exploit.  In the parable of the talents(Matthew 25:14-30), the servants did not go to the master to ask of Him, the master gave as he deemed fit. We will see this more as we go along. We must also understand that the same way the treasures are put in by God, the calling also is of God and not of man. 1Peter 2:9 says "to show forth the praise of Him who has called us". 1Thessalonians 5:24 "Faithful is He who has called, who also will do it". 2Corinthians 4:7 "this great power is from God and not from ourselves".

We see from these above scriptures that every great calling comes from God who is the Caller himself; and since the Caller alone knows why He calls, it is He who is best to guide us through the calling. Hence, we must understand that our calling is of God and not ourselves, this will help us rightly appropriate the calling. So many today have failed in the place of right appropriation of their calling. We see men of God who were so mightily used and all of a sudden they are fallen away, because as long as you are outside the reach of the Caller, so is your calling.

Secondly, it is important to note that He who is called is led of the caller and not the other way. Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest out of the womb, I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations". We must understand that the one who is led must always follow He who leads. Hence, it is expedient at all times to seek God's face because He alone knows the end from the beginning and it is He who is best to teach us. Isaiah 48:17 "Thus saith the LORD thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am the LORD they God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.

Another is, Know that you are called the way you are. God knows everything there is to know about the life of any man...He knows the Treasures in us. It is possible that we underestimate what He has placed in us but only He knows the true worth. Therefore, it is necessary that we obey Him as He guides and instructs. It is not how big the treasure or how well it is developed. God wants to use it the way He has put it into you. He will bring the development as you make use of it. No man is ever great in one day; it takes devotion, time, and a lot of hard work. Hence, the Father places these treasures as He finds appropriate for your person and more importantly for that season in which you are. All we must do is to trust that He has the perfect intent and will for us. Jeremiah 29:11 "for I know the thoughts that I think towards you, they are thoughts of peace and not of evil". Let us take a look at the lives of the disciples. The Bible tells us He called them differently; this is to say that they did not all have the same qualifications. They were not all in the same place at the same time that we might think Jesus would have seen similar traits in them. He called them differently, and walked with them; in the same vein, different treasures are kept in us as we see in and for different purposes. What you have deposited in you is sufficient for the very task at hand.

Also, it is important to understand that there is a Principle of Timing and Prompt Response. In the law of the Kingdom of God, there's orderliness and also timeliness. Every instruction from God is for a certain time, a certain season. Habakukk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for an appointed time". We must understand that whatever treasures are put into us must be cultivated and also in time. There is a season for its manifestation and we must operate according to this.

Now that we have understood that our calling comes from God, we must also learn the place of Proper Alignment. Hear Brother Jacob's testimony (Genesis 28:16), "Surely, the LORD is in this place and I knew it not". It is important that we are sensitive enough to identify our calling and also align ourselves for its manifestation.

One step to making the most of this alignment is NewBirth. Not every man is granted access to the voice of God. And one fundamental rquirement to the fulfilment of one's calling is God's voice. It is a very vital too. The Bible says in John 10:27 "my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me". Note, He says His sheep meaning His people. And who are the people of God, the saints of God, the sons and daughters of Zion. These are those who have access to his voice. The number one way to get on with this is through Redemption. Redemption brings a man out of the very darkness into light. 1Peter 2:9, 2Corinthians 4:7

Secondly, our access to the voice of God that is important for the manifestations is made possible on the altar of Prayer. Prayer is a means of communication between God and man. It is a spiritual tool whereby we access God's plan and purpose for our lives. To know and to walk in God's ordained will for our lives, then we must be given to a life of Prayer and Fasting. These two tools are means to seeking God's word about any issue of concern. Isaiah 58:6 -8. Verse 8 says "then shall thy light break forth as the morning".

Another is through God's word i.e. the Bible. One way we can continue to remain in alignment with God's plan and purpose for our lives is through remaining in alignment with His word. The Bible makes us to understand that God created the Heavens and the Earth with the words of His mouth, thus, His word is able to create the destiny of any believing child of God. Note the word "believing". Not just the word is enough, the word, then with Faith. This word that we receive must mix with Faith in us else it will not profit us. Faith is a very vital weapon when it comes to the Word of God. Accessing the voice if God through His word is paramount to us understanding and walking in this light which is our calling and which is His plan for our lives.

Another way by which we can live fulfilling the calling is through the help of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. The Bible makes us understand in John 16:13 that He is our teacher and He is here to also guide us. We cannot do anything of our physical self. We are powerless but through the power of the Holy Spirit in us, we are able to know the mind of God for every season and at every step of the calling.

To appropriate your calling, other things we must understand include:

1. Know that the world desires what you have. We saw in the part 1 article; no man is created into the world an accident. There is a reason you came as man and not a bird; this shows you have something to serve as influence which the world today needs. All you need do is find it.

2. The treasures in you are to serve God: One way the devil robs man is through Identity; whether our identity or the things we identify with. Having understood that God is the giver of your gifts, it will be wrong to now use it as a tool to serve the devil or to lure people away from God and His word.

3. Your life must count: As children of God, our parting gift to the earth should be that we deposited all that God has put in us; that we were able to meet the very needs of the very lives the Father has entrusted into our hands.  Remember a day comes when every man will give an account to His Creator(Romans 14:12). You are not a wasted effort, God chose to create you for a significant purpose and you must fulfil it.

4. God is the multiplier. We have been made to understand that He wants us the way we are. Yes, this is true. But He does not want to leave us the way we are. What we think we have that is little may seem little, but all it needs is in Christ. All it needs is in the Father. Commit the little into His hands and He will make it plenty.

Remember, Everything changes when you put all into HIS  hands.



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