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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



What are the areas we need to stay committed?

Earlier, we talked on our spiritual life, studious life and a disciplined life. Today, we will be looking at more areas.

4. Your Relationship life:A very vital aspect of a man are his relationships. The people you keep in your inner circle; your friends, families, business partners, colleagues at work, school; those who you are in continuous communication with it - all these people form a very vital part of our lives. And if we must fulfil Purpose, they have an important role to play alongside us. It is often said, if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, you need some set of people with you. And these people will determine the course of your life whether it is consciously or unconsciously done. If you must fulfil your God ordained plan, there are some relationships you just cannot do without; you just have to invest in them - your time, energy, resources. Some of these relationships are:

1. the family you belong to; they determine your life. If you will fulfil your purpose, then they must be ready to support you. However, not in all cases, do these support come. But if you see a person who is supported all the way through, the proof is always there. 

2. the friends you keep: there is an adage that says "show me your friend and I will tell you who you are". Biblically speaking in Proverbs 13:20 "the companion of the wise shall be wise; but that of the foolish shall be destroyed". Another says "the ways of the foolish wearieth each one of them because they know not how to get into the city" (Ecclesiastes 10:15). You will all agree that vital roles are played by friends in every man's life. The company you keep if you want to achieve your ordained Purpose in life must be company of those who believe in your calling; they believe in your vision; they accept that vision and also help you to run to achieve the vision. These men and women must not be lacking in the life of someone who is to fulfil Purpose. An example is the relationship between King David and his friend, Jonathan. Jonathan was an important aspect of David's Ascension into power and all. It was more easy for David having someone on the inside to rely upon. We must understand the same way, right friendships must be invested in; the wrong ones should be run away from. 

Once we have identified them as being inimical to the dream, please Run from them. It is no use hanging around them or saying perhaps later, they will fall in line. They will not fall in line, in fact they will draw you out of the line. An example is Ammon (king David's son) and his friend, Jonadab in the Bible. The end result of this friendship was death.

3. Relationship with Covenant men and women: Hallelujah, we call them covenant men and women because your calling or Purpose is a covenant. Once you have agreed to walk in it, it's a form of agreement between you and God who is your creator. And for such agreements to be effective, it has to be binding on both parties. By now, we should know that God has no problems keeping His end of any Covenant, it is men that must try to remain in sync with God. To do this, God places men and women who are covenant friends in our lives; they could come as pastors, prophets, teachers of the word, etc. They are put in our lives for different seasons of our lives and help us through those seasons of our lives. It is just as if they also received the mandate of the vision together with us. Once you have recognized these men, we must make it a duty to keep them, honour them and cherish them. Another care study from the scripture is King David and Nathan the prophet. Though not mentioned, there had to have been some sort of good relationship between the king and the prophet. This would explain why the prophet could feel able to approach him on a matter that could claim the life of his son and upon hearing, the king did not send guards to lock or beat up the prophet saying he is a prophet of doom. Apart from the fact that he believed it was God talking, he also believed in the prophet who God was speaking through. These persons are very important in our lives. Do not disregard them, dishonour them or worse, make yourself over familiar with them. The end result of the latter may be costly.Other vital relationships are mentors, colleagues at your place of work, etc. For the latter, if as a person you are always trying to get out of trouble as God had already shown you your life path but then you make business friendship with one who is a trouble maker; soon the trouble will get to you and may end your own vision.

Overall, one must understand that whom you relate with determines your rate in life. The rate you will move in life is determined strongly by the people you relate with. The strength of your pursuit of Purpose largely depends on the strengths of your relationships. From the Bible "one shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousands to flight". The scripture makes us also understand so clearly that there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. This tells us that friendship is a paramount tool to Purpose success, even Purpose Discovery.

Who is a friend? A friend is simply someone that is committed in helping you get to your destiny. Be intentional when choosing these persons. No man chooses his family but Friendship is by choice. 

5. Your work life: Your work life is a paramount part of your life that you must be committed to. There is a difference between your job and your work. Your job is what you are paid for while your work is what you are made for and also paid for. This is to tell us that your job is man made (artificial) while your work is innate. It comes from potentials deposited on your inside. Therefore, understanding what these potentials are in us are significant to our purposeful and impactful work life. How do we know what we are made for? The best way you can answer this question is to look within yourself and ask, what is it that I love doing; whenever I do it, I find fulfilment in it? I derive joy and gladness from it. What are your areas of gifting? Discovering these areas are crucial to  becoming God's plan for that life. Our Leadership journey starts when we recognize our work and we are committed to doing it. Your work determines your Worth. Ecclesiastes 11:6 "in the morning, sow thy seeds, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether thou shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good". This is one powerful scripture my mentor of late memory Dr Myles Munroe explained and I will like to share with you. When you understand this scripture, it will help you from being broke. The meaning states that do your work in the morning and go to your job at evening, you do not know which one will one prosper you. As you are doing your work, find a job also and take it serious.

6. Your Financial Life: We must understand that our work life leads to our financial Life. Your financial Life is not an aspect of your life that you should treat with levity. It is an important part of your life, but many do not focus on this part because they attribute their work life to their financial Life. Your work life isn't your financial life, it only leads to your financial life. Let me share a story;There was a vulcanizer around my street that built a very nice house, may people were surprised when they got to know because they judged his financial Life according to his work life. When I got to know the secret of this man, it was stated that he is a person who is into a lot of savings and investment, hence his financial status. You need to acquire knowledge on savings or ask the rich how they save their money. Not everything is a must to buy, a must to have,  a must to wear. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone. It is not how much money you make but how much money you keep and invest with.

7. Your Health life: Your Health life is your Life. Without Health, there is no life. Without health, there is no wealth, because even that which you have is spent to have health. A man once said "if you lose money, you lost nothing but if you lose health, you have lost all". Your health matters a lot. It determines every other thing in your life; how you pursue after life goals and plans. Health gives hope to a wealthy life. Take care of your health today so as to enjoy your wealth today and tomorrow. Smoking and drinking excessive alcohol are common ways you want to harm your health. Smoking kills but only a fool will see what will kill him and still continue to do it. Beware of hard drugs!


God bless you


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