Jeremiah 6:16-17
"Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken".
Hallelujah!!!! we thank God for a new week. We pray it shall be a wonderful week for us all.
In the anchor scripture above, God was speaking to the children of Benjamin and also to the house of Israel; a word of caution. Here, we see that they had began to stray, to do what God had not commanded them and to also disobey His instructions. Verse 16 tells us about the corrections and reproof but still they would not accept. They wanted to have it their own way not God's way. Many a times, this is how we as children of God are; we want to have it our way, even when it comes to us hearing from God, we want to hear it our way. God spoke to Moses from the cloud; He must also speak to me from the cloud. He appeared to Him in a burning bush; if He is not appearing that way to me, then it is not God. And Just like the unrepentant children of Israel, we have hard times understanding the will and plan of God.
One thing we must understand it is never always our plan. The scripture says in Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death". Another in Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD". Two, God is the one who has been before creation and will continue to be even after all is done with; and as such when it comes to planning or living our lives, we can expect to be as perfect as He is or as all knowing as He is or as without flaws as He is. Many times, we want our plans and will to be at the same level with His or some times even want Him to subject His plans to ours. We must understand that there is no problem in a man's will aligning with God's plan for His life; as a matter of fact your will must be in full alignment to enjoy the full blessings. But we must know that sometimes what we want may not always be that which is best and right for us. God desires that it is His will that comes to pass in our lives because as man, we can not be without mistakes so He desires for us to follow His path which never leads astray. Three, God alone knows our end; we ourselves are ignorant of this very fact but where we fail is failing to accept this. How many years of your life have you known to assume what will happen in the next twenty or fifty years to come. Only the Father knows; and only Him can bring us to this plan easy and without failing.
We must also get to the level where we bring our will and plan into God's own will and plan; and when we start to execute this according to God's own plan, it is seen as our plan. I hope we understand?
This is because the latter is what men will see; it is you that they will see prosperous in whatsoever you do not God: it is you they will see enjoying success in everything not God...and they will be like tell us how did you plan your life that things are working for you this way? It is not you who planned, it is God who planned it but you had to bring yourself into this alignment. And as it is not God that enjoys the benefits of Obedience, it is your life that shows forth the proofs. Every man in the scriptures that walked and worked in alignment with God's perfect plan did to their benefits. They were the ones who received the Father's blessings not the other way round. In that same manner, we must fully understand that God's plan must come first before any other thing that comes from us. The scripture says it is in man to desire a thing but only God has the capacity to bring it to pass. Proverbs 19:21 "man proposes, God disposes". This is why even today, when we are asked our 10 year or 5 year plan; if the things we have fashioned out are not at the center of God's plan for our lives, it might just end up an adventure in futility. Surprisingly, it may even work out but it will not work out according to the Heaven's standard. Yes, there is an Heavenly standard, a "God-standard" by which the events of our lives should unfold. God said unto prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations". It is possible if prophet Jeremiah had no understanding or revelation of this truth, he could still be a prophet but may not be unto many nations. Why is this so? God is merciful; He wants the good, perfect and acceptable for us His children but first, we must come to the understanding that it is always His thoughts and plans over our thoughts and plans.
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