The Winning Mindset Part 3
How do I lay hold on the Victory of Perception?
1. Guard your mind gates: Our mind gates are our eyes and ears. Anything that gets into our mind,pass through those two medium,eyes and ears. Don't stay close to people who talk down on you. Don't feed on what makes you think less of yourself. Build an association where everyone has a proper view of themselves. My spiritual father once said that the way people see others is a reflection of how they see themselves. So,if you stay around people who are small minded,they will let you think nothing good can also come out of you. Stay around people who are constantly talking big and encouraging you to go for the best in life.
2. Have a healthy relationship with God: I said earlier that the potential of a product is best only revealed by the manufacturer. You can't know yourself without knowing God. The more you interact with God in close relationship,you will begin to discover yourself like a man opening the pages of book. Don't let people deceive you, self discovery isn't what you do with a self help book; you need God to truly discover yourself. As you talk to God and interact with him, through prayers and studying of His word, the Bible; you come into a realization of who you are and you have encounters like Gideon did which would open you up into a consciousness of who you truly are.
3. Meditation: Keep the picture of your identity before you always. I have writings on the wall of my room that communicate my identity. You come into my room and see quotes like "Just as was said of Daniel, I'm ten times better than my contemporaries". "I am designed for success and I produce after my nature, effortlessly". "I can't fail, it's impossible". Set a structure that constantly reminds you of who you are.
In a world of so many voices, it's easy to be distracted and lose focus of who you really are. Everybody is talking,your lecturer thinks he knows who you are,your coursemates try to describe you, your parents are trying to tell you how you should be like. However, remember that let God be true, and let every man be a liar. If what any man says isn't in alignment with what God has said about you, discard it and believe God above all else. Your report card might show that you are 30th out of 35 students and you feel like you are a failure, but keep your identity before you, till your experiences look like your identity. It might take a while but keep at it, don't let your experiences decide your identity rather let your identity determine your experiences. That you have a CGPA of 2.5/5.0 doesn't mean you a failure. If God says you are the head and not the tail, then keep the word above your experiences, till you now clearly see that even in your academics, you are now the head. Don't shift your convictions to fit your experiences,let your convictions shape your experiences. You were made for more. You were designed to succeed. You have all it takes to be the best in life. Believe it, make it your confessions, keep it before you and running in your mind, till it settles in your consciousness, that success is not what you are trying to achieve rather it is who you are. I hope to hear your testimonies from this amazing truth. Thank you for your time. I call you blessed.
The Impact Team
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