It is the last day of the week and the fourth message of the series. We thank God for thus far has He brought us. Amen. Furthermore on the topic, "Christian Giving"; today, we will go more into studying biblical proofs of Giving. We must understand that in the kingdom of God, we have principles which men who have seen and walked with God followed during their time and we cannot but look into their lives to gain knowledge. Hebrews 12:1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us".
But before we look into this, let us conclude on the mysteries of Giving.
8. Giving guarantees true peace from God:
If there is any way to enjoy peace financially, then it is through giving. We saw in Job chapter 1, that the man Job was the greatest in all of the East; but the secret of Job was not that he was a good business man or that he possessed good investments. Job 29:1-25; a life sold out to service unto others was the secret of the man Job. He gave both unto God and to humanity, hence he never lacked.
Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you". One way by which we seek the kingdom of God is through possessing a heart of giving. This formula works anywhere and everywhere. Consider the man, King Solomon (1Kings 3). Those other things men are dying to get includes Peace, whether financially, over your health, over your family. It's peace all-round.
9.Giving is from where you are:
This is not understood by many. This is a very important mystery in Giving. God is not asking you to bring that which is not within your reach nor in your hands. God will not ask you what He has not first provided you with. He provided Abraham with Isaac, He asked him to offer. He provided the ram also and asked for it. In Genesis 4, we saw there that both Abel.and Cain brought out of their animals and crops respectively, an offering unto the Lord. The Bible makes us understand that it is God who gives bread unto the water and seeds to the sower (2 Corinthians 9:10). This is the God we serve, and He has not changed. His words then still hold. He wants us to give to Him as He has given unto us.
One other thing is this, you are not to give based on your belief of where you are going to. So many say words like when I have this, I will give it. But what God wants from you, is what you have now. You may be wondering I have nothing now, look carefully around. There is something. He is not a task master, He doesn't ask what He will not have first given unto you. Our problem which is not really a problem if we know, is that we do not look around us for these things. Is it someone who cannot acknowledge the good hands of the Lord as evident in his life that will be able to look around to see what God is asking Him to offer.
However, we must know; now that you understand that Giving is right where you are. It does not mean you should bring to God that which costs you nothing or is insignificant. King David in 2 Samuel 24:24 paraphrased "And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing". If it must be given unto God, then it must be worthy of Him to whom it is given.
Biblical Proofs of the Christian Giving
1.The widow of Zarephat gave to the prophet (1kings 17:7-16).
There is something we need to take note of in this story, Elijah went to the woman based on the instructions from God, this implies that God recognized this woman as a giver. There were lots of widow in Zarephat during that period but then that particular woman was singled out among others, God had the insurance that she would feed the man of God and He could boldly say unto the prophet "Arise and get there to Zarephat". When Elijah got to her place, he told her what he wanted, the woman explained the issue but then she still chose to give to a prophet she has never met and you know what happened, she became blessed. We see this woman did not have plenty but out of what was considered little, she gave unto the Lord. The Bible recorded that all through the famine season, she kept on having enough.When you do God's own first, he will attend to all your needs
2. Job gave to the needy (Job 29:12)
Right from verse 1, we saw how Job was a giving son of God. We were made to understand that he would even offer offerings for his sons and daughters unto God. The Bible tells us that He was the greatest man in the East. This was possible because he had access to the secrets of security Heaven's attention on his finances.
3. The wife of Nabal Abigail gave to David. (1 Samuel 25).
Abigail was able to save her household from destruction through giving, and we saw how she was honoured for this. She became one of King David's wife after the death of her husband, Nabal. This she attained through giving. Nabal and his household were to be destroyed because he declined to offer anything to David but we see as the Giving nature of Abigail saved lives.
4. Abel and Cain (Genesis 4)
The story of Abel and Cain were in fact the first in the course of Giving. In this scripture, we see how through Giving, one was accepted by God and God had no respect to the other's; this brought strife and envy on one which led him to kill the other brother and inherit a curse upon his head. Hence, we see, it is not just "giving" that matters but Giving what is appropriate; Giving the right thing and in the right way.
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