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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Earlier this week, we began a series on The Purpose of Man. We were made to understand that just as the Lord created the heavens and the earth, the satellite bodies, the sun and the moon, and He gave each of them work to do or purpose to fulfil; in such manner, He has given man Purpose to fulfil also. We will be going further into the discourse.

In Genesis 1:26, we see a manufacturer after having described his product, He went right into the purpose of the product. The manufacturer here is God and the product is man. The Bible says in Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and LET THEM HAVE DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, AND OVER ALL THE EARTH, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth". The first act was an act of creation and the second was to give the creation a purpose.

"Let them have Dominion! yes that is it". That's the answer. DOMINION! That's what you and I and all mankind were created for. So God after creating everything He needed to create i.e fish, water, animals, trees etc; He said now, I need someone who can manage these things someone who can control these things I have created. And then he created Man and gave him dominion over all his creation. This is man's Purpose.

In the above verse is tucked something that most people tend to overlook. It says "AND OVER ALL THE EARTH". That earth there means the cosmos. That is everything pertaining to the earth. The things on the earth, the territories of the Earth, the systems of the earth and so on. What we are saying invariably is that every man on earth was created to dominate in a particular sphere of life

You should note that Adam the first man created was tasked with the responsibility of taking care of, managing and governing the affairs of the garden of Eden. The late Myles Munroe said the primary Purpose God created man was for management Gen1:8,15. You see Adam was not created to take care of the whole Earth. He was apportioned a part of the Earth which was Eden. He was given authority over that territory. As we also are, we were not created to do everything. You were not created to be everywhere. As a matter of fact, no man can do everything. God is the only one with that power. God created you with specific abilities and potentials which are perfectly tailored to help you gain dominion over a particular sphere of life that is your Eden. 

Your ability to find this sphere where you are meant to dominate will go a long way in determining if you will be able to fulfill your God-given purpose and invariably your destiny or not. Now your own Eden might be the music industry. God has given you a sonorous voice. People stand enthralled when you sing; their hearts are moved just listening to the lyrics of your songs. This clearly shows that you have been called to exercise Kingdom Dominion in the music industry. And so it is for other spheres of Life; Sports, Politics, Educational systems, Entertainment world, Financial industry, The Military, The Media, Fashion industry etc. God has created people and engraced them with potentials to exercise Kingdom Dominion in every facet of Life. Find your Eden. Be known for something. Don't be a "jack of all trades, master of none" type of person. Every great man or woman is known for something. There has to be a particular area you are very good at; that's your shining spot. Every outstanding man today is known for a particular thing; be it Steve Jobs or Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg or Muhammad Ali, Don Moen or Reinhard Bonnke, Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa. These men and women found out their Eden and decided to chase after fulfilling what Purpose was for them, hence they became great.

When You know your purpose, you will find your true meaning.

In your purpose, you discover yourself.

In your purpose, you find rest for your soul.

When you come to terms with this truth, you will be able to answer these five questions of Life:

Where am I from? (your origin)

Who am I? (your Identity)

Why am I here? (your purpose)

What can I do? (your potential)

Where am I going? (your destiny) 

In these lie the true meaning of life.

Shalom 💕.

Thank you. 

The Impact Team


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