We thank God for another opportunity to bring to you another teaching on PURPOSE this week. In last month's Purpose article titled, "MY PURPOSE MY POTENTIAL", we saw how Purpose gives birth to Potentials and how important it is for us to put our potential to work as this is the only way we can impact our world. We were reminded on how important our Purpose is as we know many destinies and lives are attached to it. I sincerely hope that you were able to put those instructions into practice so that we wouldn't just be hearers (Readers in this case) only, but we will be doers of the word.
This week we will be considering what exactly the life of purpose is and how we can live purposefully everyday of our lives.
Purpose as we have previously defined, is our reason for living. It is the "WHY" of our lives. It is the objective for which we have been sent into this world to accomplish. And if you have been following us for some time now, you will remember the five (5) questions every man must ask himself. They are:
✓Who am I your identity)
✓Where am I from (your source)
✓Why am I here (your purpose)
✓What can I do (your potential)
✓Where am I going (your destiny).
We have also been told overtime that our destiny is not a destination but rather a journey. It's not a place you get to but the path you take towards getting into that place. Contrary to what many folks today think, everyday of your life is as significant as the next. The sum total of the decisions you make everyday determines the quality of your life. The decisions you made yesterday have a part to play in your today; in the same vein, the decisions you make today will impact on your tomorrow. Make right decisions today, enjoy the fruits tomorrow. Make wrong decisions and you will be paying for this tomorrow.
It is therefore expedient that we consider how we can live purposefully everyday thereby fullfiling God's agenda for our lives.
In a bid to fully understand this, we will be referring to Apostle Paul's teachings on Purpose because he was one of the men who ran with Purpose in the scriptures. For a man to say, "I have fought the good (worthy, honorable, and noble) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith (2 Timothy 4:7); He sure has something to say about Purpose.
We will therefore be referring to some of his teachings on Purpose in the book of Ephesians chapter 5.
Ephesians 5:15 (AMPC)
[15]Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people)
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