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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



This week, we started out on the lesson "Leaders are Readers". I am sure by now, we must have been endowed with insightful knowledge on the subject matter. But today, we will look at Leadership from a different perspective. We have been made to understand that anyone who wants to be successful; either a leader or not, must possess a Reading Habit. Only those who have access to information can make good use of it. And the disease that kills faster is not any health related problem but the lack of Knowledge i.e IGNORANCE. If one doesn't know that the way he or she is feeling, there is a need to visit the hospital or see a medical person; that person may not know until his condition gets worse and then it might be too late. If such a person dies; it's not because of lack of medical care, but for his or her ignorance. Therefore, Reading is very essential; and not just Reading but Reading to be sensitized; Reading to get new and useful information. This is very important as not all we read are actually useful information and some sources are not creditable. Hence, you choose carefully what you read. The same way you feed your stomach when you eat, you also feed your mind when you read; thus, it is important we are fed with the right things.

We must have understood by now that Leadership is the "capacity" and will to rally men and a woman to a common purpose and the "character" which inspires confidence; first in yourself then, in those following you.  From this definition, we see there are two important keywords: CAPACITY AND CHARACTER. These two are the building blocks of Leadership. For every leader to stand upright, he must have in his possession both Capacity and Character i.e. he must have developed himself in the place of building capacity and building character. 

What is Capacity?

Capacity is the ability to do certain things. It is what you have that makes it possible for certain operations whether skilled or unskilled to take place. It can also be said to mean attributes that make you valid for any assignments you undertake. But looking at it from the angle of Reading: 

CAPACITY is the mental ability or the ability in every sense to read; not just mental i.e the mind, but time, resources and all. You cannot build capacity as a leader if you are not given to reading (it is not possible), the same way you cannot grow or advance in the school of Leadership without giving to a lifestyle of Reading. A leader who intends to grow spiritually and intellectually will read constantly in order to acquire new information, to refill the well of inspiration and to be well informed in his or her own field of expertise. It takes capacity i.e. ability to read in order to be succesful in that chosen field of endeavour. A man once said and I quote "Reading makes a full man, Speaking makes a ready man and Writing an exact man. Reading brings us to that fullness in us. Most times we don't know we can do  certain things until our eyes of understanding are opened on those things; one way through which this happens is through constant reading. We all know that Knowledge is Power. Investment in knowledge is what makes a leader powerful and empowered. For you as a leader to stand strong, you must always be given to reading.

The second keyword here is Character. J.Oswald Sanders said and I quote "if a man is known by the company he keeps, so also his character is reflected in the books he reads". 

What then is Character?Character can be likened to your distinctive properties; most likely a product of Capacity. What do I  mean? You get capacity to build character. Hence, these two  are interwoven.  Character is like a man's phenotype. It all depends on what he has put in himself i.e.his genetic make-up. Biologically soeaking, your phenotype is dependent on your genotype. This is why no two persons can have the same outward appearance, except there is a Genetic alteration. Relating this to Reading and Character. Reading goes into you -the inner you; your character is the outward you; the outward expression of your inner aspiration in the place of reading. Character is what defines a man. The real you is your character; and as such, to exhibit good character as leaders, we must continuously be given to Reading. Also, carefully select what you read as they can either make you or mar you.

Thank you for following through.

Wishing you Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year in Advance...


Building manhood



Earlier this week, we were made to understand that one very important skill a true leader must possess is the skill of Reading. Your thirst or desire for knowledge is the basis for the Reader in a Leader. This is because he has an understanding that if he does not acquire the way to go about things either through experience or seeing from the views of others, then he cannot really lead his followers successfully. As believers who are leaders, we must understand that the nature to lead is deposited in us at new birth. Matthew 5:14 says "ye are the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. Verse 13 says "ye are salt". This scripture only refers to them that are born again in Christ. So, if you are the light that shines for others to see, and also the salt for the  unsalted generation; you are a Leader. 

Also as leaders, we must understand that we are potentially empowered when we become born again and though this power be ignited when we are baptized with the Holy Ghost; the fire is kept alive by Knowledge. This is why Paul was admonishing us in 1Peter 2:2, that as newborn babes, we should desire the sincere milk of the Word. You are a born again leader with the inherent abilities to lead at redemption, but still you have to pay attention to Reading, as it is the Word you have seen and believed that you have the capacity to become. And one way we see this Word is through Reading.

I have come to understand that there is no prayer that can empower you above insight; the prayer you need is to know what materials to read and pray for Grace to understand what you read; this understanding is what actually empowers you. Every spiritual leader today with proofs in their Leadership journey did not attain this stage just by praying for knowledge or praying for wisdom. They went in search of it. This is why you would always hear them say "I caught this light when I read this particular book or a chapter in this book". You don't pray for knowledge, you simply search it out. We see in Proverbs 4:5, the Bible says "get wisdom, get understanding". Knowledge has to be gotten not prayed for. 

Moreover very important to note, the leader within every man comes alive when he discovers his purpose, sees the vision and sets out to fulfill them. Once again, we see Purpose and Vision coming out as two inseparable brothers. These are two important factors that we must consider as leaders; and both factors still revolve around us READING. Purpose is the intent for our creation i.e. the reason why God created us on this Earth, while Vision is knowing the path to get there and this requires divine direction. Vision is also the unfolding of God's plans for our lives from His Word.  The latter part very important "from His word". We see even, everything that is given to us in Revelations and all, they are all based on the Word. This is how we determine their truthfulness or their capacity to perform. Psalm 138:2 "For thou hast magnified they word above all thy names". Isaiah 14:24 "surely as I have spoken (the Word), I will bring it to pass"

Let us look at the story of the greatest leader that ever lived, our role-model as believing leaders; the person of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Yes, He was born of the Spirit and of water, but he still needed to read to locate his purpose. Luke 4:17-19paraphrased "And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written". Jesus could only find out what was written concerning him i.e. his purpose for existing, from THE WORD, not by praying and fasting. Purpose became clear, vision became accessible and it was easier to set out in the direction of fulfilment. Verse 21 says "and he began to say unto them, Today is this scripture fulfilled in all ears". However, we must understand from the earlier verses in that same Luke 4, Jesus was always in the synagogues. This is the attribute of someone seeking to know more, desiring to understand more. And this should be every believer's call.

If Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born of the SPIRIT, on whom these words came, "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, could read the Word; there is no reason we should be lacking in that regard. Jesus also knew the paths to follow (Vision), after this encounter with the Word. The Bible didn't say after reading, he took his books and left the synagogue for his house. Immediately, the manifestations began. He started preaching in the synagogues, going about healing and raising the dead; to prove that those Words were indeed fulfilled. This could only have been gotten on the place of searching out knowledge and understanding. 

One other way we know Jesus was a person of the Word was how he used the knowledge of the Word and who he was from the Word to overcome the devil's temptation in Luke 4:1-13. "It is written, it is written, it is written". My brethren, the Word you are ignorant of, you are permitted to suffer. If Christ had not the word, then the devil would have been in control and maybe there would be no Christianity as we have it today. Hence, the place of the Word can never be outmatched. 



Building manhood



A wonderful new week from us *@TMTL* (Leadership Arm). It shall indeed be a most inspiring and productive week for us all.This week we  will be trying to look at something different; the concept of being Leaders as well as Readers. 

From the Bible in _1Timothy 4:13_, we see an instruction given out to every leader "Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine". Timothy was a leader so this same words apply to us as leaders. One thing I have come to understand is that instructions are the gateway to our high places in life and in the place of seeking out these instructions, the Word becomes paramount.  As such, there is a place of us reading the Word as leaders, not just only leaders but anyone who wants to be successful and prosperous in life. Yes, not every one wants to lead, but we cannot deny the fact that we want to prosper or succeed in this life. And the only way to this has been shown us in _Joshua 1:8 "this book of the law (i.e the WORD( shall not depart from thine mouth, thou shalt meditate both day and night to do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shalt make your way prosperous_ and you shall have good success.  

From scriptures, we see to be successful or prosperous in life, it's not God that ultimately puts it in us. Yes, there will always be the God-factor, but the Bible does not say "then God will make your way prosperous or God will give you success". No, it will only happen if you pay full attention to the place of the Word. But since, we are talking about Leadership this week, it's best to relate as this pertains to us as leaders.

Like any other being who wants to make it in whatever he does, a leader must be a person given to the place of searching out and looking for UNDERSTANDING. This is the "purpose" of Reading. You do not know something, you will like to know or you have just an idea, you will like to build more on it. This among many others is the reason we read. Thus, if as a leader, you do not do these things, then you will be far from understanding. It then becomes the story of the blind leading the blind. What you have no understanding of, how do you expect to impact it into your followers. You have not seen the light and you expect others to see the light through you. How possible is that? And such situations never profit us as leaders, neither the people we lead. Hosea 4:6 tells us what happens when we are void of understanding-we are destroyed. _The path of no understanding is the path leading to destruction_.

Who is a leader? A leader is a person who leads a group of people to a common course or to achieve a common goal. A leader is simply someone that knows the way, the path and the direction to take to get to a destination.So if such things above are expected from us as leaders, lacking in them only shows there is no essence of us leading at all. A leader is expected to be someone that has already walked the path and is now taking others with him, maybe through insight or by his experience. Thus, a leader plays a very vital role; one that must not be taken with levity. 

As I will always say, "Everything rises and falls under Leadership". When a leader does not know where he is going, everywhere will surely look like his direction, and this will surely affect those people he is leading. You are responsible for them and as such you must be knowledgeable to a great extent if you want to inspire your followers. You must go in search for wisdom and understanding and this can only be gotten when you pay attention to Reading, to studying. _Proverbs 5:1-2 "My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding. That thou mayest regard discretion, and that the lips may keep knowledge"._ For us to get knowledge, we have to first pay attention.

Who then is a Reader?

A reader is someone that reads or invests in knowledge. We see "knowledge" once again find its way into the equation. You just cannot run away from it. There is a phrase that goes thus "Knowledge is Power". And I will like to add, if Knowledge then is Power and as Leaders, it is expedient we must wield and control Power to some extent. Therefore, it becomes necessary that we must first find Knowledge. 

A reader is also someone that believes that there is always a better way to doing things and he outrightly goes in search for that way (Jeremiah 6:16). When he finds it, he then brings his followers that same way. I have come to understand that it is investment in Knowledge that empowers a leader for unusual Accomplishments. For a leader to bring his team or group to an era of sustainable empowerment, he himself must have an undying quest for more and more insight in his field of leading. Nothing empowers like Knowledge. Take knowledge from any man, he is empty. We see King Solomon; though he was wise -relationship wise, he wasn't and this ended him. You see why it is very important for us to hold on to knowledge as leaders and not just knowledge, but Knowledge all-round. We might be hitting the nail if we say that we have an army of powerless leaders in Africa because we don't have Readers, but I will like to disprove this. Even though, we don't have many people focusing on it, we still cannot ignore the fact that there are Readers amongst us. The issue now is; they are not the ones in position of Authority - our dilemma. 

The phrase "Leaders are Readers is absolutely correct. A leader cannot be successful without first being an ardent reader, a successful reader also. A man once said "if I can see farther, it is because I am sitting on the shoulders of those who have gone ahead of me. Thus, he won't be lying if he says he can see the end of his journey because he has read the story and found the secrets of great people who have gone ahead of him. 


The Men That Lead

Building Manhood




Students today experience high levels of stress in many areas of life. Study schedules, especially in universities, are very challenging. The act of combining a busy life along with education causes stress and depression. Limited stress is beneficial and can lead to excellent performance. However, uncontrolled stress can lead to exhaustion, depression and several other sicknesses. In fact, college students are prone to episodic stress. This happens when exams are around the corner. Stress and depression also occur when getting ready for a presentation or an interview. Several students contemplate or commit suicide. Student life is a changeover period. They do a course supposing it will empower them to do or have something that they need, for example, expanded openings for work or upgraded delight in life. Concentrating is a piece of a procedure of progress and, here and there, change can bring about a considerable measure of nervousness. Students in school especially universities experience an intense stage taking care of anxiety and misery. 

Firstly, their hormones are in overdrive, which causes stress. Furthermore, the weight to do well adds to their anxiety levels. Homework, issues at home, connections at school and associate weight all add to stress and depression. The stress students experience may test their ability to cope and adapt to the environment they find themselves in. The impact of stress on students can be looked at from various angles. Stress affects students academically, socially, physically and emotionally


Stress affecting students academically leads them to have bad performance in school work. Students experience a lack of concentration. Stress in college students can affect the ability to concentrate, and there have been studies conducted that prove that stress interferes with a student's ability to concentrate, Stress in students is not something we can take likely. Ironically stress Improves concentration for a short term because when students are little stressed up they then to focus to try to get the issue in question which stresses them away but these concentrations doesn't last for long since they will have more school work or others assignment to do which demand long-term concentrations rather than the short term. 

Furthermore, stress affect the productivity or the output students make. When students are stressed up they turn not to give their maximum best when doing school work and as a result, it manifests in the outputs the bring which are clearly seen in the grades. Stress makes students spend fewer hours trying to get some school work done and they also do it in a shabby manner following the instructions giving the assignments in question. They also don't make adequate preparation for examinations. In the long term, it can even affect their plans for the future.

Also, stress affects the initiative skills of students. Most students when stressed up-turn to lack the ability to bring up new ideas to solve problems or issues, thus when students are faced with some challenges which might be even so easy to solve because they are stressed up to refuse or are unable to rack their brains to find solutions to that problem.

Lastly, stress cause students to be confused and also suffer from amnesia. All people when stressed upturn to be sixes and sevens with the little- complicated issues. 

In the academic life of students, they easily have misunderstandings with what is been taught in school and don't know what to do. On the other hand, many of themalso forget easily what have they know or have been taught because their minds are burdened with the issues that are stressing them up. All these points impact of stress on students, in the long run, cause them to perform poorly in school.


Ability to manage stress is really an important issue when it comes to the topic of stress. There are some techniques and ways that can help reduce stress and stop you being stressed up especially among students.


The first technique that can help with the management of stress is meditation.ditation that cultivates mindfulness can be particularly effective at reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions. Mindfulness is the quality of being fully engaged in the present moment, without over-thinking or analysing the experience. Rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, mindfulness meditation switches the focus on what is happening right now. Mindfulness meditation is not equal to zoning out.It takes an effort to maintain your concentration and to bring it back to the present moment when your mind wanders or you start to drift off. But with regular practice, mindfulness strengthens the areas of the brain associated with joy and relaxation. Mindfulness provides a potentially powerful antidote to the common causes of daily stress such as time pressure, distraction, agitation, and interpersonal conflicts. 

Deep Breathing

Another way which is easy to practice and do is deep breathing. Deep breathing releases tension from the body and clears the mind, improving both physical and mental wellness. We tend to breathe shallowly or even hold our breath when we are feeling anxious. Sometimes we are not even aware of it. Shallow breathing limits your oxygen intake and adds further stress to your body. Breathing exercises can help to reduce this stress. The key to deep breathing is to breathe deeply from the abdomen, getting as much air as possible into your lungs. When you take deep breaths from the abdomen, rather than shallow breaths from your upper chest, you inhale more oxygen. The more oxygen you get, the less tense, short of breath, and anxious you feel. This kind of breathing is called diaphragmatic breathing. It means to breathe from the depths of your belly, rather than from your chest and nose. 

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery is also a convenient and simple relaxation technique that can help you quickly and easily manage stress and reduce tension in your body. It is virtually as easy as indulging in a vivid daydream and, with practice, this technique can help you to ease the tension and stress that you feel. When used as a relaxation technique, guided imagery involves imagining a scene in which you feel at peace, free to let go of all tension and anxiety. Choose whatever setting is most calming to you, whether a tropical beach, a favourite childhood spot, a therapist’s chair, or a quiet place in the woods.

Self massage

Lastly, self-massage helps so much in managing stress much more than we think. Getting a massage provides deep relaxation, and as the muscles in your body relax, so does your overstressed mind. There are many simple self-massage techniques you can use to relax and release stress.

Thank you for reading through..Pls you can make use of the comments box..

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood




Indeed, students have a unique cluster of stressful experiences. Student’s academic performances can be affected by many factors.

Similarly, the sources of stress more specifically as a unique set of stressful encounters among student which includes: difficult financial challenges, domestic responsibilities, responsibilities related to holding a job while in school, and a heavy academic load.

The sources are explained below:


 The term relationship talks about how people are connected and the connection can be through blood, marriage, adoption and other legal ways like neutralisation for a country and registration. This bond that is created between people can at times turn to be a burden on them and others to turn out to be victims of relationship abuse. Relationship abuse is an example of oppressive and coercive practices used to keep up force and control over a previous or current cosy accomplice. Abuse can be enthusiastic, money related, sexual or physical and can incorporate dangers, seclusion, and terrorising. 

Abuse has a tendency to raise after some time. All these relationship issues can be in the form of change in a relationship, conflicts with a roommate, working with people you don't know, contact with strangers and family problems. The student turns to stress up to about these issues and begins to think a lot about ways to solve them which leads to them being distracted or having divided attention from academic work.


Personal factors happen to really cause so much stress than we can imagine and they also play a very important role in the various aspect of the life of a student.  Personal factors can take a form of so many ways which one way or the other affect student performance and stress them up. Some of these factors are:

Change in Living Environment

The reality that stress occurs when an event or stimulus requires us to change in some way makes a change in living environment a stressful experience. Apart from moving from home to school, our daily bumping into new faces on campus, disorders from roommates, etc. is tensed experience.

New responsibilities

Responsibilities related to holding a job while in school will certainly compound to a heavy academic load which is bound to result in stress. This is really challenging, as one has to financially rely on a job for sustenance. 

Financial Difficulties

It is definitely not a conducive experience when a student has to handle dual challenges of academics and financial constraints. Life becomes very challenging when a student is behind on bills payment; for when deadlines are not met and bills stares at you, it is enough to get a student tensed and depressed. 


There are some factors that happen in the academic curriculum that causes so much stress to students. So many things take place in the day to day activities of the academic processes that make students stress up.

Increased class workload

An increase in class workload stresses up students in the sense that when students have to do more than they can handle, they turn to get frustrated and are unable to focus and think straight. Students will overschedule their plans to meet up with the class workload in other to get good grades but eventually because these tasks are too much for them, they end up messing everything up. Especially in situations where there are a lot of assignments to do after having a very long day at work makes students more confused. Also Too much workload can also make student to be stressed in the sense that, when a student is undergoing so many courses in school and each of these courses are also demanding it make the student not have enough time to handle all these courses to his or her perfection and ones that happen the student turns to think so much and as a result will be stressed up and this will have a great effect on the academic performance of the student.

 Lower grade 

It is the desire of every student to excel in their field studies as such high grades mean a lot to students. In situations where students believe they expect a higher grade but at the end get a lower grade than they expected it weighs them down and kills the motivation they have. Once this happens students start to think a lot about what they didn't do, where they went and most times are not able to find answers to those questions. At the long run, they become stressed up with that and are not able to do everything right again.

Many hours of studies

Every student has a life outside the academic curriculum and environment. When a student has to compromise and use their personal time for other activities for studies, they turn to get bored and lose interest in studies. At the long run, this situation stresses them up which causes them to lose focus on academic work. As the saying goes "all work and no play make Jack a dull boy ", it also applies to students since they will become dull if all they do is to use their private time for studies and nothave time for themselves.


Procrastination, as they say, is the thieve of time, one attitude that is very common among a lot of students is procrastination. Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished. It is the act of accomplishing more pleasurable things set up of less pleasurable ones or completing less critical errands rather than more pressing ones, in this manner putting off approaching assignments to a later time. When student keeps doing this they lose interest in doing that particular task or assignment and once the loss of interest sets in stress follows up since they will be thinking how to meet up with the deadline for the assignment or task.


The environments students leave in plays a major role in how their life will be in school. Some students turn to adapt to new environment whiles others also feel discomfort being in a new environment. The environment student finds themselves in can stress them up which may cause them not focus on their studies or other academic issues and work.

Bad living conditions

Living conditions of people place a major role in the feeling and thinking of students. When students live in a condition which is difficult to afford some basic amenities of life they really live unhappily and this affects almost all the aspect of their life. Therefore, when they start to ponder about this issues they get stressed up and lose focus.

Divorce between parents

Major life changing events or happens can be very stressful to everyone, especially students. Unpleasant events like the divorce of parents make the student not be themselves because they become victims of broken homes. Divorce takes away the happiness students have and once that happiness they lose themselves and reflect on the past which stresses them up at the long run. There are a lot of situations that when someone finds themselves in they become frustrated and try to find ways and means out of that situations. Students are also victims of some of these situations. Some kind stuff or issues take places in school which might involve a student and he or she knows nothing about that situation and most often they are unpleasant ones. Students become disturbed and worried when they find themselves in such situations and thinking about that stress them up a lot.


Fear is one of the biggest problem student face each day in and out in their academic life. Fear in a student can be about failure or talking in public. When a student has the fear of failure they are always scared to undertake any initiative even when they know it's the right thing to do due to this they always stress up when they are confronted with such situations. It's the same with fear of talking in public. They always try to escape public so as not to talk.

Future worries

The thought of how the future will turn out is a burden for most students, especially if the field of their studies is one that has difficulties in finding a job. Students get stress up when they think of what they will do in the future and most of these thoughts is about whether they will be a burden to the society or they will be an impact of it.

To be Continued

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood




Stress is the process by which an individual or a person react when opened to external or internal problems and challenges. "the organism processes numerous systems to coordinate such adaptive responses both at systematic and cellular levels "by this, stress has direct effect on the brain and the whole anatomy of the body as such failure to adapt to a stressful condition can result in brain malfunction, physio-logical problem and also many areas of psychological challenge's in the form of depression, anxiety, pain and burnout. 

Stress in physics is a word which refers to the amount of force used on an object and it relates in real life as to how certain issues that carry force applied to human life. Examples financial difficulties, health challenge issues, conflicts with friends, all carry force or pressure on person's body -mind and spirit. Some of the pressure or force originate from the environment but most often comes from within a person's head in the form of worry, anxiousness, regret, discouragement and low confidence.

Therefore, stress is basically force applied to a person and may result in a strain which is as a result of an unmanaged stress that is when a person is not able to handle a challenge or problem encountered strain result. To some people, the effect is minimal which means they are able to endure pressure whiles in others the effect is enormous and have an adverse effect Stress can also be  explained as “An uncertain reaction to external and internal factors” that means a negative or positive reaction to environmental stimuli. In this regard, it is how the totality of your body relate to changes and unfamiliar situations that present itself in the course of time.

 Aspect of stress

The aspect of stress include: Anxiety, Distress, Fear, Burnout, Worry.


Anxiety is explained as the manner in which a person reacts or response to stress, accept and interpret. In this view, stress is seen as a journey to anxiety thus anxiety is an outcome of stress and it how an individual handles stress. A good handler of stress is likely to experience or no form of anxiety. Whereas those without effective management skills is prune to high level of anxiety.


Burnout, also refer to as soulless situation is where a person loses the eagerness and motivation in continuing to a particular kind of studies or activity as a result of both external and internal factors. The skills and expertise is still active but the desire and the wellness to perform is dead in the person as such activity or studies become huge responsibility without any joy.Burnout destroys a person’s motivation and may kill the initiative’s at studies or school.

The following are symptoms of burnout: 

✓Trouble sleeping due to worrying about studies

✓ Getting into too much conflict

✓ Bored with studies or activity

✓ Feeling frustrated with studies

✓ Studying very hard and accomplishing little.


Distress is a moment of great pain sorrow, acute physical and mental suffering affliction, trouble. It is as a result of an inability to handle or deal with a challenge or problem encountered in the performance of a specific activity or studies. Distress result in both emotional and physical pain. An example of emotional pain is sadness, resorting to drugs, violence, a low concentration at studies,low participation in social activities. Most often than not Distress are caused by external factors.


Fear “is a chain reaction in the brain the start with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energise mus-sels, among other things also known as the fight of light responses”. Fear is a common aspect of human emotion that is sentenced in our nervous system. Fear is a result of instinct in human that responses to sensed danger or unsafe. It protects and alert us to an impending danger and that’s help to prepare for this danger. It is a natural aspect of humans and in some cases it very good because it can be a warning or a signal that cautions us to be very careful. However, it is and can be extremely dangerous to the life of a person. Fear can be mild or intense and it can be short term or last longer.


Worry is as a result of thinking about an existing problem or yet to happen is constant thinking and meditating of challenge or fear. Worry looks into what is likely to happen in the future as a result of the present situation. it is a disturbing of one composer or peace of mind, worry causes distress to the mind and results in high blood pressure, headache, stomachs disturbances and other physical discomforts.

To be continued

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



Earlier this week, we started out on Purpose; learning what Purpose means, it's importance and the need to identify our own Purpose even as children of God. We have been made to understand that Purpose is God's original intent for us. His intention for creating and moving us to this planet Earth is Purpose. See what He says in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the thoughts I think towards you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. This is Purpose - God's original thoughts; His plan, His will for you and I. We see from scriptures that all these things are carefully mapped out. Genesis 1 tells us more about fulfilling Purpose. It is however important that we learn the place of fulfilling Purpose, not discovering it. Looking at verse 27 - 31 of Genesis 1, we see God describe His plan and His purpose for man. His word says "so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..." and on and on. This was God's plan after He created us and gave us the breath of life. We see something from the scriptures God never withholds the purpose for which He had created us from us, we are the ones that can be busy to hear him speak those things unto us. I have come to realize if you are committed to hearing from God, then God is committed to speaking to you. We see this in 1Samuel 3: God was ready to speak to Samuel. He called him but not until Samuel recognized and heeded the call, did God then speak. This is one very important principle we must understand. 

Then why does it look like some have this access and some don't have access to Purpose? 

We see from scriptures that only understanding can make us truly outstanding. The Bible in John 8:32 makes us to understand that ye will know the truth and that truth that ye know will set you free. So, until that truth is revealed unto you, you can never be free. So many are in captivity of Purpose because they have not found the truth to set themselves free. God's word is His truth. He created us by His word, and in that same word lies the truths for our living. It then becomes important for us to go in search for that Word. It is when we don't have access to the needed light that we struggle in darkness. We need to know God's Word as it pertains to His will for us. Even Christ himself had to find out His purpose from the Word of God. The Bible makes us to understand in Luke 4:17-20 "and when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to  the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted... and he closed the book". Thus, if Jesus could find His own word being the direct son of God, we also need to look for that Word concerning our life and destiny.

Jeremiah did not have Purpose deposited in him just like that. Yes, we see in Jeremiah 29:11; God showed him His plan and intent for him, but also He showed him what He must then do to really actualize it. That He has said it, does not mean you automatically actualize what He has said. Jeremiah 29:12-13 "Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me....". Pls, let's go through the book of Jeremiah 29 carefully, because it is more than just a declaration, you have to consciously walk and work into it.

Now, How do I live a PURPOSEFUL Life?

1. Be a die-hard lover of God: Until you are in love with your Creator, you can never maximize the usefulness of what He has deposited in you, neither can you understand. The Bible says we are his workmanship, his handiwork; but we have to understand that it is how strong the relationship existing between the Potter and the clay that determines the outcome of that product. The Potter goes through the process of mixing, moulding and so on; but until the clay is really given to all these processes; it cannot end up a work to be appreciated. God never reveals anything to His haters. The Bible says they will flee before Him. So, if you flee at the presence of Him who you are supposed to receive from, how then do you receive. Until a man is totally in love with God i.e. in love with proofs of your love, then and only then can you discover and walk in His plan for your life. See Isaiah 41:8: God called Abraham his friend. We see why He said in Genesis 18:17 "shall I hide from Abraham that which I do". We also see from scriptures that no good thing will He withhold from them that love Him. Be committed to loving God and showing it in your walk with Him.

2. Be disciplined: One principal tool very important for us in fulfilling our Purpose is the tool of Discipline. Discipline is the ability to stay focused regardless of anything that attempts to sway you off. It is staying on track with God's ordained plan for your life, never losing out on anything. You never see anyone who makes it in the realm of Purpose without Discipline as a lifestyle. Let's look at the life of Daniel, he was a disciplined man. Daniel 1:8 "and Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat". It takes a man that is disciplined to make such statements and follow through. Therefore if we are to live the reality of our dreams, we must exercise the fruit of Discipline. It is just making yourself a disciple of what it is you have believed in. (Proverbs 22:29)

3. Be Hard-working: To fulfil Purpose in life, you must be ready to do the works and not just the works, but the "hard-works". I say hardworks because when you are driving with Purpose, you don't need any soothsayer to tell you; you yourself and by yourself will know. If you do not need to do certain things at certain times, which are certainly not pleasing, not convenient, then check carefully. Fulfilling purpose will take your time, energy, resources and all you can put together to actualize it. Therefore, you must be ready to deliver the best to receive the best. God's word says in Isaiah 55:8 "for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways". So, we must be ready to work the works of putting ourselves in God's plan and purpose, at all times attentive to every of His instructions. Instructions are gateway to our high places in life. Thus, we must be ready to work the works of receiving and doing them.

4. Be committed to anything worth doing: We must have heard the saying that goes thus "anything worth doing at all is worth doing well". This is the way we should handle Purpose. You want to live the Porsche life but God is saying start from that very level; He knows the best for us. And we see from the earlier scripture that it may not be our own plan, neither similar to our thoughts, but we must make it a duty to always listen and do. If the people that were present at the wedding in Cana of Galilee had not listened to the Word "fill the pots with water", do you think there would have been surplus wine for the ceremony? No matter how foolish we think it, God's leading will always be the best. No man has ever regretted being led by God and certainly you will not. Leave everything to Him, put Him in charge and see as He does it for you.

5. Go for it: This is very paramount to us fulfilling our Glorious destiny. Until the lion takes the first step in nearing the prey, it's a step away from hunting it down. Let us have an understanding that until we make attempts to move on that vision, that plan of God for our lives, it can never come to pass. Our God is not a magician. These things will not come unto you, unless you take the steps. Taking the steps of success is important if you want to be successful in life, no matter what endeavor it is. Only those that take steps ever get far in life. You discover your Purpose from your Creator, then take steps to fulfilling it. Let's see our Father Abraham in Genesis 12: Yes, Abraham was given the words just as God is giving us today, but if He had not departed with that word; if He had not strived with that word, then he wouldn't have enjoyed the blessings He enjoyed. Let us wake up from our slumber, from not having anything to do and making do with what we have.

I see God prosper us in that thing He has deposited in us. Remember find Purpose and when ye have found it, put all these truths to work. "It is the Application of the knowledge you know that is termed Understanding; and this is what makes us outstanding in life".

Thanks for following through on these articles. I believe we have been blessed by God's words. I pray our blessings remain permanent in Jesus name. You can also access our earlier articles on this platform. God bless.

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Building Manhood...



Purpose is the sum-total of your experience when you live according to God’s plan and will here on Earth. A life guided and driven by God is a life of Purpose. The Bible makes us understand that He makes everything beautiful in His time. Then, if you are working according to His time, then you are fulfilling purpose.

In us finding purpose, we have to know there is a targeted standard of God that is to be met. We see from the life of Biblical examples; men called by Purpose. First we see Jeremiah, who was called by God himself and given a task to carry out at hand. Also see Nehemiah, there was a problem to be solved at that time he found meaning to life(purpose). Before God hands you over to the Purpose He has for your life, there is always a task ahead of you; there is always a problem that needs to be solved. Then, your attempt to solving that problem is when and where you find Purpose. For Nehemiah, it was the broken wall of Jerusalem. Thus, in identifying Purpose, there is always a need to look inwardly "what do you think God has deposited in you" "what do you think you can possibly influence around you with what He has deposited in you". All these, among many questions are such we should have answered when boarding the flight of Purpose.

When talking about Purpose, there is always a problem to solve. You can either meet with Purpose while solving these problems or meet with Purpose solving this problem. Let's look at Moses; He was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law Jethro when He received His divine mandate. Right from the beginning, God's plan was to use him to bring the israelites out of slavery, but He couldn't until He started out as shepherd for Jethro's sheep. Remember, before He fled out of Egypt, he wasn't at all tolerant of the evil afflicted on the Israelites but He had no understanding of how to go about it. But he later met with destiny on his way searching. 

The world we all live in can be likened to a war-front, a battle field. Purpose is our weapon to overcome the battles of this world. They are strong battles but once your Purpose has been identified, it becomes easier to stand against them. 

God’s purpose for our life have a lot to do with our talents, gifts - inherent and acquired. Though having all these qualities does not mean you are fulfilling purpose; it is when used according to your creator plan i.e. making use of your potentials deposited in you as God has assigned to you, giving all Glory to Him and serving humanity.

The reason many people cannot find fulfillment in their place of work and in life is because they are doing the work that they have not been designed by God to do. Many people get into some work because their friends are doing it or because their friends are successful in it. They will say because my friend does it and he is successful or a friend of my friend has made a lot on that business; let me also go into it. Capital NO, it does not work like that. Ask your Creator what He has planned for you, Be in alignment with your creator, then he will work out everything according to His plan for you. He will also open your eyes to see what you are created to solve or do. Not everybody will go into business, ministry, medicine e.t.c. 

Just go on your knees, ask your creator what your design is made to do and very importantly listen.

God may not tell us a particular subject to study in school or a particular skill to learn but as long as you are at the center of His will then all things will work together for you. He will make sure that your time in the university or apprentice shop is not a waste of time but a process that will lead you or help you to fulfill destiny. What man calls disappointment is what God calls appointment to your next level. So enjoy the journey and the whole step towards your purpose in life.

To be continued.

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



*_"Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed there in the belly I knew there; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations"_*.

Purpose is life and Life is purpose. Purpose is the intention of God for creating us to this planet Earth. We see from the anchor scripture that there is always a laid down plan God has for every man. No matter what you have  turned out to be, there is a  purpose for Him creating you. And this i.e. purpose or the identification of Purpose is what adds meaning unto our life. Thus, we must understand that the meaning to that life you are living is Purpose;  this is why it becomes important for us to  discover ourselves in the place of purpose which is the paramount thing in this journey of life, other than you being saved unto eternity with Christ.  Your existence is full evidence that God created you for something great. Your person, build,  genetic make-up-all laid up with these requirements for you to achieve Purpose. This includes what you are created to solve.

God never made a mistake creating you the way He has created you. No man was ever born a mistake. When God created you, he has already seen your end from the beginning of your life in his plan and when you are out of his plan, he also knows your end and knows how to bring you back into His plan and purpose for your life. Even as humans, we can somewhat predict the end of other people's life by the kind of choices they make, talkless God. He has your manuscript in His hand; the moulding manuscript. You were created and designed by God to accomplish a given task. God had already seen the problem before you were created and He designed you to solve the problem.

When we begin to understand that God created us for a purpose, then our hope for a glorious future comes alive. Purpose and vision are vital gifts God gave to man to overcome all challenges that come our way. Anyone with the given capacity to see his end will not give up easily or lose control of his life and go into habits or certain things that are against the fulfilment of his goals. The reason so many do lots of bad things is not only because they cannot see a glorious future but the capacity to believe it is not also available.We must understand that the potential to fulfil that destiny has been deposited in us; our duty is to just take Absolute Responsibility in gaining knowledge of how to use our Potential. 

I have come to understand that the greatest tragedy of a man is to die without making use of his potentials. The problem of many is that they have limited their life so much that the word ‘I CANNOT’ has become their slogan. One of the ways of combating this according to the scriptures is to believe. Believe there is a Purpose for you living, believe you have potentials deposited inside of you, and believe you can also achieve it. Mark 9:23 “all things are possible to him that believeth".

You can explore all your potentials; all you need is believe. Have Faith!

To be continued.

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



Finally, we have come to the end of this great and exciting series. Glory! But God’s word never ends; you continue to build more on the Word at all times, constantly studying the Word. This is how we grow into becoming what the Word says as believers (1Peter 2:2 “as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby”). 

This week, we looked into what Faith actually entails, the wonders of Faith and also the reasons why we must possess this weapon of Faith as believers; we have talked more about what Faith is but today we will look more into some other wonders of Faith. We have established that Faith is Word-driven i.e. a life of Faith is one borne out of the Word of God (Romans 10:17). According to one of Papa Hagin’s quotes, he said “if what you hear preached doesn’t cause faith to come up or build faith in your spirit, then it either isn’t the Word of God or else, you are not hearing it”. This means that Faith is built on the platform of us hearing the Word.

Also, FAITH is a thing of the heart. The Bible speaking in Romans 10:10 “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”. Until you have believed in your heart, then you are not permitted to enjoy the reality of your Faith. If your Faith is not settled from within you, you cannot experience the desires outside. I now see why Proverbs 4:23 says we should guard our heart with all diligence. The Heart plays a very vital role in our everyday life and for our Faith to produce results, it must first come out of our heart.

Furthermore, Faith touches God’s heart to deliver your desired results, much more as it speaks to God’s capacity to perform. Let us look at the Scriptures in Luke 8:43-48; we see the story of the woman with the issue of blood. Not only did she know that the Lord would heal her but she exercised something that day that facilitated her healing- FAITH. Matthew 9:21 “if I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole”. She did not only mutter these words but acted through Faith, thus she had her healing. Luke 8:46 “And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me”.

However, we must carefully understand that Men are in sizes, life in phases and Faith in categories. There are diversities of operations when it comes to the realm of Faith and these all depend on how well you have grown or built capacity in Faith. Jesus made mention of these very categories. Depending on whichever one you possess, it tells the results that you expect. From the anchor verses in Matthew 8, we see two types of Faith discussed here – THE LITTLE and THE GREAT FAITH. From scriptures, we understand that Little faith however does not equal little results; it just means “No results”.  This is just like “No Faith” or as the Bible describes it being “Faithless” (Matthew 17:17) We see that the disciples of Jesus in Matthew 8 could not rebuke the storm because they had so little Faith. This just amounts to the absence of Faith. Therefore, as Christians, we need to grow more into the realm of having the GREAT faith as Jesus describes it in verse 10 (THE FAITH OF THE CENTURION). It takes the strength of our Faith to see us pull our desired results. Though, we see Christ give an example of having Faith as little as a mustard seed; He was not telling us that our little Faith can do it. If you have ever seen a mustard seed before; though the seed be very tiny, when it sprouts, it becomes a very big tree. So, it is not our little Faith that produces the results but our well grown and nurtured Faith.

What then are the ENEMIIES or HINDRANCES to our FAITH?

√ Sin: Sin is an enemy to a number of things in the Kingdom. We must know that Faith is one of our redemptive rights; and as such, it cannot yield results in the presence of sin. Galatians 5:22 tells us about the fruits of the spirit and if we must live them, we must shun every form of unrighteousness which is sin. Verse 25 “if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit”

√ Doubt/Unbelief: One obstacle to our Faith yielding result is the enemy called Unbelief. As we see in Matthew 13:58, Jesus could do no mighty miracles in his hometown because of their unbelief. From scriptures, when Christ healed the sick, he would always say “let it be unto you according to your Faith”. Thus, our Faith is very important and if we nurse doubt in us, our desired expectations cannot be fulfilled.

√ Spirit of Fear: Most of the times when we fear the outcome of something, we’re either shaken in Faith or there is no Faith in the possibility of that thing. Matthew 8:26 “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little Faith?” Fear is an enemy we must rid ourselves of if we must enjoy the dividends of Faith (James 1:6).

√ Absence of the WORD: Without the Word, it is impossible for Faith to be built in us or for us to grow more in capacity; therefore, it becomes very important to have the Word dwell richly in us (Hebrews 11:3).

√ Absence of LOVE: FAITH is potent but with LOVE, it is much more potent (1 Corinthians 13:2,13). Remember, we must be able to please God in our Faith to receive from HIM and GOD, himself is Love.

How then can I build or grow my FAITH?

√ Be BORN-AGAIN: Faith is a fruit of the Spirit and if we must possess it, then we must first be born of the Spirit. 1John 5:4 “for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, even our Faith”.

√ Study, Hear and Receive God’s WORD: The Word you study and receive is what you are permitted to become. Faith comes by the Word of GOD and as such we should continually build on the Word to grow more in Faith.

√ Ask from THE FATHER: From the scriptures, we see the disciples question Jesus in Matthew 17 and he answered them in verse 21 “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”. Until you ask, you cannot be given. John 16:24 “hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your Joy may be full”.

√ Let it show in your works: The proof of our Faith is in our works. James 2:17-18 “Even so Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone…and I will show thee my faith by my works”.

√ Steer clear the enemies of your Faith: Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”. Run and flee from all we have outlined as hindrances to your Faith and form a hedge against them, growing in your Faith.

Thank you for following through.I believe so far we have been blessed. If you have not been following the articles from the beginning, you can still access them on our Blogspot and Facebook page. Be sure to like and follow the page. God bless you

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Building Manhood



Earlier this week, we were made to understand that Faith is a must have for every believer who wants to reap the harvest on his seeds sown. If you do not believe in the seed you are sowing or on the ground where it is sown, then you cannot receive the rewards of sowing which is your harvest. We see God’s word in Matthew 13 talking about the parable of the sower. The fact that your seed is sown does not mean it will certainly yield results. Those seeds that bore fruits in thirty, sixty and hundred could only have done that on the platform of nurturing and growing well these seeds. One very vital way of doing this is to trust first in the seeds but also in the ground on which you are sowing. This trust and belief is what is termed Faith. See what the Bible says in Hebrews 4:2paraphrased “but the word couldn’t profit them because it mixed not with faith in them...”. Until Faith is put to work, then we should forget a bountiful harvest. Faith is putting God’s word to work, believing God is not a man. He says what He means and He means what He says”. Thus, if we do not have faith, then we can never put God’s word to work and according to the scriptures; “God is not mocked, whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. 

What then is Faith and Why is it a must have in our Christian race?

We have established that Faith is the substantial evidence of things we hope for and the things which are not yet seen. Even, Christianity as it has become known today was founded on one of the strongest pillars i.e. Faith, among many others. God himself showed He had faith in man when he put him as a governor over all he had created and gave all into his hands (Genesis 1:26); or wasn’t it the trust Christ had in us; even when we knew and accepted him not, that He gave himself up for us. Yes, it was Love (Romans 5:8) but Faith was also in place. We see from scriptures that wherever one is, there you find the other. 1Corinthians 13:13 “And now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity”. Verse 2 of the same chapter “and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing”. So, we see these two must always be together. Faith is very important as it forms a strong basis for our connection to the Creator himself. We see this in Hebrews 11:6a “but without faith it is impossible to please God”. Hence, if we cannot please the God whom we seek, how do we expect to build intimacy with Him; expect to receive when we ask or seek when we find. Yes, it’s true His word says every man that seeketh findeth (Matthew 7:8), but if you have not faith, you cannot find that which you seek. You have to believe first to receive (Mark 9:23 “All things are possible to him that believeth”), not him that seeketh, not him that asketh.  Abraham had faith in the promises of God that was why he was able to see them come to pass in his life. 

Another reason why Faith must be in us as believers; it is the proof of the word we have heard. The word could not profit the people in Christ’s home town, because they could not believe it (Matthew 13:58). Faith is that capacity we need as believers to receive the Word and not just receive, but also put it to work. The ability to put the word to work is all Faith. I have come to realize that the place of us doing the word we have received can never be separated from us having faith in that word.  James 2:17paraphrased “ without works is dead”. What this verse means is that our Faith will show in our works, it will show in us responding to that word we have received. Even Abraham, the Father of Faith was justified also by his works (James 2:21).

Another reason why Faith is important is because we need it to live. A man without faith according to the scriptures is likened a dead man. Hebrews 10:38 “The just shall live by his faith”. As believers, if we have not faith, then we be as dead men. It does not necessarily mean we are physically dead. But spiritually, we cannot see the light and as such we are thrown into darkness. Psalm 82:5 “they know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course”. This is because we refused to acknowledge the importance of certain truths. If you do not believe God’s word about your health or your prosperity; how can you be in health or how can you prosper? It then becomes important to have these words in us.

One very important need for Faith is that it is our weapon against the divinations of these world. As believers, you will agree that the counsels of this world are strong that we should not have ready access to certain weapons. Ephesians 6:12,16 “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ₁₆Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked”. “By Faith we overcome (1John 5:4). If we must stand against the woes of this world, then we need the strong and Force-full weapon of Faith”.