Stress is the process by which an individual or a person react when opened to external or internal problems and challenges. "the organism processes numerous systems to coordinate such adaptive responses both at systematic and cellular levels "by this, stress has direct effect on the brain and the whole anatomy of the body as such failure to adapt to a stressful condition can result in brain malfunction, physio-logical problem and also many areas of psychological challenge's in the form of depression, anxiety, pain and burnout.
Stress in physics is a word which refers to the amount of force used on an object and it relates in real life as to how certain issues that carry force applied to human life. Examples financial difficulties, health challenge issues, conflicts with friends, all carry force or pressure on person's body -mind and spirit. Some of the pressure or force originate from the environment but most often comes from within a person's head in the form of worry, anxiousness, regret, discouragement and low confidence.
Therefore, stress is basically force applied to a person and may result in a strain which is as a result of an unmanaged stress that is when a person is not able to handle a challenge or problem encountered strain result. To some people, the effect is minimal which means they are able to endure pressure whiles in others the effect is enormous and have an adverse effect Stress can also be explained as “An uncertain reaction to external and internal factors” that means a negative or positive reaction to environmental stimuli. In this regard, it is how the totality of your body relate to changes and unfamiliar situations that present itself in the course of time.
Aspect of stress
The aspect of stress include: Anxiety, Distress, Fear, Burnout, Worry.
Anxiety is explained as the manner in which a person reacts or response to stress, accept and interpret. In this view, stress is seen as a journey to anxiety thus anxiety is an outcome of stress and it how an individual handles stress. A good handler of stress is likely to experience or no form of anxiety. Whereas those without effective management skills is prune to high level of anxiety.
Burnout, also refer to as soulless situation is where a person loses the eagerness and motivation in continuing to a particular kind of studies or activity as a result of both external and internal factors. The skills and expertise is still active but the desire and the wellness to perform is dead in the person as such activity or studies become huge responsibility without any joy.Burnout destroys a person’s motivation and may kill the initiative’s at studies or school.
The following are symptoms of burnout:
✓Trouble sleeping due to worrying about studies
✓ Getting into too much conflict
✓ Bored with studies or activity
✓ Feeling frustrated with studies
✓ Studying very hard and accomplishing little.
Distress is a moment of great pain sorrow, acute physical and mental suffering affliction, trouble. It is as a result of an inability to handle or deal with a challenge or problem encountered in the performance of a specific activity or studies. Distress result in both emotional and physical pain. An example of emotional pain is sadness, resorting to drugs, violence, a low concentration at studies,low participation in social activities. Most often than not Distress are caused by external factors.
Fear “is a chain reaction in the brain the start with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energise mus-sels, among other things also known as the fight of light responses”. Fear is a common aspect of human emotion that is sentenced in our nervous system. Fear is a result of instinct in human that responses to sensed danger or unsafe. It protects and alert us to an impending danger and that’s help to prepare for this danger. It is a natural aspect of humans and in some cases it very good because it can be a warning or a signal that cautions us to be very careful. However, it is and can be extremely dangerous to the life of a person. Fear can be mild or intense and it can be short term or last longer.
Worry is as a result of thinking about an existing problem or yet to happen is constant thinking and meditating of challenge or fear. Worry looks into what is likely to happen in the future as a result of the present situation. it is a disturbing of one composer or peace of mind, worry causes distress to the mind and results in high blood pressure, headache, stomachs disturbances and other physical discomforts.
To be continued
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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