Earlier this week, we were made to understand that Faith is a must have for every believer who wants to reap the harvest on his seeds sown. If you do not believe in the seed you are sowing or on the ground where it is sown, then you cannot receive the rewards of sowing which is your harvest. We see God’s word in Matthew 13 talking about the parable of the sower. The fact that your seed is sown does not mean it will certainly yield results. Those seeds that bore fruits in thirty, sixty and hundred could only have done that on the platform of nurturing and growing well these seeds. One very vital way of doing this is to trust first in the seeds but also in the ground on which you are sowing. This trust and belief is what is termed Faith. See what the Bible says in Hebrews 4:2paraphrased “but the word couldn’t profit them because it mixed not with faith in them...”. Until Faith is put to work, then we should forget a bountiful harvest. Faith is putting God’s word to work, believing God is not a man. He says what He means and He means what He says”. Thus, if we do not have faith, then we can never put God’s word to work and according to the scriptures; “God is not mocked, whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”.
What then is Faith and Why is it a must have in our Christian race?
We have established that Faith is the substantial evidence of things we hope for and the things which are not yet seen. Even, Christianity as it has become known today was founded on one of the strongest pillars i.e. Faith, among many others. God himself showed He had faith in man when he put him as a governor over all he had created and gave all into his hands (Genesis 1:26); or wasn’t it the trust Christ had in us; even when we knew and accepted him not, that He gave himself up for us. Yes, it was Love (Romans 5:8) but Faith was also in place. We see from scriptures that wherever one is, there you find the other. 1Corinthians 13:13 “And now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity”. Verse 2 of the same chapter “and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing”. So, we see these two must always be together. Faith is very important as it forms a strong basis for our connection to the Creator himself. We see this in Hebrews 11:6a “but without faith it is impossible to please God”. Hence, if we cannot please the God whom we seek, how do we expect to build intimacy with Him; expect to receive when we ask or seek when we find. Yes, it’s true His word says every man that seeketh findeth (Matthew 7:8), but if you have not faith, you cannot find that which you seek. You have to believe first to receive (Mark 9:23 “All things are possible to him that believeth”), not him that seeketh, not him that asketh. Abraham had faith in the promises of God that was why he was able to see them come to pass in his life.
Another reason why Faith must be in us as believers; it is the proof of the word we have heard. The word could not profit the people in Christ’s home town, because they could not believe it (Matthew 13:58). Faith is that capacity we need as believers to receive the Word and not just receive, but also put it to work. The ability to put the word to work is all Faith. I have come to realize that the place of us doing the word we have received can never be separated from us having faith in that word. James 2:17paraphrased “ without works is dead”. What this verse means is that our Faith will show in our works, it will show in us responding to that word we have received. Even Abraham, the Father of Faith was justified also by his works (James 2:21).
Another reason why Faith is important is because we need it to live. A man without faith according to the scriptures is likened a dead man. Hebrews 10:38 “The just shall live by his faith”. As believers, if we have not faith, then we be as dead men. It does not necessarily mean we are physically dead. But spiritually, we cannot see the light and as such we are thrown into darkness. Psalm 82:5 “they know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course”. This is because we refused to acknowledge the importance of certain truths. If you do not believe God’s word about your health or your prosperity; how can you be in health or how can you prosper? It then becomes important to have these words in us.
One very important need for Faith is that it is our weapon against the divinations of these world. As believers, you will agree that the counsels of this world are strong that we should not have ready access to certain weapons. Ephesians 6:12,16 “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ₁₆Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked”. “By Faith we overcome (1John 5:4). If we must stand against the woes of this world, then we need the strong and Force-full weapon of Faith”.
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