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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Earlier this week, we started out on Purpose; learning what Purpose means, it's importance and the need to identify our own Purpose even as children of God. We have been made to understand that Purpose is God's original intent for us. His intention for creating and moving us to this planet Earth is Purpose. See what He says in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the thoughts I think towards you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. This is Purpose - God's original thoughts; His plan, His will for you and I. We see from scriptures that all these things are carefully mapped out. Genesis 1 tells us more about fulfilling Purpose. It is however important that we learn the place of fulfilling Purpose, not discovering it. Looking at verse 27 - 31 of Genesis 1, we see God describe His plan and His purpose for man. His word says "so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..." and on and on. This was God's plan after He created us and gave us the breath of life. We see something from the scriptures God never withholds the purpose for which He had created us from us, we are the ones that can be busy to hear him speak those things unto us. I have come to realize if you are committed to hearing from God, then God is committed to speaking to you. We see this in 1Samuel 3: God was ready to speak to Samuel. He called him but not until Samuel recognized and heeded the call, did God then speak. This is one very important principle we must understand. 

Then why does it look like some have this access and some don't have access to Purpose? 

We see from scriptures that only understanding can make us truly outstanding. The Bible in John 8:32 makes us to understand that ye will know the truth and that truth that ye know will set you free. So, until that truth is revealed unto you, you can never be free. So many are in captivity of Purpose because they have not found the truth to set themselves free. God's word is His truth. He created us by His word, and in that same word lies the truths for our living. It then becomes important for us to go in search for that Word. It is when we don't have access to the needed light that we struggle in darkness. We need to know God's Word as it pertains to His will for us. Even Christ himself had to find out His purpose from the Word of God. The Bible makes us to understand in Luke 4:17-20 "and when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to  the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted... and he closed the book". Thus, if Jesus could find His own word being the direct son of God, we also need to look for that Word concerning our life and destiny.

Jeremiah did not have Purpose deposited in him just like that. Yes, we see in Jeremiah 29:11; God showed him His plan and intent for him, but also He showed him what He must then do to really actualize it. That He has said it, does not mean you automatically actualize what He has said. Jeremiah 29:12-13 "Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me....". Pls, let's go through the book of Jeremiah 29 carefully, because it is more than just a declaration, you have to consciously walk and work into it.

Now, How do I live a PURPOSEFUL Life?

1. Be a die-hard lover of God: Until you are in love with your Creator, you can never maximize the usefulness of what He has deposited in you, neither can you understand. The Bible says we are his workmanship, his handiwork; but we have to understand that it is how strong the relationship existing between the Potter and the clay that determines the outcome of that product. The Potter goes through the process of mixing, moulding and so on; but until the clay is really given to all these processes; it cannot end up a work to be appreciated. God never reveals anything to His haters. The Bible says they will flee before Him. So, if you flee at the presence of Him who you are supposed to receive from, how then do you receive. Until a man is totally in love with God i.e. in love with proofs of your love, then and only then can you discover and walk in His plan for your life. See Isaiah 41:8: God called Abraham his friend. We see why He said in Genesis 18:17 "shall I hide from Abraham that which I do". We also see from scriptures that no good thing will He withhold from them that love Him. Be committed to loving God and showing it in your walk with Him.

2. Be disciplined: One principal tool very important for us in fulfilling our Purpose is the tool of Discipline. Discipline is the ability to stay focused regardless of anything that attempts to sway you off. It is staying on track with God's ordained plan for your life, never losing out on anything. You never see anyone who makes it in the realm of Purpose without Discipline as a lifestyle. Let's look at the life of Daniel, he was a disciplined man. Daniel 1:8 "and Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat". It takes a man that is disciplined to make such statements and follow through. Therefore if we are to live the reality of our dreams, we must exercise the fruit of Discipline. It is just making yourself a disciple of what it is you have believed in. (Proverbs 22:29)

3. Be Hard-working: To fulfil Purpose in life, you must be ready to do the works and not just the works, but the "hard-works". I say hardworks because when you are driving with Purpose, you don't need any soothsayer to tell you; you yourself and by yourself will know. If you do not need to do certain things at certain times, which are certainly not pleasing, not convenient, then check carefully. Fulfilling purpose will take your time, energy, resources and all you can put together to actualize it. Therefore, you must be ready to deliver the best to receive the best. God's word says in Isaiah 55:8 "for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways". So, we must be ready to work the works of putting ourselves in God's plan and purpose, at all times attentive to every of His instructions. Instructions are gateway to our high places in life. Thus, we must be ready to work the works of receiving and doing them.

4. Be committed to anything worth doing: We must have heard the saying that goes thus "anything worth doing at all is worth doing well". This is the way we should handle Purpose. You want to live the Porsche life but God is saying start from that very level; He knows the best for us. And we see from the earlier scripture that it may not be our own plan, neither similar to our thoughts, but we must make it a duty to always listen and do. If the people that were present at the wedding in Cana of Galilee had not listened to the Word "fill the pots with water", do you think there would have been surplus wine for the ceremony? No matter how foolish we think it, God's leading will always be the best. No man has ever regretted being led by God and certainly you will not. Leave everything to Him, put Him in charge and see as He does it for you.

5. Go for it: This is very paramount to us fulfilling our Glorious destiny. Until the lion takes the first step in nearing the prey, it's a step away from hunting it down. Let us have an understanding that until we make attempts to move on that vision, that plan of God for our lives, it can never come to pass. Our God is not a magician. These things will not come unto you, unless you take the steps. Taking the steps of success is important if you want to be successful in life, no matter what endeavor it is. Only those that take steps ever get far in life. You discover your Purpose from your Creator, then take steps to fulfilling it. Let's see our Father Abraham in Genesis 12: Yes, Abraham was given the words just as God is giving us today, but if He had not departed with that word; if He had not strived with that word, then he wouldn't have enjoyed the blessings He enjoyed. Let us wake up from our slumber, from not having anything to do and making do with what we have.

I see God prosper us in that thing He has deposited in us. Remember find Purpose and when ye have found it, put all these truths to work. "It is the Application of the knowledge you know that is termed Understanding; and this is what makes us outstanding in life".

Thanks for following through on these articles. I believe we have been blessed by God's words. I pray our blessings remain permanent in Jesus name. You can also access our earlier articles on this platform. God bless.

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