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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...

KINGDOM LEADERSHIP - A more excellent approach, Part 3.

KINGDOM LEADERSHIP - A more excellent approach, Part 3.

2 Tim 2:20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

We saw in the last article, the importance of service. Having known that Kingdom leadership is about service we will proceed to learn  various platforms of service.

Platforms of Kingdom Leadership :

1. Positions of Authority - whichever position we might find ourselves, we must endeavour to demonstrate the attitude of a leader, by displaying virtues of Christ like Humility. Using every opportunity to let the Grace of God be seen and known.

Matt 5 speaks about a believer being Light and salt - value adding substances.

2. Use of physical resources - wealth, finance Can be used to advance the Kingdom of God. A true leader in this Kingdom, must be a promoter of Kingdom related enterprise. A man has value in the Kingdom when he is seen by God to be earnestly participating in Kingdom related and advancing projects. This means that one does not have to be in a position of authority to be able to effect a change. Every individual can effect a change in his environment, workspace, place of learning etc. This is Leadership. 

3. Volunteer to be a worker in any spiritual organization - this is a crucial part of Kingdom service. This is the incorporation of Humility and Service. Working to ensure that God's Temple is constantly kept in good condition - for his glory.

4. Giving and benevolence - Men rise in rank through obedience to Divine instructions. And giving Is one of such avenues to change of levels in the Kingdom. Giving to the needy, Giving to Nation, Giving to the church and Giving to parents.

A true leader sees the needs of people and he or she tries to see the need is met.

5. Spiritual intercessions - Prayer. Praying for the perfection of things and that the needs of others are met to the Glory of his name.

Leadership is not by position, it is an attitude to things.

God's grace Is made abound, in Jesus.

Read Matt 5:5

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood


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