In our preceding two articles, we have been made to understand why the concept of Faith is paramount in our prayer life. But today, we see more reasons for this:
6. Faith is a godly virtue:
From the scriptures, we are made to understand that our Father Abraham believed in God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Also in the book of Hebrews 11:33 "who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness...". A Faith filled life is a Godly life. We see in Galatians 5 talking about the fruits of the Spirit; one of which is Faith. Even Christ while on earth exercised his Faith in the Father; and we are admonished from scriptures to live the same life He lived. Through Faith, it is possible to please God and this counts as a godly virtue.
7. Faith re-validates and substantiates our inheritance:
The Bible says in Hebrews 11; Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The things hoped for are our inheritance in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. But through Faith do we lay claim to them. Through Faith, do we validate the possession of this inheritance. It takes an active use of your Faith to actively inherit the blessings. Our Father Abraham was not static in Faith; at every point He was growing and this kept substantiating the promises. There was an earlier faith of leave your homeland, knowing not where to go; and a latter one of "take your loved son and offer as a sacrifice unto me". But in all, his Faith never diminished, again and again(revalidating); thus obtaining the promises.
8. Faith commits the integrity of God to perform:
Until our Faith is alive, we can never be sure of receiving our expectations. A very renowned man of God will always say " You are not permitted to become whatever you have not believed ". Until your Faith has the ability to produce it, you cannot show it to the world. Why? because Faith commits God. It shows him that you believe in all His words concerning you, ready to trust Him and obey all He will ask of you. I have come to realize that until you believe a person, you cannot really trust or follow everything He or she will tell you. The sane way it is with God. Our Faith in Him brings out the results we see. Hebrews 11:2 " For by it, the elders obtained a good report ".
9. Faith breaks the hold of hindrances and barriers:
Have you ever prayed and it looked like the answers were not forthcoming? Did you just stop praying or you continued? Ever wonder why you stopped or continued? It's because you either possess or do not possess Faith in that which you have requested of. A man of Faith continues to persevere on the altar of prayer till he sees his desired result. The Bible makes us to understand that it is expedient that we travail i.e press and continue pressing(1Thessalonians 5:17). But this can only be possible, if we truly believe the capacity of what we have prayed coming to pass. Daniel in the book of Daniel 10; he had prayed and the answers looked like they were not forthcoming, but He still continued. This differentiates a Faith filled Christian from an ordinary church-goer. Ephesians 6:16 also talks about the ability of Faith to destroy all opposition to that which is our desire.
10. Faith secures our breakthrough:
One thing I have understood is in Faith, we take responsibilities. We do not just watch God do what we asked, but by our actions, we secure our answers. Faith speaks in our actions and in our deeds. Looking at the Bible in Hebrews 11; all the testimonies wrought through Faith were testimonies of Breakthrough. And we see that only active involvement of Faith in God could have pulled them off. Until you have grown the seeds of Faith, you are not permitted to reap its fruits. When it looks like the door is shut, for a man of Faith, through his Faith in God and unshaken trust, there opens another.
11. With Faith, we are pleasing before God:
Hebrews 11:6 "For without Faith, it is impossible to please God, for He that must come to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him". Until we believe in Faith, it us never possible to please God and if we can't please Him,we can't get anything in return. Our ways must be pleasing and one way by which it can is to hold firm our Faith.
How then can I activate the weapon of Faith?
It is very important that when we pray, we pray a prayer of Faith. Jesus said it in Matthew 13:58 "he could do little miracles in his hometown, because of their unbelief". Thus, we are limited in prayers, if our Faith does not come alive.
1. Be a child of God: This is one way to have access to all the inheritances so stated. You can't lay claim unless you are part of the family. John 3:3 " Except a man be born again.. " The fruits of the Spirit are for them that are in Christ.
2. Faith comes by constant hearing of the Word: Romans 10:17. Let the words that you hear continue to stir up Faith in you over and over; read God's word, anointed books of men of Faith. Constant and active search for the words as concerning that situation will stir up Faith inside of you.
3. Through Prayer and Fasting: Mark 9:29 "And he saith unto them, howbeit, this kind goeth not forth, but by prayer and fasting. Give room to a life of prayer and also fasting, then see. Faith come alive in you.
4. Praying in the Holy Ghost: Jude vs 20, But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most Holy Faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
Our Faith has to be in motion to set things in motion in prayers.
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