Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them".
A wise man once said and again and again, it has been repeated over time; when the purpose of a thing is not known, misuse is inevitable". This statement has never been as true as it is today. The prevalent circumstances of the world today has clearly shown that the concept of purpose and it's full understanding has completely been lost. We see so many happenings in our society of today which leaves us wondering whether Purpose has been dome away with or it was never in view. Is it in the pharmaceutical industry- Cough syrups turned into hard drugs, anti-depressants misused. What of institutions created to better the life of the masses that have been turned into something else. The recent #Endsars protest properly depicts the tragedy of an institution that has lost it's purpose. For if Purpose were to be in place and followed carefully, certain things won't be the order of the day as we have now. The government will do things the right way, the masses will do things the right way, and there will be peace and harmony in our world. But lack of understanding of what true purpose is has led us to the position we are now. Imagine if there was no purpose of God for creating man, then man will be no different from the animals. Purpose is to clearly state our identity, what differentiates us from other things or events like us. It is supposed to be what gives meaning to man and his existence.
Despite having a purpose from the Creator himself, how many live up to that today?. According to the preceding verses, we have been created unto good works, thus if bad works become d order of the day, we are not living up to the Creator's standard for our existence. The greatest tragedy now is that most men sadly have no idea or sense of their purpose in life. According to Hosea 4:6 "my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge".
The frightening increase in the number of young men in psychiatric institutions, correctional centers is a testament to the fact that the true meaning of Purpose has been lost. Ask a young adult today, what Purpose is, we will be shocked by his definition. So many want to live in exotic houses, drive Porsche cars, live the extravagant lifestyle. It is not bad to have good thoughts about what your life should be, but let's truly ask ourselves, is this what Purpose is all about?. Because it will mean those in position of authority, our leaders and those in power today are indeed living a Purposeful life. We have all derailed from this path created to better living and relationship with one another.
What do we say of the now common bold claim of homosexuality amongst the youths today, showing the growing rate of sexual confusion. The list is endless. And all this bores down to one thing - PURPOSE.
When a manufacturer sees his beloved product being misused, it will surely cause him heartache. No wonder after God created man, He said in Gen 1:31 that;
[31] "And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good (suitable, pleasant) and He approved it completely."
This is what brings Joy to a Creator, the good works of your creation (Ephesians 2:10).
But see what He later said in Chapter 6 of the same book verse 6;
[6] "And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved at heart".
Man lost his purpose and that caused God a lot of grief. One can only imagine how sad he might be today.
Therefore to discover our Purpose, we must find answers to these questions that have plagued man for ages.
Building manhood...
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