I welcome everyone of us into this Leadership week. I believe so far we have been blessed by our previous articles on Leadership. Glory to God.
In our previous articles, we have been made to understand that Leaders can be born and can be made. There are Leadership traits and character that must be either learned or acquired; but we should still not disregard the fact that there are some innate (natural) Leadership abilities and skills. However, one may still have to build more on them; this is why some say Leaders are made and not born. To quote from an article "30% of Leadership is genetics, while the other 70% is learned".
This week we will be talking about one of the most important form of leadership and to some it is a difficult role to fit in; but this should however not be so. As a way of introduction, this form of Leadership is very important because this is where Leaders stem from and where other forms of Leadership can also be cultivated. This place is the "Home".
We must understand that our leadership journey starts from the home and then affects the world. When God made the first man and gave him leadership roles, He put him in the home to exercise this ability. He gave him the animals, the plants, and everything in the garden of Eden, together with the Divine mandate to have Dominion over (Genesis 1:28-30; 2:19). This was the first Leadership and from which every other form of Leadership that man could ever attain came into being.
We have been taught on how man was born a leader. We can safely say, every man has in him the nature of leadership; but not every man becomes a leader. This is because the process of Leadership is intentional(hence a person cannot just rely on his natural abilities alone for him to become a leader). The same dominion given to the first man was given by God to everyone of us excluding none to take dominion of the earth; and since it is a general knowledge that every human being on Earth came from a home, the home plays an important role in your leadership journey.
Now let us look at the concept of Leadership in the home. In the home, as a parent, you are the head of the home but it is so unfortunate that most parents do not know their role as the head of the home. Why? they are ignorant of this subject of Leadership. The father being the head does not know that this means he is responsible for what obtains in the home either as it affects him or affects the other members of the home. He is ignorant of His duties as the first leader of the home, hence we cannot expect from such a person but the display of followership. This is why in some homes today, some men have lost the right to speak as the head; they now follow whatever it is their children say. And even if they do talk, they are quickly reminded of their place. This would not be so, but for the ignorance of the subject of leaderyship.
In some homes likewise, this Leadership has shifted from a responsibility to an entitlement; and these parents abuse their role as leaders. The same way, everything rises and falls under Leadership in other forms of Leadership, in the same vein, this can be said about Parenting too.
Many have turn their role in the home as an entitlement not a responsibility and this in turn affect their wards. It is no new saying, that every thing a person is in the society today, he has either consciously or subconsciously picked from the home. This is how important Leadership is in the home. Leadership is Influence. As a Father, you do not want to be the reason, your child fails in his duty as a political leader or a spiritual leader, because it goes on to affect every future responsibility of that child.
For an instance, in a home where the father instructs and for one reason or the other, this instruction is not taken by the child; that child sees nothing wrong in him disobeying the Father (either because the Father does not know his Leadership role or he is incapacitated to fulfilling them effectively), you can expect such a child when he is in the position of command to be willing enough to take advice from his followers.
Another place, the role of Parenting leadership is misunderstood is this; as the head of the home, the only way you can influence your family positively is by being an Example. This brings us to Parenting as an Exemplary Leadership.
The Bible commands in Proverbs 22:6 "that parents are to train their children in the way of the Lord". Note the word "train". This word mean different things to different people. Some it means the use of sword, spear and harmful punishment strategies on their wards. But when it comes to training, is that really the essence? Training here means showing example for others to follow. From these two explanations above; which do you think will produce the effect of raising responsible and well behaved children - the way of manipulation through beating him or infleuencing that child by showing him example of what to do.
In the words of MuhatmaGandhi, "there is no school equal to a decent home and there is no teacher equal to a virtuous parents". This statement shows clearly that our Leadership journey starts form the home, not the street nor the school.
The Impact Team