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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Anchor Texts: John 8:32, Genesis 6:5, Genesis 3, Revelations 2:19-20, Galatians 5:16-26

Hallelujah! Beginning the week, we started out on looking at the concept of Sin, how it occurs in our world today, what the origin is and why people sin. We understood that man was created a righteous being and to shine the image of God the Father (hence, being created in his likeness), but also found in man and able enough to distort this plan of God was Sin. And from scriptures, we understand that though God loves sinners, He can barely bear to see sin. He who could turn His back against His son, Jesus, when he bore the sins of the world. That is the same God we are still dealing with. He is still the same; His word is still the same and concerning anything, He bends not His word. The new testament makes us understand He is not a respecter of persons. So, here is what we must understand in this age and time, that God still deals with man the same way He was before. But it's just that we live in a time where Grace has been made available for us in Christ; in a time where we can plead for mercy and not be found guilty: in a time where Jesus is our daily intercessor before God. The scripture says for the wages of sin is death. It also says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord. These and much more are the outcomes of living a sinful life but yet the mercy of God is everlasting in that when we repent of our evil ways, His Mercy is enough to cover all multitude of our sins.

Earlier this week, we also saw the impact of Knowledge in breaking free from sin. John 8:32paraphrased "and the truth that ye know shall set you free". This means that if we want to gain freedom, then we must have access to truth. It is true, the words that say Knowledge is Life. Knowledge is both Light and Life. If you have light, you need not walk in darkness and if you have life, you need not bother about dying. Darkness and death, both which result from Sin.

Today, we will be looking much more into the nature of Sin or putting it in another way, the ADAMIC NATURE OF MAN.


We understand from scriptures in Genesis 1, that God the Father created the whole world, and then He placed man in it to care for it. He created man for His Glory hence His commandment towards man, "be fruitful, multiply and replenish the Earth". Everything in God's plan was good for man and till today, He has only good plans for His people. Jeremiah 29:11 "for I know the thoughts I think towards you, they are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope".

The first man was made to be in control of situations. He was made a governor; a ruler. God gave man so much power, even the will "to do" and "not to do" was given to man. (From scriptures in Psalms 8:5 we see that man was made a little lower than the angels). He had the ability to choose whether "life or death". An account in Genesis 3:3 "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die". This wasn't God speaking to the serpent but man (Eve) speaking to it. Here we see that man could either choose what to do or what not to do. But the will that God gave man became the fall of man. The Bible made us to understand that the serpent, the devil was witty at the time, he was so cunning and as such he was able to speak to this so natural nature of man. He was able to speak to his mind which controlled man's will that was freely given to him of God and through this, the first man was made to sin. ADAMIC nature of man may not be described in it's whole essence as sin but also the nature that made man vulnerable to sin (i.e.the propensity to sin)

The ADAMIC nature wasn't just that he ate of the tree he was warned not to. The ADAMIC nature is disobedience; the ADAMIC nature is emotions; the ADAMIC nature is lying; the ADAMIC nature is trying to cover up evil. 

To say, the ADAMIC nature was every essence of what man was minus God. I believe if we understand this, then we may live our lives in full consciousness of what we are now. By what we are now, I mean, the believer after redemption. We now have God in us, through the Holy Spirit and now it's not the ADAMIC nature which is minus God but the Divine nature which is of God. Now I see why Apostle Paul could say I live, yet not I but Christ which lives in me. As the redeemed of the Lord, that verse in the Bible says we have crucified the deeds of the flesh (Galatians 5:24). This is not just sin but anything that stems out of the flesh which is not right before God, they have all been crucified with our Lord Jesus Christ.

We were made to understand in Genesis 6:5-6 that after man began to multiply on the earth, this ADAMIC nature also grew in man. We saw that God repented making man and that it grieved his heart because of the deep wickedness of man. The ADAMIC nature brought man into this point where he was an offence before God. As we have said earlier, He is a righteous God who cannot bear to behold iniquities. The ADAMIC nature of man was responsible for the captivity of the children of Israel, despite the fact that the word had come from God but the word only came because of man's ungodly nature. Cain killed Abel and got a curse, by the ADAMIC nature. Reuben slept with his father's concubine by the ADAMIC nature and he was cursed. 

The ADAMIC nature was a curse on humanity that necessitated the coming of Christ to redeem man. However, this same ADAMIC nature makes man not accepting to the truth.  Remember, Christ came to the earth in form of man, did all the workings of the supernatural, yet people still doubted him as the Messiah. Not until he was dead on the cross, and the things He said started happening, did they start to think the possibility of him being from God. Yes, the ADAMIC nature brings to sin but it is not in itself Sin. That's why we may be showing certain traits of the ADAMIC nature even in our everyday life but still we feel we are not committing sin. The concept of Sin is not just what you commit; it's that trait that makes you sinful before God. We all know that when we kill is a sin, disobedience also is sin but we do not understand that the fight is not just against the act which is committed, but it's also against that nature within. 

This ADAMIC nature is the Law of sin that the Bible describes.

Christ came to destroy the works of sin including it's hold on us. Romans 5:12 "wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"

Verse 14 says "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come"

This is why even though as a person, you do not commit sin but there is every tendency in you to sin..this is why we have to pray daily that that person of the flesh be crucified. Apart from the confession that brings about salvation, we should still pray against this person of the first man. It is because of this ADAMIC nature that you who had known no sin suddenly can fall if all care is not taken. Let's see Apostle Paul's testimony in Romans 7:15 "I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate". If Apostle Paul could testify this way, how much you and I.

Pls, Let's continue following the series to learn more. God bless.


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