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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



In ourr earlier article, we were made to understand that picking up our call simply means taking personal responsibility. Truly you have a call of God upon you but not taking responsibility will make this call useless. A man once gave an illustration saying; when you point an accusing finger at someone, you have the three other fingers facing you. This means you are responsible for whatever has gone forth to the other person, and three times of it to yourself.

God gave us life but we ourselves must decide how we are going to live the life. But God has also given us principles through his word, whether we now obey the principle of the creator, it depends on our choice. Choice cannot be made if there is no information (knowledge). This is to say that the information we believe and conceive is what will determine our choice. Therefore, apart from the call upon us, God has also given us sound information from his word to understand and walk in the step for which he has called us.

What then are the various types of calling?

Types of Calling

1. General Calling

2. Personal calling

1. General Calling: The general calling for every human is to serve their Creator. Though there is a great misunderstanding among human on who their Creator is. We must know that every human believes on something. Deep within everyone human on earth, there is something telling them that they are created by a God. Just that many choose to neglect the voice. But for us as Christians, it is not to serve our heavenly father only but to work with his dear son to reconcile the world too Himself.  All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. So as a Christian, your general calling is a call to serve God and walk with with Christ to proclaim His gospel to the world.

2. Personal Calling: This calling involves us making use of our talents, skills and wisdom to actualize the call. When purpose is discovered, God also gives the vision on how to fulfill it and the potentials to actualize it. This type of call involves our work and vocation, something that will pay us and sustain our family. When God shows you your purpose and vision for life, you must take responsibility in sharpening your potential which serve as your tools. This call can be in form of a Pastor, Business men, Consultant etc. 

The call we are talking about here is what is called Purpose. Purpose is the reason for your creation. Vision is the unveiling of God's plan for your life. Purpose is knowing the reason you were created while vision shows you how you will fulfill your purpose; your potential is the tool needed to fulfill your purpose.

Thank you.

The Impact Team


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