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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...




From our last article we were made us to understand what Efficiency and Effectiveness is all about and how important they are to every good leadership. We also saw that we cannot be effective and then not ne efficient when it comes to good leadership, that is to say, both traits must go hand in hand. We saw Effectiveness as the potential to produce a desired goal (results) and Efficiency as the adequate use of resources to achieve this desired goal (results). We also considered the resource of time in our definiton of Efficiency as Time is very crucial to a good Leadership.

Today, we will further look into these two concepts:

For one to be effective in a particular task or assignments, that means first you must possess some attributes or qualities that will enhance your productivity (that will enhance you to achieve your desired goal). These qualities are your potentials and in other words can be said to be your gifts. Lying in every gift is a Potential waiting to be tapped. Your gifts will remain as gifts, not doing you any good except you further develop them. Apart from now having the gifts, there is an aspect where you must consider  also the "Time" factor. That means, you are not only effectively driving towards results but also efficiently doing so. To generate proofs as a leader, you need these two.  

Myles Munroe of blessed memory said Leadership is the ability to discover a gift and sharing or serving it to the world. Every human carries a gift and we have been given a responsibility by God to discover it, nurture it and  also grow it. God also gave us a factor called Time to help determine the fruits we get when we use those gifts. Therefore, your quality of leadership is determined by how well you use your potential and the factor called Time. The proof of our leadership is in the RESULTS. And doing this will help bring out the results.

One very vital information we must hold on to is this; for us to achieve our desired results, we have to be connected to the source, God himself. He is the first Leader and also good; therefore if we desire the same, then we must be the same. 

Our ultimate model, Jesus Christ, himself had to also teach us this using himself. John 14:11 'Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me".

Jesus could do miracles even though He was the son of God by being close to the Father; because of the Father.

In the end of verse 10, the scripture says "it is the Father that doeth the works".

Having results can be likened to bearing fruits. Therefore, as kingdom leaders, our proof of Effectiveness in the servant leadership wherewith God has called us, is by our FRUITS. One major way by which we can bear fruits can be seen in John 15:1-8.

In  verse 1, Jesus likened himself to be the true vine, and God as the husbandman. Here He was giving us a template on how we can bear fruits that lasts especially in relation with our topic today.

Verse 3 states "we are clean through the word that he has spoken to us". Verse 4 says "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abides in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me"

What this then means is our fruitfulness is tied to our connection  with the word of God. Leading outside a connection to the word of God is potential failure and a set up for lots of disappointments. As earlier explained, the kind of leadership  we are called into is one of servanthood (service and not to be served), and it is different from the way the world views it. So it takes a lot more than our human wisdom to navigate through. We need to be connected to the word and follow the steps of our ultimate model, "Jesus Christ".


The Impact Team


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