1. Inherent qualities to lead: When a student is to be given a leadership position, as we have seen in our previous sessions; it is either due to the fact that certain qualities have been seen to be possessed by such individuals or that person shows capacity to perform if handed such vital positions. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry get to assume royal positions in our palace of school leadership (i.e. prefectship), buy for the very few that are chosen, certain defining nature are seen in them, some of which include Ability to lead, Good character, Ability to instil Discipline, Commitment, Trustworthy, Diligent, Ability to inspire others, Perseverance, Moderation, Time-Management skill and most importantly Good Overall Performance (both Academic and Non-academic). These are some of the qualities looked for in these leaders among many others. It is however important to note that as some of these things can be inherent in an individual, others need to be acquired over time. Therefore, there is always a potential seen in a leader especially at the student's level before he or she is made such.
2. Power and Authority: Much important to be discussed is the power and authority that comes with Student leadership. Well, it comes with all forms of leadership, but we have so far been talking on Leading as a Student. When a student receives a leadership position, there is always a power or authority that comes with it. Therefore, he or she has to be careful as misuse of such power can be fatal; fatal not for the leader alone but the people he is leading also. Thus, in addition to the power and authority given, such a person is expected to have or learn how to carefully control and manage such Authority. It is in the place of the power controlling such individuals that they tend to misbehave, not necessarily because they want to but they just cannot since their will has been taken over by the Power and Authority controlling them. A student leader must know that there is a difference between the position making the leader, and the leader making the position. He must however understand that he was not given that position of authority to become a leader, but he was first a leader before the position was given. This will help shape him right and not allow himself to be tossed here and there by such things as misuse of Power.According to Abraham Lincoln, "if you want to test a man's CHARACTER, give Him POWER". The position does not make a leader, the leader makes the position. When position makes the leader, he starts leading by default.
3. Opportunity To Grow: Every student leader must understand that he was given the position not just because he had the potential to lead, but also to grow and always strive for this growth even in his potentials. I earlier talked about acquired qualities. Such qualities are even developed while he goes off doing his assigned duties. Thus, the leadership position is also a position to develop one's self. Are there certain areas you were lacking or certain stuff you know just little; it's a place to expand and widen your horizon of knowledge - learn, unlearn and relearn. The word "Potential" itself simply means dormant ability. And as such it is important that it is grown into the active state. One very improve requirements for a student leader is your Ability to Grow personally. There is a quote that says "To whom much is given, much shall be required". This position is for him to grow. The leaders who do the greatest harm or failed are those that think they have arrived, once they are given the position. They just stop growing in character and capacity and this wreaks havoc for such leadership.
4. Opportunity to "serve" not to be served: Each student leader must have an understanding that he or she is not there to rule or to enforce a sense of autocracy, but he is there to serve the needs of others. This mentality should just be in every leader, not just for students alone, but in every place the concept of Leadership is paramount. You lead as a Leader by making sure you are serving your followers. You are always concerned about their well being; you do not see it as your reign but as "our" reign. This will help you when you intend to make certain decisions that will affect the people under you. Let's have it in our mind that a leader is only successful when his followers are.
Thank you for reading through. We look forward to hearing your comments and also you following our page for more to come....
God bless you. Have a great weekend.
Building Manhood
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