_*Genesis 1:11 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so".*_
_*Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."*_
Every creator or manufacturer begins with Purpose. He first establishes his intent before beginning the process of production. This intent is purpose; until intent is discovered, there is no maximizing his production. God is the only source of Purpose, and as I like to put it He is the sole author of purpose. We see this from the anchor verses above. Every purpose a man will ever have in life revolves around God Himself. The Bible makes us to understand in Ecclesiastes, that we serve a God of times and seasons; and these reflect on our purpose. Ecclesiastes 3:1 "to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". Let us look carefully at this: If God is a God of purpose and He created everything; then this means everything in life has a purpose. Right? Yes, we see this from His word which is the manual for our living. Nature is filled with evidence that He determines the purpose for a thing before He creates it. In other words, God never made anything just for the fun of it. He never created something just to see how good He could make a thing or how satisfied He was going to be. There is a reason for creating the birds of the air, the creatures that creepeth, the fishes in the sea and certainly there is a reason He has created you and I. No Sculptor ever goes through the rigors of molding the ceramics without understanding why it was being done in the first place. The same way, for every metal a blacksmith tries to put in the furnace, He has a reason for forging them. Before the creative act ever takes place, God always has in His mind "the why" and "the how" of what He decides to make.
One of the greatest things God created in the beginning was the Seed. The seed came into existence when God spoke to the ground. He had an understanding that the seeds must be sown for the fruits to be seen. The fruit here is the end result of purpose. Seed here is that purpose. This can also be likened to the creation of Man. They are not in essence too far fetched from each other. There is a seed of purpose in every man. Let us look at the words God spoke to man that brought us to this realm of seeds. Verse 28 of Genesis 1 "and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. As a seed, He gave you and I the mandate to grow, to be fruitful and to multiply, all is fulfilling the terms of purpose. We see from the pilot verse, the seed has the capacity to bear of itself, same with Man. He put the seeds of Purpose in us and expects us to show the fruits there of. This is why we are to live our lives as seeds that have the potential to rise up to a giant field(tree).
Let us see another reason why Purpose in a man is likened unto a seed. A seed, when sown has the capacity to grow into a large, and great tree; but this now depends on the inherent qualities of the seeds and the environment where it is. The same way with Purpose, every purpose is ladened with abilities to deliver, but what you do with them, determines whether they deliver or not. Like seeds, whatever ground they are sown, determines the yield we expect. There is a need for us to understand that everything was created for a Purpose; because if we fail to understand this, then we can never live up or reach the point where we bloom. Purpose therefore, is the original intent in the mind of the Creator and this was what motivated or birthed our creation (Genesis 1). There is one thing I have learnt about Purpose. The understanding of Purpose brings us motivation, the desire for continuity no matter what and also it brings us towards full realization. It is the "why" that explains the reason for existence; once this is answered, all other things begin to fall in place.
Another thing noteworthy is that, the same way the seed has to undergo a laid out process before it can grow to what it was destined; this is the same with our Purpose. The seed enters into the soil and from there it becomes a Tree. Our Purpose need to also climb this ladder of processes to become a reality. This however is the place so many persons are; they will say "at least we have discovered purpose but still nothing to show for it". We must now understand that everything takes a process. Our Purpose is not just supposed to materialize like that, but undergo certain "extraction", "construction" and "refinement". So, never make the mistake to assume it was all for nothing. This only robs us of our glorious destiny.
As have been rightly stated, there are factors that determine the seed reaching it's potential; a good soil, a good environmental condition etc.. If you notice, not just the soil or the environment is taken into consideration; but how good they are. This also applies to us as Men. There are factors that determine your ability to reach your own full potential; first being God. Just like the seeds will need to be planted into the ground i.e. the soil; even so, we need to be planted in God to really maximize our Purpose. Remember when God wanted to create man he looked at himself (Genesis 1:26), so we are just Him in flesh. This emphasizes that we need Him if we want to fully understand and achieve Purpose.
The foundation, however as we must know plays a paramount role for one fullfilling God's purpose for his or her life. And God and His Word is that foundation for us.We have to be rooted in God for our Purpose to be actualized. As the soil is important for the fulfilment of the seed, so is God for us. He takes an indispensable position in this. Furthermore, we should note that a seed when planted or sown in a bad soil, no matter the other elements added, won't fulfill it's Purpose i.e grow to it's full capacity. If a man is also not rooted in God, he will not actualize his Purpose. Thus, for every man to fulfill his Purpose, he has to have a working relationship with His maker. Without this relationship, the man will not know and fulfill his Purpose for living.
To be continued.
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
God purpose is incomparable.
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