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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Today we come to the concluding part of this great series. But friends, it doesn’t stop here; continuous study is very important if we want to gain mastery of the word we hear or know. The Bible in 2Timothy 2:15 says "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". To study is to read, read and read again. This is the way we are to approach the Word of God; because as believers we have to constantly be on guard with the Word to win the war against adversities.

We have learnt from the beginning of the series that even the enemy, the greatest adversary of the children of God, himself knows this Word. We see in Scriptures; Matthew 4; the devil tried to use the word against Jesus-this is because even he knows the importance of the word as a weapon of warfare, how much more we the saints of God. In that passage, we see him ask Jesus three times from the Word - “is it not written?” Even the devil who is fighting against your breakthrough knows that there is a word concerning your breakthrough, that’s why he is constantly challenging that word. Thus, we also have to challenge him with the same Word of God, of which we have understanding. I want us to understand the devil just knows the Word, he does not quite understand (1Corinthians 2:11), that is why he tries to turn us against this word. But we see how Jesus attacked him, not only because He knew the Word but because he had an understanding of the Word. This is how we should live as believers, because we ourselves are the ones with understanding. For we are light and the word is light, darkness can never comprehend light. NEVER. Mark 4:11 “for unto us it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but unto them that are without, all these things are dome in parables”. That enemy against your success only knows the word, he does not understand. This is our victory over the enemy; we have Understanding. 

We have to take our stand as believers because we know the ministry of the devil. The Bible in John 10:10; the devil (the thief) cometh only to steal, to kill and to destroy. He has come to steal the Word of God from us, to destroy the word and also kill it in us, but we are the ones who need to stand sure of the word that we have believed. 1John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our Faith. You have to overcome the devil anytime any day. God has given unto us this power. Behold, His word says “For I will give you a mouth and a wisdom that no adversary will be able to gainsay nor resist –Luke 21:15”. We have the mouth and the wisdom, all we need to do is speak the Word. And not just to speak the word, it is wisdom to apply the word; it is wisdom to believe the word, having faith in it. 

Now that we have established that the devil comes to steal the word, what must we do to safe guard or protect the word in us until fruition? What must we do to ensure that the seed of the Word bears fruit in us?

1. Believe the WORD: 2 Chronicles 20 emphasizes the need to believe. The bible says in verse 20; “believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established”. The word of God is God himself (John 1), so believe the Word to see it established in your life.

2. See the WORD: In order to get the returns on our seeds sown, we must be sure of the harvest and this we can never be sure of if we are not open to them. Until we see these prophecies fulfilled, there is no working in them. Look at Jeremiah 1:11; God speaking unto him saying; Jeremiah, what “seest” thou? I have come to understand that the blessings of God are as far as our eyes can see (Genesis 13:14-16). The word of God is like a mirror (James 1:22-25); so you have to look into it in order to be whatever it says.

3. Believe in the Prophet sent unto you: The last part of 2Chronicles 20:20 talks about us believing in the one who has been sent to proclaim the word unto us. Until you believe the vessel, you are not permitted to enjoy the content. Until you have trust in the potter, you can never trust the work of his hand. We have to believe in the ministry of the person sent to us for us to partake of the blessings of the Word thereof. (1Kings 17-Elijah and the widow of Zarephath)

4. Act on the WORD: As much as you believe in the Word. You are also to act out this Word. To act the Word is to plant and water its seeds. Let your belief come in your expression. Looking at the scriptures in James 2. We have to show that we have deep understanding of the word that we have heard by doing them. Verse 17-18 of James 2, “Even so Faith, if it hath not works, is dead being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works; shew me thy faith without thy works and I will shew thee my faith by my works”. Faith just doesn’t stop at us believing, we have to work it out.

5. Make Praise a lifestyle: To get bountiful returns for every seed sown, you must water the seeds appropriately. One covenant that I have known and understood that the Word of God thrives well in, is the covenant of Praise. God himself dwelleth in the praises of his people and if God is the Word then the Word dwells in praise and thrives well in praise. We have heard the word of Prosperity; all we need to do is now praise the Word into fulfilment. (Psalm 67:5-7). Praise is God’s word in songs. When you sing His praises, you are only calling Him to perform that which he has said concerning you (2Chronicles 20:16-22)

6. Be Joyful: This is one fundamental requirement to see Heaven’s blessings upon our seeds. The Word has been declared, we need to sow it in Joy. Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy shall I draw water out of the wells of salvation”. To draw water out of the well of the Word, we need to be full of Joy. Joel 1:12 “The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered: because Joy is withered away from the sons of men”.


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