Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Since the beginning of this week’s article, we have considered certain factors that make our seeds of purpose reach their full potential and in turn aid fulfilment of purpose. We looked first at the God factor and also the type of company we keep. Here is another very powerful one as it revolves around the concept Purpose – THE POWER OF CHOICE. Purpose and Choice are two very related concepts and one cannot do without the other. When you discover Purpose; it’s now up to choice for you to really delve into it; also in our search of Purpose, choice is important as it is one of the needed drivers, including zeal and passion. If you do not choose to be great or successful in life, then you cannot be great or successful. So many great authors have said and I quote “Man is a product of the choices he makes, whether good or bad”. No man ever became something in life or achieve on this platform of Purpose without first subscribing to success in their choices, i.e. without first making successful choices.
What then is the Power of Choice? The Power of choice is the ability to set aside certainties or uncertainties in the pursuit of something better or desirable for one’s cause or goal. Why did I use the word “desirable”? This is because at times, what man may desire may not be “the better” for him. Lot, Gehazi, Achan, Ammon, etc. are examples from the Bible of men whose destinies were either destroyed or nearly destroyed due to the choices they made. But the same way we have patriarchs who made wrong choices and paid for it, we also have men and women who made the right choices and were fulfilled in their life course – Abraham, Ruth, Moses, Daniel, Paul, the Apostles, and so on. The concept of Choice is a great one; as like the company you keep, it can either cause you to achieve your purpose or ruin purpose for you. Choice is the ability to recognize the “necessary” even in the place of the “available”. The fact that you have a myriad of decisions to make does not mean all of them must be made. “The ability to let-go of certain ones for the important ones is the beauty of well-groomed choices”. Note this word “well- groomed”. It is however possible for us to choose what is not right or best for our life and destiny, hence the reason to nurture ourselves even in the place of the choices we make. Joseph chose not to lay with his master’s wife because he had developed well this power of Choice (Genesis 39). One thing I have come to realize is that these three factors revolve around one another- God, the company and the power of choice. They are all very important and I must say none of them can stand without the other. Let’s use Joseph’s life as a teaching example; it wasn’t just the choice he made, God himself was involved in that choice and certainly he couldn’t have been in the presence of bad friends and company. The Bible in Genesis 39:9 gives us this account: “how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God”. Here, both “choice” and the “God factor” are seen. Now going down the scriptures, we see in verse 11; at that hour, it was only Joseph and Potiphar’s wife that were at home, other servants or men “who could have edged him on as Jonadab did unto Ammon (2Samuel 13)” were not in his company; thus shielding him from making regretful choices. Therefore, it is paramount that we have all three at our disposal.
Even at Creation, we see that God himself gave man the option of choice and this was what led to the wrongful desires man had and the destruction that followed suit (Genesis 2). Glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ for Redemption. The Power of choice is one of the many things that make man different from every other creation. From our anchor scripture we understand that the Creator gave man the right to choose between life and death. LIFE, here is simply living to please or fulfill the Creator’s will on earth while Death simply means living not to fulfill the will of the Father. When you choose life, you simply choose blessing of the Lord while; when you choose death, you simply choose curses. “The choices you made yesterday is what has resulted into where you are today; the choices you make today will also determine where you will be tomorrow”. It is an endless cycle; it goes on and on like that.
As said earlier, the choices you make reflect on whether God is involved or you have with you the right company on those matters. If you choose to serve God which is the foundation of your life, then every choice you make in life will surely fall into right places including the right company to keep. Psalm 92:11paraphrased “…to keep you in all thy ways”. Let’s see Deuteronomy 11:13 “…if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments, to love the LORD your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul”. Serving God, though a commandment, still depends on the choices we make. The truth is this; “when we make the right choices and take the necessary steps, it becomes much easy to actualize our dream goals”.
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The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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