Psalms 89:20 "I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: with whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen"
Job 36:11 "If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures".
Hallelujah! The starting word for this series; IT PAYS TO SERVE GOD.
There is nothing on this earth and in the heavens, that can amount to our service unto God. Ever wonder, why some believes slack on this issue of service; why we have so many churchgoers today but not many servants of God. I have come to understand that until we have the understanding of a thing, we can never enjoy all it offers. Hosea 4:6 " my people are destroyed for they lack knowledge...".
The first and foremost thing I want us to understand is that only those that work for God are entitled to a pay from him. Only genuine servants are entitled to a genuine pay. If you do not serve, then you can't enjoy the blessings of service. We cannot be served by a God we have not first served. We understand from scriptures; to every service you render, there is always a pay (2Timothy 2:6 _"The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits._). Also, we see this in Matthew 20:1-16; the parable of the labourers.
According to God's Word: the husbandman that laboureth must be a partaker of the fruits. Therefore, It is a must. This means if you do not serve as an husbandman then you are not entitled to a pay by the employer.
One commandment God gave unto us as his children is that we should serve Him. One proof of our following Him, our obedience to His leading is if we serve Him. From the pilot verse in Job, we see if they shall obey and serve. So service is a proof of your obedience. Let us look at the life of our Father Abraham. He received the instruction (Genesis 12:1-8) "Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred into a place where I will show you; He received the word, obeyed it and served it. The Bible made us understand He followed every bit of the word. Your service unto God is in accordance to you following His leading. He gave a commandment or an instruction; you ordinarily following it is a service unto Him. We see in Genesis 4; Abel and Cain rendered an offering unto God. This was done in line with an instruction from Him. This is service. You shall not bow down before a graven image, you shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. It's all service. Romans served; Moses, he served even up to the new Testament Apostles, they all served. There is always a blessing attached to a life given to service. When God created the Heavens and the Earth and put man in control, one of man's primary assignment was to serve (Genesis 1): till the ground, cultivate, rear the animals, even being fruitful is a service before God. But as believers, we have deprived ourselves of all these things we can enjoy by our disobedience. It is just pure disobedience to God's instruction. Ye will have this when you do this. This means if you do not do this, you won't have this.
I want to believe one reason why God was interested in the Israelites was because of their attitude of service. We see this in Exodus 1; even in the land of captivity as slaves, they continued in their service unto pharaoh and the Egyptians. God is not interested in how much you are flaunting as his son or as his daughter, He is interested in how much you have served and you are ready to serve. Because that is when all He has prepared for us can get to us. All Heavenly blessings are available. They are not for him, He doesn't specialize in hoarding them, He wants to release them to us but because we have not the heart of service, it is impossible. Until your barn of service is full, there won't be an overflow of rewards. Looking at David as a case study, when he was faced with Goliath. What was his testimony? It wasn't that "I am the son of God."; " I go to church every day in a week" or "I pay my tithes and offering". Not this, the testimony was that of service (1Samuel 17). While I was on the field, while I was keeping, while I was watching over. Let us note that these blessings are not just for men but servant-men.
Thank you🙏🏻
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