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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Genesis 1: 26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:     

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them".

This week, we will be looking at the subject of THE MANUFACTURER; and we will understand what the Father's purpose as far as creation is concerned. 

Who is a manufacturer?

A manufacturer is a person that produces a finished product from raw materials by using various tools, equipment and processes and then sells the product to consumers.Growing up, we were thought the levels of production: primary which involves extraction and; secondary which involves construction  and tertiary which involves the distribution and provision of services. The manufacturer takes charge of the extraction and construction part.This illustration show us that God is the manufacturer of every man on Earth.God is the manufacturer, man is the product while the World is the consumer,so God created man with an hidden potential or gifts so as to serve it the world.

The manufacturer is very vital in the production of goods and services and without his input; we cannot fully understand or know the usefulness of a product. He defines what the outcome of a product will be and He structures that product into fulfilling its purpose.  

From the anchor verses, we see all these described above in just one person; our creator, God himself. Our God is a manufacturer and just as any manufacturer; He didn't by accident create the products of his handiwork. We must understand that no manufacturer goes into the manufacturing industry with the aim of making fun of his work or making nothing out of it. Hence, He had a purpose for creating us into this world and was careful in his selection of that purpose. The Bible makes us to understand that in the beginning there was nothing (Genesis 1:1) and if we look at the product of the Father's creation, we see "Sequence". He made the lights before the firmaments; the firmaments before the birds of the air and all these before Man. So, we see it was a carefully designed and programmed task. And even while he was to create man; his "special" product; Nothing that he had created was enough to produce us. When we talk about DNA synthesis or DNA replication; there is an original cell from which others are formed. The FATHER didn't look at the lights He had created to create us; nor the birds of the air but He looked first at himself and created us in his own likeness; that we may show forth His works that He had designed and destined us for. No man is ever born to this world an accident. You only feel so if you have not outrightly discovered what is the Father's purpose for your existence. He didn't go through the whole rigour of manufacturing you to become less than what He has deposited. 

Thus,  we understand that there is something deposited in us to serve our world with. Inasmuch as a maker of a product will not make a fake product because he will not sell; you are the best version of yourself. Sugar will not copy salt because they were both created to serve different purposes. When they take over each other's purpose; this is where the problem sets in. Can you visualize the outcome of using sugar as your food sweetener - problem. We must also understand that the process of production does not involve only the Producer i.e. the manufacturer and you i.e. the goods produced but in actual sense involves a whole lot of processing and refining; and also the delivery to the consumers i.e. of what profit are you to the world around you? You see a commodity in the store and you are like "Wow! this is beautiful; can I get a hundred pieces; and then you see some, and you are like "Whoever made this creation?. We don't just get to this level, as have been said earlier; there is a stage of processing and refining we have to undergo until we are there. Even after discovering purpose, we still need to define well that purpose and set out fulfilling them. Our God created man with an hidden potential also called his gift so as to serve it to  the world.

Furthermore; what does it mean to make in an image as used in Genesis 1:26?The word "image" in Hebrew is literally a shadow which is the outline or representation of the original. God had placed within man a shadow or representation of His own function - goal, purpose, thought, etc. It is then our responsibility to live our lives as representatives of God, acting in the same manner as he would. God's primarily  intention was to create a being that will represent Him on the planet Earth. Also, in Genesis 2:7-8; _("and the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden.  eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed")_, we see man was created from the Earth. You can only maximize your worth as a  product if you are placed in a place valuable for you to thrive i.e. if you are in an optimum environment. You cannot place a beautiful work of art in the cemetery and expect that it will sell. This was one of the many beautiful things in creation that the Father did. He formed man of the dust because His primary assignment was to be fulfilled in that area. Most times, when we are not prospering in that which we do; we have to first stop and ask ourselves Am i in the Right environment?. There is a right environment for that thing deposited inside of us to thrive. If we have not found it out; we will just be on a futile adventure of Purpose.


The Men That Lead

Building Manhood


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