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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



We have come to understand that every manufacturer's glory is in his product. Remember the Bible in 1 Peter 2:9b paraphrased; "we have been ordained to show forth the praises of Him who has called us..." Ephesians 1:10 also says "for we are His workmanship created unto every "good work" that he had before ordained..." Romans 8:28-30 "...for whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called; them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified".  There has been a predestined plan from the creator for every of his edifice. Every maker's creation is His beauty, the same way we are the beauties of the Father. He looked and saw that everything he had created was so beautiful ( Genesis 1:31).

Why then do we as this wonderful creation of God do not live up to the standards of His purpose for our creation? 

According to the scriptures in Genesis 1-2;  He gave us all things at our disposal; yet it looks like we are even subject to these things. This is why some may say that they don't even have meaning to life. Well life is not supposed to make meaning if you have not discovered purpose.  It's just like a car with no fuel in it; you cannot drive it; and as such it has defeated the purpose for its creation. Our purpose is supposed to be the fuel that drives our every day life but when we have not truly discovered it; our reason for living becomes vague. We have been made to understand that without the manual of the manufacturer;  it is totally impossible for that product to be used. As such without our understanding of the Father's intent for our creation;  we cannot fully show forth this glory. The manual as we have come to know is the Holy Scripture; the Word of God in print. This word as we see from scriptures has been given to us by God himself through men who are inspired by His Holy spirit; and it is so that there might be a yard stick for our living;  a control box for our daily life activities. His word says in 2Timothy 3:17 "that ye may be perfect and furnished unto all good works". You ever wonder what it will be like if there are no laws in a society; no laws guiding the members of the community; everyone lives according as He pleases. In no time anarchy will set in; because every man decides how he lives his life and how I live will definitely be differeent from another person. Hence,  we must have this manual guide us into Purpose and also help us grow into its full actualization.

We must again also know that in every product lies the glory of the Manufacturer. Thus, we were created by God to reveal his Glory and the only way we can reveal his Glory by doing such good works as have been shown us. How do we know this good works when we have not even found them out. Yes, the bible says in Matthew 13:11; unto us it is given to know the secrets of the kingdom; but how can we know when we have not even understood how to access them. Thus; it becomes imperative that we set out in search of these things. According to the scripture;  it is a treasure that must be sought for and when found kept (Matthew 13:44) so that it is not taken (the parable of the sower). 

The scripture talks about ways we can profit in this word that is made FREELY available unto us (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Profitable for Doctrine:  Doctrine here, can also be termed as Principle. Principles are a set of rules that is to be followed and also intended to guide a certain path of life. From scriptures; we see God dealing with man on the altar of these instructions. Right from creation in the garden of Eden even to how He dealt with the israelites all through their journet from the land of Egypt to Canaan. There are various laws that God want us to obey, so that we can have a better ending. Deut 28:1-13 talks about the rewards in obeying these laws.

Profitable for Reproof: To reproof simply means to rebuke i.e make an expression of strong disapproval. Embedded in God's words are not just principles and instructions; also in them are proven words of rebuke; to help straighten us and make us right before Him. Once we go against His instructions;  He sends the words again in reproof that we may know we have strayed from His intentions towards us. This, He did many times through Moses to the people of Israel;  the same way He is doing to us in our world today through the mouths of prophets, pastors and teachers.

Profitable for Correction:  Also in God's words are words of correction. To make anew; to make afresh; to restore. All these are deposited in His word and they are all for our profiting. Whether it be in our thoughts, reasoning, actions; we must give in to these Holy corrections as I would like to put it. 

Profitable for instructions in righteousness: We have been made to see this earlier.  The word will not only instruct us in our natural life by giving us principles that guide our day-to-day life; "thou shall not steal"; "thou shalt not commit adultery"; "thou shalt not covet your neighbour's property". It doesn't do this alone, it also guides our personal walk with Him; our relationship with The Father. Our God is a Holy and Righteous God; the same way He told Abraham our father; walk before me and be thou blameless (Genesis 17:1) is the same way He expects us to do today also. And all that we will ever require, He has provided for us in His Word. All we need do now is to sit with the Word; study the Word; let it form a major part of our daily life; meditate upon the Word. REMEMBER, the Word you don't sit with; you don't study, you don't meditate and you certainly don't make a part of your life will NEVER profit you. Only those that are ready to receive and also willing to abide by will enjoy the fruits. _Every tree sows fruits; but not every one benefits from these fruits._ It takes your decision to move close; then reach out for these fruits before you can enjoy them. 

God bless you.. Amen!!!!

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The Men That Lead

Building Manhood


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