Romans 8:29-30
29 For whom he did foreknew, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
This week, we will be dealing with a topic that will enable us to understand life and its essence. Life is truly good if we truly understand what it is in its right state. Understanding is vital to make the most of every journey in life. You have understanding, you have life. The Bible in the book of Psalm 119:144 "Give me understanding, that I may live". This is to emphasize the necessity for Understanding in our everyday walk. From scriptures, we see in the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth (Genesis 1). The first place God created was a habitat. The heaven and the Earth. These two habitat are where life exist but in different forms. He didn't first create the man before He created the Earth; He didn't create the birds of the air before he did the Heavens. This to tell us that all God made, He had a reason for their existence and an importance to how they existed. This is Predestination.
From the scriptures, we see only Spirit beings live in Heaven while Spirit in the body live on Earth. When God created the earth, He breathe the spirit in the body in other for life to begin on Earth. God and His Angels occupied Heaven, while man was to occupy the Earth. The Heavens was to be dominated by heavenly bodies as we have today and the Earth by men. This was God's original intent - his preformed plan.
"Predestined" is an English word that has a prefix -pre which means 'before'. Predestined simply means a Prepared destiny . According to Merriam Webster dictionary, it means to fore-ordain to an earthly or eternal lot or destiny by Divine decree. A predestined life is a life God has prepared the end and inserted it into human spirit enveloped in the body. Therefore, this means the end of every human is known by God, but he has to start his end from the beginning and get to what is God's plan for his life; because God has an already made planned for your life - Predestination. Even though God has a plan for our lives, we have been given the power of choice. It is either to accept his way or path or not. For an instance, you were asked to come down to Lagos but you don’t know Lagos talk less of knowing how to get there. The person asking you to come knows everything about your destination, your course and everything. If he sends you the address, you can decide to follow or not and if you don’t follow, you already know where you are going to end. This is likened also to our God. He knows all about where we are going, how we will get there, the hurdles we have to cross; we on the other hand are the ones invited on the journey - you and I. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
A manufacturer or Creator always gives a direction for use to its product in other for it to have a good end. When God created Adam and Eve he told him what has been predestined for him. He said in Genesis 1:28 "have dominion, subdue, multiply and be fruitful". These are what God planned in Adam and God gave him the direction for use; but Adam went against God's will and lost this right when he disregarded God's instruction. When God referred to death in that passage, He was referring to the loss of connection between God and man, a spiritual death. A tree that has lost connection with its root will wither away; a river that has lost connection with its source, will dry up quick; the same way it is here. If we have lost contact with the spirit, then the flesh will start controlling the spirit.The flesh does not have the capacity to fulfill your destiny, it is only a spirit that is connected to God that can fulfill destiny.
Every human being created by God is made for more regardless what you have achieved today. There is always the best even if you have attained the better, there is the excellent if you have attained the best and there is the perfect if you have attained the excellent.
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