In life, there are two sides to every matter; you either get a reward for doing or you get the consequences for not doing. We have looked into understanding vital keys to a successful leadership and the benefits of possessing these two traits - Discipline and Diligence. But in the place of not possessing, what is the outcome.
✓ Indiscipline : If a leader will not love discipline, then he will love indiscipline. The trait of indiscipline is such that it prevents leaders from listening to corrections, pride sets in and a loose life is being lived. These things tend to affect leadership and may be the "norm" approach and could destroy everything especially the church. A leader who cannot discipline his mouth, his eyes, even his want for certain things will only end up treading the path of destruction, and drag even others with him.
✓Laziness (non- diligence). The opposite of Hard work is Laziness. A lazy person can never get things done. He or she has excuses for every action. A leader who posseses this attribute will never be successful in that which he doeth.
When you are in a bad situation; with continual weariness, leaders tend to lose primary focus, be ineffective and most dangerously, become a stumbling block to others. We as leaders definitely wouldn't be able to function as He called us, nor will be able to worship and serve God effectively.
Proverbs 24: 30-34, Matthew 25: 1-13, Mark 14:32-42)
✓Failure in Leadership: We must understand that everything falls and rises under Leadership. A leader without discipline and diligence will not successfully rise no matter how he tries. As a leader, these two keys will enhance your growth as a leader. As a leader we must imbibe these gift, if we truly want to emerge true leaders.
✓Broken character: A leader without a disciplined lifestyle will soon lose his character, Capacity is what brings every man to Leadership while character is what sustains him, so without character, the leadership will never be sustained. Diligence deals with capacity while discipline deals with Character. Character is the real you when nobody is watching you. For instance, Joseph had the two traits and he was able to sustain his Leadership at Egypt but Samson only possessed diligence not discipline that was why he never ended well.
✓Abuse of power: A leader that lacks either or none of the gifts will eventually abuse the power of leadership. A man once said "to know the true character of a leader, give him money and power". Power reveals the true character of a man. When power is misused, a leader will turn into a manipulator, therefore it becomes very important as leader to possess these two traits.
✓A people scattered: Hosea 4:6 "my people are destroyed because they lack knowledge". A leader is expected to build up certain virtues in his followers. When he lacks these truths, he cannot teach them. Having no understanding of these, the people are easily swayed. Ecclesiastes 10:16 "Woe unto thee oh land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning". As leaders, whatever we do do, we must understand there are lives attached to ours and we will be accountable for how we led them.
If a leader is good, it will show in his followers; a leader is bad, it will also show in his followers. They are a proof of your leadership. If you lead them right, they are right; bit if you lead them wrong, they will only be a source of concern to you and the world at large.
Thank you for following through the series. God bless you all
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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