Knowledge is very vital on the way to our Glorious destiny(Hosea 4:6). Without Knowledge, you cannot know the path to your destiny neither can you understand how to walk the path. Hence, we will be considering today some required knowledge that will help take you to your destination.
Knowing your God helps you to see your destiny. Having a glorious destiny begins with you having the understanding that it is God who has prepared your destiny. In order to now fulfill that destiny, you must grow deeper in your knowledge of God. Until you have understood the Creator's purpose for your existence, there is a tendency that you may abuse the product. One way we can know our God and His plans concerning our Glorious destiny is through reading your Bible - daily and continued reading. The Bible is God's wisdom in print. The wisdom for his creation is resident in the Bible and since we are all creations of His, it is important that we study the Scriptures. It is God's manual for our triumphant, glorious and victorious living.
Also reading spiritual books from Anointed Men of God, praying to God for direction, all these are ways through which we can access this needed Knowledge. Doing this, it becomes easier for you to fulfill your destiny.
It is also very essential to note that Knowing your Destiny enhances your Vision. One of the most powerful weapon God gave to humanity in order to fulfill their destiny is the power of vision: not sight. It makes you to see the end from the very beginning and that will produce a passion to keep you going so as to get to your destination. Once your vision is already clear, then you begin to walk in line of fulfilling it.
Knowing your vision also helps to choose Destiny friends. The truth is the journey of destiny cannot be journeyed by only you, you need destiny friends that will help you get to your destination. Look at the story of David and Jonathan. Such friends have to be in your life for you to maximize your God ordained glorious destiny. You cannot run it alone, you need people that are oriented in that line as you are to help motivate and also run with the vision. A Destiny friend is simply someone that God has appointed to help you get to your destination. Jesus Christ himself did not fulfill His destiny only by Himself. The most Anointed son of God still needed the company of the 12 disciples.
Knowing and identifying this set of right company brings you to your destination and that will result to your Glorification. When you have selected your destiny friends, then the journey to your destiny becomes smooth as did David's. Why is this so? They become committed to helping you fulfil it in every manner and way. The end of every fulfilled destiny is GLORY(Romans 8:30).
May we all end well and end fulfilled in Jesus mighty name. AMEN
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