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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Earlier this week, we began exploring the nature of a Predestined life. We must understand that a predestined life is one already ordained by God and prepared for man to manifest. Let's look at Jeremiah's account in the book of Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations".

Just like Jeremiah, there is a prepared destiny for every man on the platform Earth which God has before hand engrafted in us to fulfil.

Every human being created by God was created for more regardless what they have achieved. There's a lot that God has deposited in every human being; our Destiny is to be like the end of his dear son, because that is whom we have been conformed to be (2Corinthians 3:18). However, it is possible for man not to identify what has been deposited in him nor understand how to make the most of it.  

What does it mean to live a fulfilled life? Fulfilment in life is a state of absolute or total completeness in your assignments. Jesus Christ when be was here on Earth lived a fulfilled life; this was why at the cross, he could say the words IT IS FINISHED. This statement is a proof of completed assignment. The last statement of a thoroughly finished man should be just those 3 words "It is finished" but it's quite unfortunate that many don't get to this end. 

God has chosen your destiny but you decide the fulfilment. Fulfilment of destiny is not a function of how long we lived but how well we have lived on Earth. Jesus Christ died at the age of 33 years, and he fulfilled his destiny as a result of prompt response to the voice of the Father. Jesus is our true model, one we should all emulate in other to have a good end. In order to fulfil one's destiny, there is a part we ourselves have to play in running with all that's been deposited in us. This was what Jesus Christ did, never for once did He stop racing after destiny.

In the journey to our destination ( pre - destined end), we must understand that there is a place of seasons. A season is a time defined by particular circumstances or features. According to Merriam  Webster dictionary, Time is a piece of eternity. When God created every individual and prepared our Destiny, He put us in time, so that we can have a beginning and an end (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2). God does not live in time, He is not bound by time, He exists  in eternity. We must understand that there are certain times for certain occurrences in our lives. On the path to our glorious destiny, Time is one vital tool that we must exploit. God gave us time so we can be reminded of how we are to live. From the Scripture, we understand that there are different times and seasons; to sow, to reap, a time to get, a time to lose, a time to labour, a time to enjoy, and so on. We are to operate via these to fulfil our destiny.

We must understand that God never said everything will be fine but he promised us that if we can hold on to him, then we will become victorious. God's love is longsuffering (Num 14:18); God's love is not forever suffering. It may be long but not forever suffering. On your journey towards your destiny, it is expedient we build our Faith. In this context, Faith is the driving force that pulls us toward destiny. Faith draws Grace from above to finish till the end. We will all end well In Jesus mighty Name. Amen 



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