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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



What is Transformation?

According to the dictionary, transformation means the act of transforming or the state of being transformed. It is also defined as a marked change in appearance or character, especially for the better.

What is Transaction?

According to the dictionary, transaction is an act of conducting or carrying out business, negotiation and plans; an exchange or trade as of ideas, money, goods etc.

Differences between Transactional leadership and Transformational leadership.

We understand that transformational leadership is when the behaviours of leaders influence followers and inspire them to perform beyond their perceived capabilities. This form of leadership doesn't give based on merit or on the fact that one deserves it but on the basis of service and love. In this form of leadership, leaders employ enthusiasm and charisma to influence their followers. As from definition we have been stating, transformational leadership is based on leaders ability and personality traits to make changes through examples. They earn trust, admiration and respect from their surbodinate. They focus on values, ideas, needs and morals of the followers and are change-oriented.

Transactional leadership on the other hand, in one word is quid pro quo ( meaning "this for that") one has to earn in this type of leadership. Every follower must deserve every type of mentorship and idea dispensation. In transactional leadership, leaders employ punishments and rewards and motivation for its followers. This type of leaders are action oriented, rigid and self directive. They also focus on maintaining favourable relationship with the followers. Unlike how transformational leaders are proactive, transactional leaders are reactive

In transformational leadership, every follower is considered as potential leaders while in transactional leadership only one person is seen as the leader.

Characteristics of transformational and transactional leadership

Some Characteristics of a transactional Leadership.

✓ Extrinsic motivation

✓ Opposed to change

✓ Conventional decision making

✓ Performance oriented

✓ Structured

✓ Directives

Some Characteristics of transformational Leadership

✓ Curiosity

✓ Communication

✓ Visionary

✓ Team first Attitude

✓ Simplicity

✓ Charismatic

✓ Tolerance for risk

In the next article on this series we shall be explaining these highlighted characteristics. 

Thank you. 

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



In this week article, we will be making a study into another style of leadership - TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP

Leadership is the ability to rally men and women towards a common goal and interest in the spirit of Capacity and Character building. Our case study this week is Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of United States of America.

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th US president was born on February 12th, 1809. He was an American Lawyer and a statesman and was sworn-in to 1861 until his assassination in 1865. He was an educated man who had passion for public education. He became a lawyer and U.S Congress man in 1849. He returned to his law practice but became vexed by the opening of additional lands to slavery as a result of the Kansas Nebraska Acts.. Lincoln led the nation through the America civil war, the country's greatest moral, cultural, constitutional and political crisis. He succeeded in preserving the Union, abolishing slavery boistering the federal government and modernizing the U.S economy.

His Legacy as a

Republican: Lincoln's redefinition of Republican values has been stressed by historians and was called declaration of Independence-which emphasizes freedom and equality for all.

Reunification of the State: in Lincoln's inaugural address, he explored the nature of democracy. He denounced succession as anarchy and explained that majority rules had to be balanced by constitutional restrains.

What then is transformation?

Transformation can be defined according to Mariam Webster dictionary as an act, process or instance of transforming or being transformed. To transform means to change the form of, nature of or the appearance of something, someone or an entity.

What is Transformational Leadership?

Transformational Leadership is a theory of leadership where a leader works with teams beyond their immediate self interest to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through influence, inspiration and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a group. Transformational leadership is when the behaviors of leaders influence followers and inspire them to perform beyond their perceived capabilities.

Transformational leadership inspires people to achieve unexpected or remarkable results. Transformational Leadership also serves to enhance the motivation, morale and job performance of followers.Transformational leaders typically perform four distinct behaviors, also known as the four I's. These behaviors are as follows: Inspirational motivation, Idealized influence, Intellectual stimulation, Individualized consideration.

✓Inspirational motivation is when the leader inspires their followers to achieve. This leader sets high and reasonable goals for their followers and their organization. They inspire commitment and they create a shared vision for their organization.

✓Idealized influence is when the leader acts as a strong role model for their organization and leads by example. This leader consider the needs of their followers and prioritize their needs.


✓Intellectual stimulation is when the leader encourages their followers to think for themselves. These leaders are creative, innovative, and are very open to new ideas. They tend to be tolerant of their followers' mistakes, and even encourage them as they believe they promote growth and improvement within the organization.

✓Individualized consideration is when the leader establishes a strong relationship with their followers. These leaders act as a caring supportive resource for their followers and their organization. They mentor their followers and allocate their time to developing their followers potential.

These four behaviors were what Abraham Lincoln exercised and he is still regarded today as one of the best presidents United States of America ever had. Lincoln is remembered as a martyr and hero of the United States and is consistently ranked as one of the greatest presidents in American history. In the 21st century, President Barack Obama named Lincoln his favorite president and insisted on using the Lincoln Bible for his inaugural ceremonies.


The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



One of the tools used to sharpen or shape the mind is Words. Words are important drivers of anything man desires to become. Knowing the right words, speaking the right words even doing those right words are key to a man fulfilling his ultimate goal on Earth. Even God used the word when He called forth things that previously didn't exist into existence. Hence, we must understand that whatever importance we give to the word we must also give to studying the word. Reading has a major role to play when it comes to us accessing information or truth. The words you don't read, you simply cannot access and once you don't have access to it, the words can't profit you. The place of Reading is however thus important. 

"To read" according to Webster Dictionary is to receive or take in the sense of letters, words etc, especially by sight or touch. When we read, we feed our minds with the correct tools to shapen the mind in order to achieve our dreams.

What then is Dream? 

☑️Dream is a long distance journey that requires right information to reach it. Words are used as blocks to shape our dreams to the form we want. Dreams without right words are called illusions. Your mind can only be strong and powerful when it is fed with the right words, to the extent that it can help you to overcome incredible obstacles and position you to become what you dream of. 

☑️A dream is a picture of the future and this picture appears in the mind. One of the way you can feature in the picture of the future is by educating your mind, reading books or learning a skill in accordance to the future you want to feature.

How then can you achieve your dreams?

1.Be a committed learner: 

We must understand firstly that there is nothing new under the sun. It is either someone else has acheived your dreams or laid a foundation for the fulfilment of your dreams. The place of learning is thus very paramount and this can be done either through learning a skill that is in accordance to the dream, or reading books that is related to the dream.

For instance, Richard Branson who was a case study in our previous article, is someone who loves reading cosmic books. This among many others brought light to his dream. Anything the physical eyes cannot see; this means it is dark to us. When we can't see our dreams, this is what it literarily means. They are dark to us; and no man achieves anything in the absence of light. 

We cannot see the future with our physical eyes and this is the reason we need light to educate our mind. Education is light needed for the eyes to see and not just see, but see efficiently and effectively.

2. The Triple D's (Discipline, Diligence and Determination): 

For you to acheive your dreams; you need these triple D's. Discipline guides you towards your dreams; Determination focuses your attention towards your dreams; and Diligence energizes you to work hard toward your dreams.

3. Put it on paper: 

A dream is a picture of the future that the eye of the mind can see. Therefore, it is imperative that you write it down, paste it where your physical eyes can see and run with it regularly in order to believe and acheive it.   

Thank you and Remain blessed.


Building manhood...



There are wise popular sayings that go thus; "those who achieve greatness in life have most of the time dreamt greatness". "You cannot become what you have not first imagined". "A man's station is only limited by his imaginations". 

Also, looking into the scriptures (Genesis 13:14-15); God told Abraham, _"for as far as thou can see I have given unto you"_. Thus, for every great thing we aspire to be, there must always be a great dream preceding it. This week we will be looking at the story of a man who had great dreams and was able to acheive his dreams. In our dreams coming into fulfillment, there are certain things that must be put in place, some of which we will be looking at.

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson, our case study for this article is a British English magnate, born on 18th July 1950. He is a big time investor, author and a commercial astronaut. Also, He co-founded the Virgin group, a conglomerate which dates back as far as the 1970s. At the time he did this, he was a young adult with the vision of a great future. Branson expressed his desire to become an entrepreneur at a young age. He didn't have it all rosy for him, didn't go to a prestigious university and in fact, he didn't even complete his secondary  education, but yet He was still able to achieve greatness in life. He ranks one of the top UK billionaires  according to Forbes. How was he able to do this? History makes us know that growing up, Richard Branson suffered from a condition called "Dyslexia" which is the inability or difficulty to read". Thus, he couldn't keep up with his studies as a teenager. He didn't fit in at all. Despite these odds on his journey, he never allowed his inefficiencies to prevent him from attaining great heights or stopping him from fulfilling his great dreams. Rather than allowing his challenges to make him feel inferior, He had to set out to find the key to success which according to him was to focus on the things he was passionate about and this we see he was able to fulfil.

In that time of his life when he fullfiled his dream of going to space; He said, _“I was once a child with a dream looking up to the stars. Now I am an adult in a spaceship looking down to our beautiful Earth. To the next generation of dreamers; if we can do this, just imagine what you can do"._ This he said while sharing a clip of himself and his team floating in the ship. From his story, we can see that a tender age, he was sold out to his dreams, determined not to back out at the presence of obstacles. He had so many great dreams and was able to fulfil them. Even at an old age, he fulfilled his dream of flying in space. This shows us that there is never an age you get to that all your dreams and hopes can't be realized. So many men like this also in our world today. It is never too late to fulfill your dreams. 

What is a dream?

A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. Imagination is one of the greatest power God gave humanity. It is as powerful to the extent that you can travel to your future and yet you are still in your present. The seat of imagination is in the mind and that is where our sight is located. We see "through" our eyes but we see "with" our mind. The mind is what we use to see the future while the eyes just see what is now. The power of imagination can enable our roaming without opening our physical eyes. The mind is as important to the future as the eye is important to the present. Without the mind, one cannot see the future and automatically a future you don't see you are not permitted to become. A future you cannot visualize, you cannot realize. A future lost is a life lost. 

Dreams generate from the mind but if the mind is not taken care of by constantly feeding it positively and taking positive actions, then the dream may not be achieved. Looking at the story above, Bramson had a dream but he did not just stop there, he did a lot of things which we will unveil even as we journey in our articles...


The Men That Lead

Building Manhood




1. Understand that God is the originator of all purpose: For every purpose on the heaven, God is the master planner (Genesis 1:1, Jeremiah 1:5). The Bible made us understand that He created everything in the earth including that reason for your existence which is Purpose. Therefore, to fulfil purpose we must have an understanding that it all comes back to Him. No man can ever know his purpose or how to live it outside the One who gave it. God is the creator, we are the works of His creation according to Ephesians 2:10; hence we must acknowledge Him always on the path to fulfilling purpose.

2. Give yourself to prayer:We have all heard the usual saying that prayer is the pillar of every Christian, the same goes for a man who wants to fulfil purpose. Why! Firstly, prayer is a communication between man and God; God, who is the originator of our purpose. Hence, if we must identify with our Purpose, then we must communicate with the giver. We can only do this when we pray constantly unto him. Secondly, apart from seeking to know your purpose, the way to go about it is also revealed through Him. _Deut 29:29 "the secret things belongeth unto God but the things which are revealed belong unto us..."_. We have to understand that prayer is one way we seek direction from God (Isa 48:17). He leads in the way we should go; and this way is only revealed to us when we are constantly in communion with Him

3. Put in the work of Faith: It is one thing to pray, it is another to pray in Faith. The purpose has been given but to see it come to pass, you have to believe every of its content. Believing as God has shown you not as you deem fit. For every purpose from God, man must take responsibility; and one way by which we take this responsibility is through Faith. Faith is that force that accelerates our prayers. You have prayed, it's time to put in the work of Faith.

4. Be Obedient: Finding purpose can come in diverse ways. One of such ways is through instructions. The originator, God himself, will instruct; it is now up to he who is instructed to run with every instruction obediently. We are to obey regardless of the circumstances that surround the vision; obeying unrelently, both to the full and to the end (Num 14:24). The proof that you have accepted that which is said is shown when you obey dilligently.

5. Give yourself to meditation: Meditation just refers to deep thoughts. God has revealed the purpose unto you; it is now left for you to also think deeply on that which he has said. Your thinking is not to go against what He has said. But you are quietly building solid grounds in your thoughts for actualization. No man gets a successful project done without first going to the inner room of his thoughts. He doesn't go there to find negativities but to build strong defenses that can withstand the test of time. If your thoughts are not positive, then your ways cannot be. Because out of your thoughts come the fuel that keeps you in motion. Positive thinking, this is Meditation.

6. Be diligent: DILLIGENCE is one vital tool if we must fulfil our God ordained pattern for our life which is Purpose. Your ability to persevere, to remain consistent,  conscientious is key to actualizing Purpose. Every good purpose has the capacity to produce results but it is what you do with the Purpose that determines this. A good seed has the innate ability to germinate into good fruits, but if it is sown in a bad ground, it may not. This does not stop it from being a good seed but the end result which is a good fruit has been changed. One fertile ground for which the seed of Purpose is grown is Diligence. _Proverbs 22:29 "seest thou a man dilligent in his business, he shall stand before Kings and not mean men"_. Let us learn that Hard-work which is Diligence does not kill; it only refines.

7. Write your vision down: Habakkuk 2:2 talks about writing our vision. Vision is the unfolding of God's plan which is His purpose for our lives. For every purpose of a man, the revelation of it is Vision. Thus, as these things are revealed unto us, we must pen them down. Remember, every purpose will materialize if due course is followed.  One reason we must write them down (from God's word in Habakkuk) is "so that they will run with it them that see it". In us fulfilling our vision, we are not the only ones involved. There are several others that will run also with the vision who God will show us as we journey with Him. This makes writing the vision down of utmost importance. Also we tend to forget less the things we have in store. Why? Because when we go back, they are easily searchable. A Vision not written can easily be lost compared to one that is written. Write the vision plainly. To write plainly means to be clear enough. The vision must be as God has given it; no additions, no substractions; in actual sense it must be PURE.

8. Share your vision: The last phrase in the scripture Habakkuk 2:2 "so that he may run that readeth it". The vision is not for you to keep or to Lord over as some do. It is for you to share with others. You will grow in your vision and others too will. Every vision from God has the capacity to bless as much persons as possible, but it will come through one vessel. Let's look at our Father Abraham, through him God blessed a whole generation of which you and I are beneficiaries. This is how Purpose stems from generation to generation. Also, from God's word; it was Jacob who God gave the ministry of cross breeding animals to, now we see so many follow this path in the world today. Never think the vision is for you and your family; do not cripple the vision. Also, when fulfilling your vision, it is important to note that you don't share with just anybody. This is why in the previous point, we see that God is the one that shows you these persons. Just obey and be alert enough to follow.

9. Wait patiently: Habakkuk 2:3 also says "for the vision is yet for an appointed time, it shall speak, it will surely come, it shall not tarry". Every vision will speak but according to God's time and season. It is not in man to fulfil his vision; you have to trust the Visionary; the one who has made it possible in the first place. He knows what is best and the time that is best. All we have to do is trust in Him, trust in His process and wait patiently. 

10. Learn moderation: Modesty, Moderation, Contentment is key to making the most of our Purpose. Yes, God has the capacity to do great and mighty things, but be contended with the way He is doing it. Do not expect big when it is small that is necessary at that time. Just be contended, be moderate and modest. No car ever remains on the same spot getting to its destination. When ignited, it also doesn't just start moving on a very fast speed; it is a gradual process. This is the same way it is with our purpose. With God on our side, we are sure to fulfil Purpose but let Him lead and we follow.

I pray God blesses us and grants unto us more understanding. Amen

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood

Generation Of Purpose Part 2

Generation Of Purpose Part 2

How Do I Discover Purpose?

✓ Go to the manufacturer : The manufacturer of any product is still the only one that knows 100% of the product, so he is totally in charge of the product. God is the manufacturer while man is the product. The best place to take our products to for repair, or to know more about the product is the company where the product was manufactured - because they know everything about the product. The same applies to Man  (Product), to know your Purpose, you have to go to God the manufacturer. This process is for three basics reasons which are : Asking, seeking and knocking. Asking in Prayer, seeking Him in his word (Manual) and knocking to wait for reply which I describe as meditation. If you engaged these processes, then I believe your answers will be delivered.

✓ Serve faithfully in that organization you belong: Luke 16:     12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? What I have come understand is that not everyone will be the founder of an organization, you must understand that Purpose discovery is not synonymous to Founder of organization, therefore, in any organization you find yourself, serve faithfully there, it may be there you will discover your purpose or where you have been assigned by God to function to serve your generation. The organization you are at can be a stepping stone or a learning process. There is corporate Vision but different parts must be played in order for the actualization of the Vision. 

Note : Vision comes from a known Purpose. 

✓ Check within yourself : You must understand that people's Purpose in life is always connected to their Gifts/Talents. In other words, your gift/talents can be a pointer to what you are created to solve. The gifts, talents and skills are your hidden potential i.e untapped resources. You are to activate them by building capacity for the gifts, talents and skills to be marketable i.e to serve your generation. You have to guard them by righteously using them, unless you'll begin to use them wrongly or for selfish interest. Remember your gifts/talents is to serve your generation and build a stepping stone for the coming generation.

To be continued...

Thank you

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



Esther 4: 14 for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?_

The Story in the book of Esther helps us to understand the concept of this week's topic.

King Xerxes organized a banquet for the nobles and officials in the land. The King commanded the Queen Vashti to display her beauty to the people and nobles for she was very lovely to look at but the Queen refused to come and thereafter she was deposed and Esther was made Queen because the king was attracted to her than any other woman. There is a man called Haman who had a plot to destroy the Jews because the King had elevated him higher than the nobles in the kingdom, he was not aware that queen Esther was a Jew so therefore his plans was destroyed when Esther discover his purpose and she saved the Generation of the Jews.

God created the Heaven and Earth and caused it to serve the purpose of generation for all living creature. 

What is a Generation?

Generation according to oxford dictionary is the average amount of time needed for children to grow up and have their own children. Generation also means descendant, progeny, offspring. As God created the heaven and the Earth for a purpose. We must understand that everything created by God had been ordained to be a blessing or addition to his or her generation. The plants and animal are beneficial to themselves. In the field of biology, there is what we call plant microbiome which helps  plants to remain fit and also offers critical genetic variability. So also animals also are created to be an addition to their species. Every generation must be an improvement to the previous generation. If you are not adding value to the coming generation, then you have not started living, you are merely existing.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is God’s intention for your being created i.e. the "why" of your creation. God is a God of purpose. Everything he created serves a purpose like for instance the purpose of heaven and Earth is for the preservation of all the generations of everything created in it. Plants and Animals were created for a purpose. A man said the greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without purpose. Purpose discovery is what gives life meaning. You can not know what your life contains until you discover purpose. Discovery and fulfillment of purpose is what makes the coming generation to be an improvement to the present generation. You must understand that you are not a biological accident despite the circumstance surrounding your birth. Your parents might have conceived you unknowingly but God created you for a reason. Purpose is the discovery of problem you are created to solve. For instance, the story of Mordecai and Esther in the Book of Esther Chapter 4 verse 14b(NIV), mordecai  said “ who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this, that is to deliver the Jews. This speech was what made Esther to discover her purpose  and she said if I perish, I perish. Discovery of purpose makes you come to the end of yourself because you have found what your life contains.

To be continued...

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood



Earlier this week, we learnt that it is essential to have the fruits of meekness in us as believing children of God. To be meek just means humility, totally submissive, not wanting your own at all times, building capacity in the place of letting in the opinions of others, not being too self indulgent and not too carried away with all that's possessive (I, me, myself). We also learnt that a meek heart is one that is teachable, easy to accept instructions, easily molded. It doesn't resist growth, ever receptive to right directions.

But today, we will look more into the concept of MEEKNESS as a lifestyle. To start with, meekness or one's ability to humble self is not a once and for all thing but it is something continuous. One thing I have come to realize in the kingdom is that Consistency is the rule of the game. To get continuous rewards on every of our seeds, we have to be consistently consistent. A farmer who decides because the planting season is longer than usual, then goes to retrieve his seeds sown can never reap the harvest when it is ripe. One has to just be intentional in these things. Have we ever noticed at times, if we are not totally sold out to something whether it be a calling or a pursuit, it is very easy to derail from it. The same way it is with the spiritual fruits. Yes, we are given through the baptism of the Holy Spirit but continued engagement in them keeps them working in us. This is the way it is with meekness also. From scriptures, Psalms 25:9 says "the meek will he guide". It did not say the used-to-be meek; he who was meek in time past. No, "will" there also shows a state of continuity. As long as he remains meek, he is open to receive instructions that will build, edify and nurture him. Matthew 5:5 "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth". Every blessing in the scriptures is as long as you keep engaging.

The second here is meekness is a thing of the heart. You can't pretend to be meek. It's not a thing you say with the mouth "I am meek". It shows in your actions. It is just as a staff will not tell his boss "I am hardworking, I deserve a raise". It will have to show from your actions. And every action of man stems from the inner man of the heart. Every dictate, every word you speak, step you take are all a function or proceeds of the heart. Romans 10:35 "for with the heart man believeth". This is to tell us that whatever things we believe in, self developed principles, acquired principles; as long as there be some sort of belief in it, it comes from the heart. A truly or genuinely meek person is meek in heart. As long as his heart remains the citadel of meekness, he remains as such because out of this heart flows the issues of life. Meekness in career, spiritual things, academics, relationships, in all kinds of endeavor. As long as the heart is not corrupted, it is constantly given to the word that will nurture and help grow this fruit, we continue to grow in capacity. There are different levels to the manifestation of these fruits. To one it is given to manifest in a thirty, to another in a sixty, to another an hundred. It just depends on how well you have grown or built capacity enough for growth. You cannot grow or build capacity without involving the inner man of the heart.

We must also recognize that the HOLY SPIRIT is the Spirit of meekness. You see a man filled with the Holy Spirit; such is not a man that is proud or wants everything for himself. He does not desire the recognition of others as much as he loves to do what is right. One of the very essence of being Spirit filled is that you will have the fruits in you. One of the things that Aaron and Miriam lacked(Numbers 12). It is not in the natural man to understand the things of the Supernatural(1Corinthians 2:14). The Holy Spirit is that force that bridges the gap of the natural with the Supernatural. With him in us, the Supernatural just becomes our natural order. You who used to find it hard to humble yourself even amongst colleagues, you find that it has now become easy to do. This is the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The Bible describes Him as the Spirit of truth who will come and teach man all things that pertaineth unto truth and godliness. Meekness is a godly trait; hence one of the many truths He has come to take us. When His Spirit takes us over, we begin to manifest without difficulty the fruits He possesses. It becomes easier to succumb to the will of the Father, to obey and follow His leading, to submit as Christ did. This is what the Holy Spirit came to do; to teach us as Christ would have done it. All we just need to do is listen and follow



Building manhood...



Psalms 25:8-9 "Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way. The meek will he guide in judgement: and the meek will he teach his way.

Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth"

From the above scriptures, we are made to understand that meekness is an essential virtue for every born again child of God. Even in the world today, certain things cannot be given unto us without us being humble enough to lay hold on them. David talking here says only the meek can be guided by God. As long as we have the Spirit of meekness in us, we submit ourselves to His leading and we are taught of Him. Remember the Bible talks of us being the clay in the hand of a potter (Isaiah 45). God is the potter; He knows everything about us, our purpose and our journeys in life. He has a better understanding of this. But it's the spirit of meekness in us that will make us succumb to His leading. From God's word, we see He is always instructing, always correcting but only a meek heart can accept these instructions. A haughty heart is never submissive. Even when he walks the path of destruction and the instruction comes to take him off this path, he never succumbs. Why? Because he is not filled with the Spirit of meekness. Our God loves meekness. This is what the scripture makes us understand.  Psalm 138:6 "though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly; but the proud knoweth he from afar". Proverbs 3:34 "surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly. Many instances as this from God's word, to prove his dislike for the sin of pride and his love for the righteousness of meekness. Yes, the righteous are meek! Galatians 5:22-24 makes us understand that one of the fruits of the Spirit i.e the fruit of Righteousness is meekness. Meekness is one of the many proofs of who a truly redeemed child of God is. Every true believer seeks to have a communion with God as every true son his Father, but you cannot have this communion if you detest the fruits he requires. This fruit of meekness! Since God cannot dwell with the proud as we see in Proverbs 6; a believer can only be taught, imparted, instructed, corrected, engraced, blessed, commune with, live a Holy life on the platform of being meek. All these summarize our life as true believers. Proverbs 6:16 "these six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 an heart that devise the wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren". 

From this scripture, we see God hates the abode of the proud. He knows He can never be allowed in; that abode is filled with all evils. With pride, hatred for your neighbors even sets in, mischief, false witness and all that was said in these verses of the Bible. Therefore it is very important for us to have the Spirit of meekness. 

What then is Meekness?

Meekness just means humility. To be meek means to humble one's self. It means to control ego, to submit either to authorities or persons. It means to be selfless; to be lowly in heart. It means to not place much importance on self that it so then affects others. It is willingness to accept; willingness to be taught; willingness to grow. For a person who cannot pay the price of learning i.e. who cannot be taught, he should not expect to enjoy the prize of growth. Meekness even means taking responsibility for your actions. The proud is never responsible for anything. To admit even that a wrong is done by you, you must have the spirit of meekness dwelling on your inside as we see in King David when he was called to order by theProphet Nathan(2 Samuel 12).

It means to not consider yourself above the following(2Timothy 3:16): doctrine , reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness; only then can man be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto good works (verse 17). To be meek means to be totally submissive. Let us understand that being submissive is not a sign of weakness. Moses was meek and according to scriptures he was very great in the land(Exodus 11:3). The things of the Spirit can never be understood in mere mortal wisdom. To the natural man, if you do not show some measure of pride in your dealings, you would be taken for granted. But as believers; children of God, we strive to please God not men. The Bible makes us understand if our ways be pleasant before him, he will make our enemies to be at peace with us. Moreover without meekness, we cannot enjoy the blessings. Because for every blessing from God, there is an instruction to follow, there is always something to do. 

Deuteronomy 28:1 "if thou shall hearten diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set the on high above the nations of the earth". There is always something to do. Bishop David Oyedepo will always say Obedience to God's instructions is gateway to our high places in life. But the proud, the haughty cannot accept His leading not to talk of obeying the instructions. A submissive heart, a submissive will; only one who is humble can receive the instructions and as such inherit the blessings  thereof (Matthew 5:5). 

James 4:5 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up".



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