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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



What is Transformation?

According to the dictionary, transformation means the act of transforming or the state of being transformed. It is also defined as a marked change in appearance or character, especially for the better.

What is Transaction?

According to the dictionary, transaction is an act of conducting or carrying out business, negotiation and plans; an exchange or trade as of ideas, money, goods etc.

Differences between Transactional leadership and Transformational leadership.

We understand that transformational leadership is when the behaviours of leaders influence followers and inspire them to perform beyond their perceived capabilities. This form of leadership doesn't give based on merit or on the fact that one deserves it but on the basis of service and love. In this form of leadership, leaders employ enthusiasm and charisma to influence their followers. As from definition we have been stating, transformational leadership is based on leaders ability and personality traits to make changes through examples. They earn trust, admiration and respect from their surbodinate. They focus on values, ideas, needs and morals of the followers and are change-oriented.

Transactional leadership on the other hand, in one word is quid pro quo ( meaning "this for that") one has to earn in this type of leadership. Every follower must deserve every type of mentorship and idea dispensation. In transactional leadership, leaders employ punishments and rewards and motivation for its followers. This type of leaders are action oriented, rigid and self directive. They also focus on maintaining favourable relationship with the followers. Unlike how transformational leaders are proactive, transactional leaders are reactive

In transformational leadership, every follower is considered as potential leaders while in transactional leadership only one person is seen as the leader.

Characteristics of transformational and transactional leadership

Some Characteristics of a transactional Leadership.

✓ Extrinsic motivation

✓ Opposed to change

✓ Conventional decision making

✓ Performance oriented

✓ Structured

✓ Directives

Some Characteristics of transformational Leadership

✓ Curiosity

✓ Communication

✓ Visionary

✓ Team first Attitude

✓ Simplicity

✓ Charismatic

✓ Tolerance for risk

In the next article on this series we shall be explaining these highlighted characteristics. 

Thank you. 

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood


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