There are wise popular sayings that go thus; "those who achieve greatness in life have most of the time dreamt greatness". "You cannot become what you have not first imagined". "A man's station is only limited by his imaginations".
Also, looking into the scriptures (Genesis 13:14-15); God told Abraham, _"for as far as thou can see I have given unto you"_. Thus, for every great thing we aspire to be, there must always be a great dream preceding it. This week we will be looking at the story of a man who had great dreams and was able to acheive his dreams. In our dreams coming into fulfillment, there are certain things that must be put in place, some of which we will be looking at.
Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson, our case study for this article is a British English magnate, born on 18th July 1950. He is a big time investor, author and a commercial astronaut. Also, He co-founded the Virgin group, a conglomerate which dates back as far as the 1970s. At the time he did this, he was a young adult with the vision of a great future. Branson expressed his desire to become an entrepreneur at a young age. He didn't have it all rosy for him, didn't go to a prestigious university and in fact, he didn't even complete his secondary education, but yet He was still able to achieve greatness in life. He ranks one of the top UK billionaires according to Forbes. How was he able to do this? History makes us know that growing up, Richard Branson suffered from a condition called "Dyslexia" which is the inability or difficulty to read". Thus, he couldn't keep up with his studies as a teenager. He didn't fit in at all. Despite these odds on his journey, he never allowed his inefficiencies to prevent him from attaining great heights or stopping him from fulfilling his great dreams. Rather than allowing his challenges to make him feel inferior, He had to set out to find the key to success which according to him was to focus on the things he was passionate about and this we see he was able to fulfil.
In that time of his life when he fullfiled his dream of going to space; He said, _“I was once a child with a dream looking up to the stars. Now I am an adult in a spaceship looking down to our beautiful Earth. To the next generation of dreamers; if we can do this, just imagine what you can do"._ This he said while sharing a clip of himself and his team floating in the ship. From his story, we can see that a tender age, he was sold out to his dreams, determined not to back out at the presence of obstacles. He had so many great dreams and was able to fulfil them. Even at an old age, he fulfilled his dream of flying in space. This shows us that there is never an age you get to that all your dreams and hopes can't be realized. So many men like this also in our world today. It is never too late to fulfill your dreams.
What is a dream?
A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. Imagination is one of the greatest power God gave humanity. It is as powerful to the extent that you can travel to your future and yet you are still in your present. The seat of imagination is in the mind and that is where our sight is located. We see "through" our eyes but we see "with" our mind. The mind is what we use to see the future while the eyes just see what is now. The power of imagination can enable our roaming without opening our physical eyes. The mind is as important to the future as the eye is important to the present. Without the mind, one cannot see the future and automatically a future you don't see you are not permitted to become. A future you cannot visualize, you cannot realize. A future lost is a life lost.
Dreams generate from the mind but if the mind is not taken care of by constantly feeding it positively and taking positive actions, then the dream may not be achieved. Looking at the story above, Bramson had a dream but he did not just stop there, he did a lot of things which we will unveil even as we journey in our articles...
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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