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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Esther 4: 14 for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?_

The Story in the book of Esther helps us to understand the concept of this week's topic.

King Xerxes organized a banquet for the nobles and officials in the land. The King commanded the Queen Vashti to display her beauty to the people and nobles for she was very lovely to look at but the Queen refused to come and thereafter she was deposed and Esther was made Queen because the king was attracted to her than any other woman. There is a man called Haman who had a plot to destroy the Jews because the King had elevated him higher than the nobles in the kingdom, he was not aware that queen Esther was a Jew so therefore his plans was destroyed when Esther discover his purpose and she saved the Generation of the Jews.

God created the Heaven and Earth and caused it to serve the purpose of generation for all living creature. 

What is a Generation?

Generation according to oxford dictionary is the average amount of time needed for children to grow up and have their own children. Generation also means descendant, progeny, offspring. As God created the heaven and the Earth for a purpose. We must understand that everything created by God had been ordained to be a blessing or addition to his or her generation. The plants and animal are beneficial to themselves. In the field of biology, there is what we call plant microbiome which helps  plants to remain fit and also offers critical genetic variability. So also animals also are created to be an addition to their species. Every generation must be an improvement to the previous generation. If you are not adding value to the coming generation, then you have not started living, you are merely existing.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is God’s intention for your being created i.e. the "why" of your creation. God is a God of purpose. Everything he created serves a purpose like for instance the purpose of heaven and Earth is for the preservation of all the generations of everything created in it. Plants and Animals were created for a purpose. A man said the greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without purpose. Purpose discovery is what gives life meaning. You can not know what your life contains until you discover purpose. Discovery and fulfillment of purpose is what makes the coming generation to be an improvement to the present generation. You must understand that you are not a biological accident despite the circumstance surrounding your birth. Your parents might have conceived you unknowingly but God created you for a reason. Purpose is the discovery of problem you are created to solve. For instance, the story of Mordecai and Esther in the Book of Esther Chapter 4 verse 14b(NIV), mordecai  said “ who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this, that is to deliver the Jews. This speech was what made Esther to discover her purpose  and she said if I perish, I perish. Discovery of purpose makes you come to the end of yourself because you have found what your life contains.

To be continued...

The Men That Lead

Building Manhood


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