1. Understand that God is the originator of all purpose: For every purpose on the heaven, God is the master planner (Genesis 1:1, Jeremiah 1:5). The Bible made us understand that He created everything in the earth including that reason for your existence which is Purpose. Therefore, to fulfil purpose we must have an understanding that it all comes back to Him. No man can ever know his purpose or how to live it outside the One who gave it. God is the creator, we are the works of His creation according to Ephesians 2:10; hence we must acknowledge Him always on the path to fulfilling purpose.
2. Give yourself to prayer:We have all heard the usual saying that prayer is the pillar of every Christian, the same goes for a man who wants to fulfil purpose. Why! Firstly, prayer is a communication between man and God; God, who is the originator of our purpose. Hence, if we must identify with our Purpose, then we must communicate with the giver. We can only do this when we pray constantly unto him. Secondly, apart from seeking to know your purpose, the way to go about it is also revealed through Him. _Deut 29:29 "the secret things belongeth unto God but the things which are revealed belong unto us..."_. We have to understand that prayer is one way we seek direction from God (Isa 48:17). He leads in the way we should go; and this way is only revealed to us when we are constantly in communion with Him
3. Put in the work of Faith: It is one thing to pray, it is another to pray in Faith. The purpose has been given but to see it come to pass, you have to believe every of its content. Believing as God has shown you not as you deem fit. For every purpose from God, man must take responsibility; and one way by which we take this responsibility is through Faith. Faith is that force that accelerates our prayers. You have prayed, it's time to put in the work of Faith.
4. Be Obedient: Finding purpose can come in diverse ways. One of such ways is through instructions. The originator, God himself, will instruct; it is now up to he who is instructed to run with every instruction obediently. We are to obey regardless of the circumstances that surround the vision; obeying unrelently, both to the full and to the end (Num 14:24). The proof that you have accepted that which is said is shown when you obey dilligently.
5. Give yourself to meditation: Meditation just refers to deep thoughts. God has revealed the purpose unto you; it is now left for you to also think deeply on that which he has said. Your thinking is not to go against what He has said. But you are quietly building solid grounds in your thoughts for actualization. No man gets a successful project done without first going to the inner room of his thoughts. He doesn't go there to find negativities but to build strong defenses that can withstand the test of time. If your thoughts are not positive, then your ways cannot be. Because out of your thoughts come the fuel that keeps you in motion. Positive thinking, this is Meditation.
6. Be diligent: DILLIGENCE is one vital tool if we must fulfil our God ordained pattern for our life which is Purpose. Your ability to persevere, to remain consistent, conscientious is key to actualizing Purpose. Every good purpose has the capacity to produce results but it is what you do with the Purpose that determines this. A good seed has the innate ability to germinate into good fruits, but if it is sown in a bad ground, it may not. This does not stop it from being a good seed but the end result which is a good fruit has been changed. One fertile ground for which the seed of Purpose is grown is Diligence. _Proverbs 22:29 "seest thou a man dilligent in his business, he shall stand before Kings and not mean men"_. Let us learn that Hard-work which is Diligence does not kill; it only refines.
7. Write your vision down: Habakkuk 2:2 talks about writing our vision. Vision is the unfolding of God's plan which is His purpose for our lives. For every purpose of a man, the revelation of it is Vision. Thus, as these things are revealed unto us, we must pen them down. Remember, every purpose will materialize if due course is followed. One reason we must write them down (from God's word in Habakkuk) is "so that they will run with it them that see it". In us fulfilling our vision, we are not the only ones involved. There are several others that will run also with the vision who God will show us as we journey with Him. This makes writing the vision down of utmost importance. Also we tend to forget less the things we have in store. Why? Because when we go back, they are easily searchable. A Vision not written can easily be lost compared to one that is written. Write the vision plainly. To write plainly means to be clear enough. The vision must be as God has given it; no additions, no substractions; in actual sense it must be PURE.
8. Share your vision: The last phrase in the scripture Habakkuk 2:2 "so that he may run that readeth it". The vision is not for you to keep or to Lord over as some do. It is for you to share with others. You will grow in your vision and others too will. Every vision from God has the capacity to bless as much persons as possible, but it will come through one vessel. Let's look at our Father Abraham, through him God blessed a whole generation of which you and I are beneficiaries. This is how Purpose stems from generation to generation. Also, from God's word; it was Jacob who God gave the ministry of cross breeding animals to, now we see so many follow this path in the world today. Never think the vision is for you and your family; do not cripple the vision. Also, when fulfilling your vision, it is important to note that you don't share with just anybody. This is why in the previous point, we see that God is the one that shows you these persons. Just obey and be alert enough to follow.
9. Wait patiently: Habakkuk 2:3 also says "for the vision is yet for an appointed time, it shall speak, it will surely come, it shall not tarry". Every vision will speak but according to God's time and season. It is not in man to fulfil his vision; you have to trust the Visionary; the one who has made it possible in the first place. He knows what is best and the time that is best. All we have to do is trust in Him, trust in His process and wait patiently.
10. Learn moderation: Modesty, Moderation, Contentment is key to making the most of our Purpose. Yes, God has the capacity to do great and mighty things, but be contended with the way He is doing it. Do not expect big when it is small that is necessary at that time. Just be contended, be moderate and modest. No car ever remains on the same spot getting to its destination. When ignited, it also doesn't just start moving on a very fast speed; it is a gradual process. This is the same way it is with our purpose. With God on our side, we are sure to fulfil Purpose but let Him lead and we follow.
I pray God blesses us and grants unto us more understanding. Amen
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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