Earlier this week, we learnt that it is essential to have the fruits of meekness in us as believing children of God. To be meek just means humility, totally submissive, not wanting your own at all times, building capacity in the place of letting in the opinions of others, not being too self indulgent and not too carried away with all that's possessive (I, me, myself). We also learnt that a meek heart is one that is teachable, easy to accept instructions, easily molded. It doesn't resist growth, ever receptive to right directions.
But today, we will look more into the concept of MEEKNESS as a lifestyle. To start with, meekness or one's ability to humble self is not a once and for all thing but it is something continuous. One thing I have come to realize in the kingdom is that Consistency is the rule of the game. To get continuous rewards on every of our seeds, we have to be consistently consistent. A farmer who decides because the planting season is longer than usual, then goes to retrieve his seeds sown can never reap the harvest when it is ripe. One has to just be intentional in these things. Have we ever noticed at times, if we are not totally sold out to something whether it be a calling or a pursuit, it is very easy to derail from it. The same way it is with the spiritual fruits. Yes, we are given through the baptism of the Holy Spirit but continued engagement in them keeps them working in us. This is the way it is with meekness also. From scriptures, Psalms 25:9 says "the meek will he guide". It did not say the used-to-be meek; he who was meek in time past. No, "will" there also shows a state of continuity. As long as he remains meek, he is open to receive instructions that will build, edify and nurture him. Matthew 5:5 "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth". Every blessing in the scriptures is as long as you keep engaging.
The second here is meekness is a thing of the heart. You can't pretend to be meek. It's not a thing you say with the mouth "I am meek". It shows in your actions. It is just as a staff will not tell his boss "I am hardworking, I deserve a raise". It will have to show from your actions. And every action of man stems from the inner man of the heart. Every dictate, every word you speak, step you take are all a function or proceeds of the heart. Romans 10:35 "for with the heart man believeth". This is to tell us that whatever things we believe in, self developed principles, acquired principles; as long as there be some sort of belief in it, it comes from the heart. A truly or genuinely meek person is meek in heart. As long as his heart remains the citadel of meekness, he remains as such because out of this heart flows the issues of life. Meekness in career, spiritual things, academics, relationships, in all kinds of endeavor. As long as the heart is not corrupted, it is constantly given to the word that will nurture and help grow this fruit, we continue to grow in capacity. There are different levels to the manifestation of these fruits. To one it is given to manifest in a thirty, to another in a sixty, to another an hundred. It just depends on how well you have grown or built capacity enough for growth. You cannot grow or build capacity without involving the inner man of the heart.
We must also recognize that the HOLY SPIRIT is the Spirit of meekness. You see a man filled with the Holy Spirit; such is not a man that is proud or wants everything for himself. He does not desire the recognition of others as much as he loves to do what is right. One of the very essence of being Spirit filled is that you will have the fruits in you. One of the things that Aaron and Miriam lacked(Numbers 12). It is not in the natural man to understand the things of the Supernatural(1Corinthians 2:14). The Holy Spirit is that force that bridges the gap of the natural with the Supernatural. With him in us, the Supernatural just becomes our natural order. You who used to find it hard to humble yourself even amongst colleagues, you find that it has now become easy to do. This is the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The Bible describes Him as the Spirit of truth who will come and teach man all things that pertaineth unto truth and godliness. Meekness is a godly trait; hence one of the many truths He has come to take us. When His Spirit takes us over, we begin to manifest without difficulty the fruits He possesses. It becomes easier to succumb to the will of the Father, to obey and follow His leading, to submit as Christ did. This is what the Holy Spirit came to do; to teach us as Christ would have done it. All we just need to do is listen and follow
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