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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...


THE MEN THAT LEAD is a men-ministry inspired by God to bring the male-man back to HIS order. This organization aims at reaching out to the men in the society most especially the younger generation, building them in the right path, for quality leadership, helping them recognize their true identity, empowering them with knowledge needed to discover purpose, to impact the society and in turn help the nation as a whole.
       The present-day society is in crisis and we will understand that whatever problems a society faces, mostly the individuals have a part to play.

       Why are we targeting the male-man?

Mankind is in two phases; the male-man and the female-man. From Creation, God put the male-man in control of certain things, He is the head of the home(family) and the home is a functional unit of the society, thus if  the society is faulty, then the male-man has to reconsider his ways and try to discover himself as He is the foundation of the society.

                Our Goals and Objectives

1, Building Godly men both in character and actions.
2. Building the male-man for quality leadership.
3. Helping the male-man discover his purpose and value it.
4. Aligning the male-man back to his creator and most importantly,
5. Building a better society.

   How Do we Aim To Achieve This?

1. By creating platforms where we can minister to the male-man.
2. By leading an exemplary lifestyle.
3. By enlightening the male-man through the use of articles published on social media and other platforms.
4. Hosting youth seminars in schools specially for the male-man.
5. Helping the male-man in terms of academics by organizing tutorials effectively guided towards this purpose.

Our priority is a better male-man, a better home, a better society, a better nation.


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